Thoughts drifting contentedly through her as she relished in the walk to school, Tora nibbled happily on one of the orange rolls Lily had sent with her in a paper bag, enjoying the wash of flavor across her tongue from the cream cheese frosting and real slices of oranges studding the bread. They were her favorite breakfast pastry, a sweet treat from her housekeeper to help in soothing any loneliness she felt with her parents' departure the day before. It helped cheer her up immensely, even with the prospect of having yet another dinner alone that evening waiting for her. Licking traces of frosting from her fingertips, She came around the next corner and had just been reaching into the bag for a second roll when she suddenly froze, eyes widening. "Oh no!" She breathed as she watched another girl darting out into the street in front of a quickly approaching semitruck, Her arms extending at the last moment to scoop something white from the middle of the road, Just missing getting hit herself before collapsing on the other side of the street. The horn blaring, The semi blew past without a single sign that the driver had been prepared to slow down. Heart in her throat, Tora suddenly sprinted forward towards the prone figure on the side of the road, dropping her bag to one side as she quickly got to her knees, Startlingg what she now saw was a rabbit away as she did so. "oh my! Are you all right?" She squeaked in alarm, running her concerned gaze over the other girl as she looked for any injuries.