It was of no use. His expression was bitter but determined to have his timepiece returned. He felt beneath his feet the urge to muster force and leap above-- but the funky pink-creature projected some kind of pink-stained bubble followed by words spoken by them. The force was hard enough to have pinned Bart on his bottom. "Oof!" It was followed by a gentle thud-- the searing quickly crawled into his body. "Bro checked on you, you're fine, no structure tearing, so you can stop complaining now." The creatured continued to blabber its mouth about some kind of digital world gibberish that they are apparently residing-- and were told to 'find our partners' and 'have fun' was a vague send off from these creatures as Bart rose up to his feet, dusting the dirt from his bottom hesitantly but quickly before responding. "What? We're here to find some kind of soul mate? What stupid dating program is this? I'll choose my own dates thanks!" "Who're you calling a dumbass?!" A roughed attempt at trying to sound throaty was heard-- but it was too obvious. Bart knew that was the voice of a girl. "That stuff doesn't belong to you! A-and, what do you mean you have other things to do, you thieves?" There wasn't a lot to comment upon. Typical guy clothes, the rough demeanour. Tomboy. Definitely. Despite of the strikingly weird voice; she does have a point in terms of their belongings. "Y-yeah! What are you two? Some kind of digital world Robin Hood but with no honour?!" The other guys have finally came to their senses and began to also panic. Another girl-- this time with feminine voice-- was still wondering where the hell they are. "If you won't give it back, what can we do to get it back?"