So a couple questions. You gave the history of the digital world, but what about the human world? Specifically, does the digimon franchise exist there, or are digimon a total secret to humans? Is degeneration on command a thing here or is digivolution permanent unless it's specifically a temporary digivolution? And if a digimon appears in the game index you linked to, is it safe to assume that all their digivolution lines are allowed or only the lines given in the game? For example of these last two, could a Bastemon be degenerated into Mikemon and then a Salamon, then digivolved through BlackGatomon into Ladydevimon? Or would it be stuck in the Bastemon line forever, even if its "standard" form was Salamon? Or could Lopmon digivolve in V-dramon or is that not allowed since it's not a line shown in the game?