[center][h1]Taka Frederick & Assassin[/h1][/center] [center]Interacting with: [@Shadow Daedalus] [@vancexentan][/center] [hider=The Battle Begins] Taka had done her best in the struggle, it turns out her opponent was way more prepared for physical combat then she thought, Internally it made her happy. On the outside, however, she was in pain from the multiple hits she took. The female body wasn't naturally known for being tanky. With a grimace on her face, she stared at the face of her opponent as she suspected the niceness was a facade. She hated it when people lied to her. It reminded her of her youth and that pissed her off but she didn't have time to get angry with a gun pointed at her. At the corner of her vision, she saw the knife as she struggled to her feet. She jerked her head suddenly in a manner to dodge the blade as it flew in its trajectory. It lightly grazed her neck causing her to grimace in pain, making her bleed lightly. "Mother f-" She stopped herself as her assailant spoke. So someone wanted them dead. He was going for her. Now was not a good time to stay still. Taka heaved as she moved her aching body in an attempt to avoid him for as long as possible. Keeping her distance while one of her hands was clasped over her the light bleeding on her neck. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jack. That was her name. She couldn't see Taka due to her position on the roof. She hadn't heard the struggle but she had a gut instinct something was wrong. Then she saw it. The flash of a dagger thrown towards her prey. This was part of her primary objective for the day. The world seemed to slow for a moment. She could let it hit, she could let this man who had turned his back on the street below get hit. Part of her wanted to let it happen, let another one die. It would be a rational alternative, however, this was an insult to her pride as the legendary serial killer. The world sped back up, The man would notice the sudden appearance of a white-haired mass adorned in black reaching past him at an almost unnatural speed, She always got the first hit always and with her butcher knives unsheathed and glimmering in the light of the day, the sound of steel grinding against steel could be heard in the air. The dagger that had been throw falling to the floor. Nobody stole her kills. [i]Nobody[/i]. So it was only fair that she got in the way of someone else's assassination attempt. Call her childish but she hated others playing with her toys. Jack's eyes glanced back at the man as if to say "What?" in an almost sarcastic way but she couldn't stay around. She saw her master struggling to keep away from the enemy. She moved quickly her speed a sight to behold, not that anyone would remember. She was moving down the rooftops. Leaping down and rolling with her momentum. She came at the enemy assassin from the side. Getting in the way of his penultimate strike towards her Mother. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Taka look of panic was slowly replaced by confidence. Mother and daughter, back together again on the streets of Fuyuki city. She gritted her teeth as she watched her little Assassin fight. She would take this moment to retreat further back. Calling out to James again. "Temporary truce!" She declared as she moved behind cover. [/hider] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmIwNGFkOS5VbWxrWlhJLC4w/grecian-formula.regular.pngp[/img][/center] [center][color=92278f]Interacting with: [@Turboshitter][/color][/center] [hider=I am not your Mother.] Rider was still propped up on the bed by her arm waiting for her voice to eventually rouse the outline of a boy in front of her. To say the least his mumblings in his sleep didn't bother her much nor did his sudden confusion of whose womb he was birthed from. If this child was going to be her master she would have to lecture him on proper mannerisms of how to greet a lady. 'Mother' wasn't the correct term. His frantic surprise like a rabbit seeing a fox and sudden retreat brought back memories of her days on the island where her prey liked to try and run but when they met her gaze the ending was all the same. His pain brought a slight upward curl to her lips. He wasn't on the bed that's for sure. She guessed he had fallen and hurt himself. A barrage of apology came her way, the type that men make to women when they mess up. Her partial smile remained in this situation. It was nice to have a bit of up-heartedness after what had transpired. She sat silently as she waited for him to pour out the information. She was getting uncomfortable propping herself up. So she moved towards the edge of the bed swinging her legs over the end. They were still partially elevated off the floor. Certainly, the boy's manner of speech was flattering and she liked it somewhat. It reminded her of her early life before she was exiled to the island. When he had finished, she spoke up her voice having some general sweetness to it considering the boy had done nothing but flatter her. [color=92278f]"Hello, Ren."[/color] She began as she looked towards his general direction. She could easily pinpoint his exact spot in his room and subsequently execute him but she figured it would make him be more trusting of her if she lied about the extent of her ability somewhat. [color=92278f]"Last night?"[/color] She began tapping her lips in an effort to coax her recent memories to the front of her thoughts. [color=92278f]"Last night I remember..."[/color] She was going to say feasting on the blood of a few humans but that would completely ruin the boy's view of her, so she decided to mask it as a half truth. [color=92278f]"I was having a meal after my master had died but I didn't have enough energy to go on and well, then you found me beneath the lamppost I presume."[/color] She said finishing her response, her voice still low as if she was making sure nobody outside the room could hear her words. [color=92278f]"Though I have to ask Ren, do you do this to every woman you find unconscious or was I an exception?"[/color] She questioned, her finger lightly curling one of her strands of her hair. She remembered when her hair had been nothing but writhing snakes. She remembered the nonstop noise, good riddance. She had purposely refused to answer the courtesy of replying with a name, well unless the boy specifically asked for one. [color=92278f]"So, do you have any other questions,"[/color] she said still playing with her strand of hair. [color=92278f]"Personally I am waiting for you to ask for me to be your servant."[/color] She mentioned, dropping the bomb right there and then. [color=92278f]"I could [i]really[/i] do with some mana right now."[/color] she said slowly, Medusa wasn't one to beg. He would have to say how much [u][i]he[/i][/u] needed [i]her[/i]. Even if she did need him in order to maintain an anchor to this world. [/hider]