[h2]Amalie Georg Faust, Caster - Scandanavia[/h2] Caster stayed close to her Master, just in case she had to help in some other way, but her eyes were mostly on Edeltaud. Her skillset as a magus did not allow for much in the way of personal offensive capabilities, and most of her magecraft could only be utilized in a fashion that could be referred to as utility. Instead, she fought via the use of her summoned demons. In some cases she could even use them as projectiles and shields, though the later was a rather guilt-inducing outcome. Summoning a demon only to use it to weave a barrier was just cruel! They were her friends, after all! So, for the moment, Caster started to pump her fist in the air, hoping to cheer on her summoned creation as she tore through the undead. Speaking of which, Edeltaud was making quite the effort of it. As the Dead made it to their feet, one barely had time to let out a grow before a particularly forceful axe kick split its body down the middle from head to grow in a shower of blood. The demon butler's heel slammed into the ground and left a crater, as she almost immediately spun and used the side of her right hand to split another of the Dead in half at the waist, a followup blow causing its skull to explode before the upper half hit the ground. Yet another of the reanimated corpses was hit with a sharp open-palm blow to the chest, causing it body to fly backwards and bowl two of its brethren over and for its back to burst open from the force. Edeltaud straightened, and flicked her wrist to shake the blood from her glove. "I won't cease to fight until my Mistress is satisfied," she commented, simply, turning on her heal to kick through another of the Dead's skulls. "Go Edeltaud! Go Edeltaud!" Faust cheered, one arm wrapped around Gretchen and the other pumping her fist in the air, "Smash them all up and we'll have loooots of cake! Lots and lots and lots and lots! Ice cream too I wanna try ice cream!"