[quote=@Silver Carrot] [@Emuxe] Tbh, I don't know how I'm going to weave her into the rp yet [/quote] [hider=Suggestions] [u]1.[/u] She tends to wander and explore forests, correct? Sophia's group is currently traveling through the [b]Eastern Forest[/b]. You could just wait a post or two, until we're in the thick of the wood, and have her pop out all like "Wat r yew dewing in ma woods?" She might just happen to see all the weirdos stomping through the forest, afterall. :lol [u]1A[/u]. Side-note: you mention that she can create "remedies and potions"? Shertul needs those to stop from collapsing in pain, so bonus character interaction if you run into them. [hr] [u]2.[/u] On the other hand, [@Emuxe] has said that Volkungthad is just past the [b]Eastern Forest[/b], so again, if we assume your character is hopping through that part of the woods, she may run into [@Arkaotic]'s new dwarven character near Volkungthad, when Ark introduces him. That would be a good win-win situation for you both to add your new characters. [u]2A.[/u] Maybe [@LiverisGood]'s treant is also in the Eastern Forest, meaning that all [i][b]three of you can add your new characters at the same time. [/b][/i] [u]2B.[/u] Nerzar's layer is hidden beneath Volkungthad. So she may also run into Cindy, if Cindy ever goes back to Nerzar's layer. Or maybe she explores the area herself and runs into Nerzar. But I recommend against this idea compared to finding the dwarf and the treant. [hr] [u]3.[/u] She could always just happen to be in Wellborough. [u]3A.[/u] -Or maybe she is somewhere on the path between Wellborough and the Institute, so she can run into the Nephilim group. Soragoku recently abandoned us all to die, so it'd be nice to fill in the gap he left. [/hider] I have constant writer's block, but damn if I'm not an idea-generator. :lol