[i]“Who are you calling dumbass?” "What? We're here to find some kind of soul mate? What stupid dating program is this? I'll choose my own dates thanks!" “The hell kind of explanation do you call that?! We’re not fine. Where are we? How are we supposed to get home from here? What the fuck are ‘partners’ even meant to be?” “Hey! That stuff doesn’t belong to you! A-and, what do you mean you have other things to do, you thieves?” "Y-yeah! What are you two? Some kind of digital world Robin Hood but with no honour?!" "Sabkon! -er I mean wait! Can you at least tell us where we are?" "If you won't give it back, what can we do to get it back?" [/i] Yup. Flipping out was had. Much flipping out. Piximon groaned and gestured at the humans, even as she looked at MarineAngemon - see how far trying to be nice had gotten them? Not far at all. Zero distance, in fact. And they weren't leaving to go on their adventure already, far away from them. MarineAngemon sighed, though Piximon had a feeling the sigh was at least partially aimed at her. He did look down at the item held in his hands, clearly pondering, and then back at the panicking humans. "You hope he doesn't want them. That's how you'll get them back." Piximon froze at MarineAngemon's words. Honestly, she assumed they'd be perfect, no way he'd turn them down. Why wouldn't he want them? And if he didn't, then what? Before Piximon could ask about that awful possibility, MarineAngemon kept going. His focus was entirely on the frightened and angry humans before him. "It's like my sister said - you are in the digital world. I know it's not part of -" MarineAngemon paused and made a face like he'd bitten into a lemon. "-what you might call the [b]real[/b] world, so you cannot just 'go' home. Not to say you never can. Most legends suggest humans are called over to do some epic quest, complete it, and then sent home safely. No legend has ever ended with a human's death. Not really anyways." He shrugged, still keeping his grip on the digivice. "We're not the ones who called you here, so we have no idea what that quest might be, who you should be talking to, or how long you'll be here. We only found you here, unconscious but unharmed. Unfortunately, this is all the help we can honestly give." MarineAngemon pointed in the direction past the humans. "I suggest heading in that direction? There are a few villages closer to the border of the Central Processing Forest. It seems like the best direction to go for sanctuary and any chance of finding your digimon partner. Most digimon will take one look at you and be falling over their feet to join you, so I don't think you'll have anything to worry about-" It was then that a resounding crack echoed through the forest, from the direction the two small digimon seemed to guard. Their eyes widened as they both looked back toward the sound, and then at each other. Some silent conversation occurred in the moment they stared at each other. Piximon threw her hands up, the digivices clattering to the bottom of her heart-shaped bubble as she did. She dove down to pick them up. MarineAngemon resumed speaking, the gentle tone of his voice replaced by a tremble. "I - I wish you humans the best of luck. We need to go. Now." The bubbles then popped - Piximon barely grabbed the last digivice before it could hurtle to the ground - and MarineAngemon took off back to the treeline. Piximon was only seconds behind him.