[@The1Rolling1Boy] I could battle you. I have 2 characters currently, both with magic on some level, Aelith T'Kalen and Saddaj Dakoren. Aelith is more magic-focused, though. The thread with both of them on is [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/157882-jaces-arena-characters/ooc]here[/url]. Could you give a brief description of your character? It would be easier to work out a fair match like that. Also we need an arena. If you had a specific arena in mind, say so. Otherwise it shouldn't be a hard decision. Also we need to decide as to ranked/unranked (I'm ok with either). I'm pretty inexperienced, so your rustiness shouldn't be a problem. Good luck. Be ready. One of my fighters could strike at any moment.