[center][img]http://www.killerinstinctcentral.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Hisako-Village-Concept-Art-1024x346.png[/img][/center] The village of shrines is like an aged paper lantern, slowly wilting into the earth, smearing away old history along with it. It was built during the Xan Dynasty in honor of the Mud Orphan, Onan. Once viewed by onlookers with awe, many of which traveled from across the realm to pay their respects to the venerable legend. Now, it sits empty and neglected, surrounded by a forest of thieves and bandits that have pillaged its antiquities dry. Through its cobblestone steps and wild overgrowth, a candle is lit. The wax coating is a peculiar red, and even more peculiar is the green flame silently dancing above it. This candle sits on top of a wide marble table, which unlike the decaying furnishings surrounding it, is polished clean. As if from thin air, a pale-faced man appears before the table and sets a ruffled bag on its center. The dark fluid seeping from its bottom makes an unpleasant sound as it touches the table surface. The man utters an incantation, then abruptly unties the bag to reveal a decapitated head. A dim light can be seen in those dead eyes, as if the soul was trying to cling onto its last bits of mortal flesh. The green flame dances lively at the sight. "So long as your name echoes across the grand halls of eternity, I will walk down the devil's path until all heads bow before you." The man turns away from the altar and disappears into the forest. He does not watch the green flame ignite into the misty silhouette of a demon. He does not watch it peel flesh and life force until a skull is laid bare. His sights are only set on the next offering, and he will keep doing so until the debt is paid... [hr] [hider=World Info] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/05/46/ad/0546ad9210dd4244fec66c3a224045a4.jpg[/img][/center] The land of Daokai is currently under the reign of [b]Emperor Jien Wenzong[/b], the 2nd ruler of the [b]Sky Dynasty[/b]. He resides within the [b]City of Virtue[/b] in the north, surrounded by [b]The Five Fortresses[/b]. These fortresses are owned by the most prestigious Imperial families and act as the City of Virtue's security border. Traveling south will take you to the bustling mainland [b]City of Udai[/b], whose borders stretch onto the eastern and southern coastlines. The far western peninsula is the least populated area that is mostly dense with mountainous terrain, known for their [b]Grand Temples of Unoshin[/b]. Across the land to the east is the [b]Lotus Peninsula[/b], where the [b]Iron Schools[/b] train the army's finest warriors. [b]History:[/b] [b]100-148:[/b] The Xan Dynasty rules all of Daokai for nearly 50 years. They've had two emperors under the Shao name. The last emperor, Li Shao, took thirty years of prosperity and dragged it through the mud with heavy taxation, fierce punishment for disobedience, and blatant government corruption. The Sky Rebellion was lead by former Xan General Fong Wenzong, who rallied the people under his banner to overthrow the government in a campaign that lasted six years before Li Shao was forcibly removed from the throne in the summer of 148. [b]149-151[/b] - Emperor Fong Wenzong establishes the Sky Dynasty as the new era to supersede the Xan era. In the autumn of 151, he passed away due to a grave illness. [b]151 AF[/b] (After Emperor Fong Wenzong's rule) - Emperor Jien Wenzong ushers in the Sky Dynasty's 2nd ruler over Daokai. [b]152 AF[/b] - Residual Xan enthusiasts begin their rebellion against the new Empire under the Dragon Fang Liberation Army banner. [b]155 AF[/b] - Plague spreads the eastern coastline. DFLA leader Shun Yun leads his army from the west to disrupt Imperial stockades, effectively choking supply lines leading into three of the Five Fortresses. [b]156 AF[/b] - Emperor Fong Wenzong announces his plea for the DFLA to seize their attacks as the conditions of the plague continues to worsen. Shun Yun responds by laying siege against the Five Fortresses. [b]157-158 AF[/b] - The Sky Dynasty is engaged in a war against the Dragon Fang Liberation Army. The people, who were once mixed in their support between the two warring factions, have been causing an uproar of their own in response to the plague now spreading through most of the southern lands of Udai. [b]159 AF[/b] - Known as many things, but officially termed: The Phoenix Blessing. In a dramatic turn of events, the Sky Dynasty swiftly defeats the DFLA, simultaneously beginning a nationwide purge of the plague. [b]162 APB[/b] (After the Phoenix Blessing) - Consensus reports estimate over 700,000 people are exterminated. The plague has been neutralized in the mainlands, with only small reports of infection in the western peninsula. [b]165 APB [/b] - The Pale Hunter begins his murdering spree, the same year Emperor Jien Wenzong announces the birth of his son. [b]166 APB (Spring) [/b] - The Pale Hunter's death toll rises to 60 known victims. [b]166 APB[/b] (Autumn) - Our story begins... [/hider] [hr] Hello! I'm looking to get back into the rping scene again and hope to get people interested in this fantasy-based Ancient Asia theme I've been meaning to run with for some time. Magic, Sword fighting, martial arts, etc. The basic plot is that a not so friendly individual is going around murdering people. The Prime Minister of the land is appointed by the Emperor to form a group of martial artists (that would be us) to capture and/or kill the suspect. You can either be a volunteer, or be forced to join for whatever reason. The current Emperor in power is not a kind ruler, and his dynasty's reign has seen its fair share of rebellions and corruption. With a serial killer on the loose, tension between the people and government is at an all time high, and the Emperor sees this as an opportunity to regain trust by enlisting popular heroes to fight under his name. Looking for a small group (3-4) of people looking to have some magical kung fu fun without being mean to each other in OOC :)