Markus's thoughts and focus were completely upon the runes that held the key to their survival. Not only for the obvious need they had for opening the portal, but it was magic he had not seen before. Powerful weaves of various spells that yet still somehow unlocked with a (relatively) simple incantation. He almost had it. He only needed to decypher the last bit glowing script, his mind moving fast by sheet instinct. He couldn't, he... Got it. He placed a hand on the stone, and spoke. "Elen Tha Mas, Mor Vaheco Naesh." Suddenly, the runes blazed brightly, and the stone grinding against the archway as it slowly opened. His elation and relief was short lived, when he heard a [i]thump[/i] and a cry of pain that sent a cold chill down his spine. [i]Valerie![/i] The Orc stood over her with a glowering hatred, spittle dripping off its tusks. It grunted something in its guttural language, and raised its club to strike her down. The Orc's club flew down like a meteor, only to thunk into something hard and metal. Using his knees to brace himself, Markus had blocked the heavy blow with all of his strength. "Get back," he ordered the Orc with menace he did not realize he had. If he had the chance to self examine himself, he'd surprise himself at the level of danger that had entered his dark eyes. With a deft movement, his sword flowed downwards and sliced into the Orc's belly, carving its spine. He twisted the blade, and tore it out with a terrible sucking noise. Blood pumped down the Orc's abdomen, and Markus kicked it backwards to sway and fall over. The next Orc behind that one swung its Axe in a vicious arc, causing Markus to dance back. The portal was now open fully, and he knew that he could not hope to keep up any battle momentum. He was far too tired and winded to hold off for long. "Valerie!" he cried, ducking an Axe swing that cracked the statue of a Nobleman. "Get inside the tomb! I'm right behind." He tried to block the next swing of the Axe, but so powerful was it that his sword was ripped out of his hands to hit the back wall. It was all he could do to produce his shield, and the next block nearly broke his arm, the impact causing him to cry out in pain and weariness. With the only wind he had left, he screamed at her. "Do it!" [@Luminosity]