[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjExNi5hNmE2YTYuU21GdFpYTWdWR2h2Y201bC4wAA,,/sweetcorrection-roth.regular.png[/img][h2][i]And[/i][/h2] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjExNi4wMDAwMDAuUVhKamFHVnkuMAAA/sweetcorrection-roth.regular.png[/img] Interacting with: Taka [@1Charak2], Assassin [@vancexentan][/center] His eyes suddenly catching movement, James barely had time to leap backwards far enough to dodge the three projectiles as they clattered off the concrete he just had just been standing on. A smooth Arabic accent caught his attention and he darted his head back to where the other magus was standing a second ago only to spot a new figure emerge from the shadows. He glanced to the woman in time to see the thrown blade nick at her neck and for her to begin moving away from her new opponent before he fully registered the identity of new arrival. [color=dimgray]"Assassin."[/color] The name slipped from his mouth in a low growl, his iron grip on his emotions slipping a little before he closed his eyes and took a long, singular breath. He sharply chanted a short two-line incantation as he slipped the weapon in his hands into the grip of his right hand and his left was cloaked in a mix of purple and black flames laced with lightning of the same colour. Channelling his Blast, he thrust his hand outwards the enemy servant and the spell shot forwards, peeling from his hand as a lightning-clad bolt of flames that shot towards the Assassin like an arrow from a bow. Not waiting to see the effect the attack had, James quickly set off after the woman. If he wanted to make an ally of her, she needed to live through the rest of the day. [center]--------<========>--------[/center] On the rooftop, Archer turned his head sharply as his Hunter's Mark picked up the signature of an attacking servant before it faded away again. Using his instincts as a hunter, he deduced from the arrows at the hidden enemy must have been his opposing counterpart in this war, the other Archer, and that they must have had a hiding skill of at least B+ rank to hide from his Hunter's Mark. The grinding of metal close behind him caught his attention and he turned rapidly to see a curved throwing knife clatter to the ground as it was deflected by the savage knife of... a child? Where had she been hiding and how had he not detected her before? An Assassin class maybe? That would explain the wicked looking knives in her hands... A sharp glance from the girl brought him out of his surprise and he tipped the tip of his tricorn in thanks before she leaped from the rooftop with impressive speed. [color=dimgray][i]"Archer, I've engaged an enemy Servant on street-level and I need some back up. One of the Assassins. Look for the Turban and red cloth on his face."[/i][/color] Archer gave another glance to direction that he suspected the enemy Archer was hiding before he turned back to where his master was previously, searching for his mark. He quickly spotted the Assassin he was looking for and dispelled the sword/pistol combo in favour of his trademark crossbow. [color=black][i]"I see him. Master, I believe that there are two more servants near by. From what I can gather, we are facing another Archer with a highly-ranked hiding ability and I just made contact with a young girl I suspect to be of the Assassin Class."[/i][/color] [color=dimgray][i]"Two of them? Damn it, things just a lot harder... One of them has to be that woman's. Probably the Assassin you made contact with... Hold fire on the female assassin for now, but the other two are confirmed hostile."[/i][/color] [color=black][i]"Understood, Master."[/i][/color] Feeling the link close, Archer raised his mechanical crossbow as two parallel pairs of limbs opened and he closed one eye as he lined up the sights of his weapon, leading the target until he gently squeezed the trigger, a bolt flying towards the Arabic Assassin's head before the buildings broke his sight line, making it unclear if the attack had managed to connect. Taking a final glance towards the enemy Archer's approximate location, Van Helsing tapped into his natural B+ Agility and followed after the white-haired assassin, leaping towards a lower sloped roof and sliding towards the edge. Grabbing the ledge to stop his fall, he dropped gently into an alleyway before setting out of find his master. [center]--------<========>--------[/center] James watched from behind the corner of a building as the young Assassin girl arrived to engage the Arabic Assassin. Using the distraction to move out of his cover, he spotted the woman as she shouted for a truce between them. In response, he ran to her position and slid to a stop beside her. Flipping the gun in his hand so that he was holding the barrel, he offered the weapon to her. [color=dimgray]"Truce. For now, we need to help each other out..."[/color] He paused to pull the sleeve up from his left arm, exposing the three dark red marks on his forearm. The two on the sides were roughly 'L' shaped and line in the center ended with a diamond at one and a chevron at the other. If someone where to draw a comparison, they took the shape of a stylised crossbow with a bolt notched and ready to fire. [color=dimgray]"...As fellow Masters. My servant told me that we're not facing one Servant but two. An Archer with a tricky stealth ability is hiding somewhere nearby. What do you say we show them who's the better Archer/Assassin pair?"[/color]