With a quick click, Kate finished up her conversation with her cousin by pressing a small button on a communication device she had plugged into her ear. Stuffing the device back into her sweat pants pocket, she turned to Jack as they made their way to his friend's office. Jack had promised it wasn't too far, which was just fine by her. Being a woman of science, exercise wasn't something that she did often. "Deon is back at The Spit, his manager confirmed it. If he was going after that girl you mentioned before, he would have gotten to her by now. So no worries." She briefed the detective and then looked forward as they continued to walk. Bothered somewhat by the silence between the two, she decided to speak again. "Detective Roman?" She asked. "Why the Handyman's special?" Jack muttered to himself, lost in thought of the Red Lady case. Snapping back to reality when he heard Kate call his name. "Hmm oh, Yea Kate you okay?" He said kinda half-assed still lost in thought. It was a stupid move as he instantly noticed how uncomfortable she was, but he wasn't really sure how to start up a conversation. Hes been living in a studio apartment by himself for some time now and the level of silence tends to become the norm. "Hey, you know why they call it a Handyman's special?" Jack asked Kate. "Its actually because of way back when they used to auction off cars to dealerships that were considered too broken or too HOT to deal with... the dealers would simply salvage what they could from the wrecks and cut their losses." Jacks eyes darted back and forth hoping he didn't weird her out. Kate clamped her mouth shut, listening to Jack but quite frankly, she didn't really understand what he was saying. "Okay?" She half-laughed out. This is what she got for hanging out with Robots her whole life instead of other human beings. "Anyway, I wanted to ask. Why are you doing this for me? I mean, yeah the case was dropped but I'm still a criminal aren't I? In one way or another I mean. Well...I don't know...I wasn't exactly hiding him, I just wanted to know what was going on, and I knew Deon would screw things up one way or another...which he did...and-" She glanced back at Jack and felt her cheeks go red. She was rambling again. "-and I'll just be quiet now." Jacked looked at Kate in the corner of his eye while she spoke. He couldn't help but show a grin creeping out from the side of his mouth. "I just tried to play the pity card with your brother. I was never planning to put you away." Jack smiled at her before stretching his arms out in front of him trying to get the old out. "Besides, you helped me out in the Red lady case... i suppose that allows you a pardon right? cooperation for a lesser charge they call it." Kate blinked a few times. "You...weren't?" Now she [i]really[/i] felt foolish. "Well...I didn't [i]really[/i] help you last night. All I really managed to do was steal your coat." She pointed out and then shrugged. "Hey, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't of got there right?" Jack grinned while holding his hands behind his head. "After all... you probably wouldn't last a day in jail." Jack gave a wide toothy smile. "you've got too pretty a face." His attempt at flattery came out choppy and corny, but it was all he knew. "I-" She was cut off shot, about to defend herself for 'not being able to last in jail' but again, her mouth clamped shut and her face went red. "Oh...uh...okay..." She cleared her throat, kind of wishing she could just...melt away somewhere. "He's my cousin by the way." She corrected, remembering Jack called him her brother. Jacks face grew red. He took a stab in the dark about being a brother, he never really stopped to ask. "Oh, Right sorry." Jack looked ahead to notice the office only a block away. It was fairly hidden between two other businesses but a tiny hunter green awning with a rotating sign peeked out as he pointed towards it. "Medical Engineering and Recuperation center." He stated. a little extra bit of writing underneath must of been added on later. "Nanotechnology research and development." Jack sped up slightly while grabbing Kate's hand. "We don't have much time right?" He said as he quickly made his way towards the door. Holding a relaxed hand up to the video camera stationed by the entrance. "Rin... open up, Ive got a gift for you." He yelled towards the tiny mic in the camera. "Research test subject three is showing an increased responsive stimulus through the cerebral cortex when outfitted with Beta-nano serum one." Dr. Emris Stone spoke into her Holotablet. Rin pushed a tiny toothpick with a piece of cheese on the end into the cage where the three legged mouse scurried around in its tiny cage. The mouse ignored the cheese as it continued to play with a tiny mirror showing its own reflection. Rin let out a sigh as she placed the toothpick back onto the table. "Subject is showing no response to personal sustenance. Over a course of six hours, subject has not left its own reflection. Stupid mouse is in love with itself and is going to likely starve itself like previous subjects..." Rin let out a long sigh. "Hypothesis inconclusive, Beta-nano serum one is going back to the drawing board." Rin leaned back from her chair and turned off the Holotab. "C'mon Harry eat something! If you don't you'll bee just like Sarah and Billy..." Rin left the toothpick in the food dish inside the cage and got out of her seat. Her tiny corner office was dwarfed at the internal size of the facility. Dozens of staff around her helping car accident victims, drug abuse victims, Burn victims etc. An old man with a prosthetic arm pulled on a weight machine while staff documented his every move. She passed by a child in a wheelchair with her legs from the knees down missing. Patting her head and giving her a wide friendly smile. "I'll see you in next weeks dance recital sweetie." The little girl smiled back as a coworker came walking up with a tiny pair of synthetic legs. The entire single floor building was busy researching and testing new products under the "Taurus Tech" brand name. Rin slumped over into a nearby chair next to a synthetic spinal cord prototype, something she has been working on for quite some time but can't seem to get it to work. Taking a quick sip of coffee from a nearby mug and winced at how surprisingly cold it was, obviously losing track of time. "Ugh... tastes like mercury fulminate mixed with caffeinated dirt." She groaned as she pushed the mug away. She was tired... so tired, but there was no rest for the wicked and the witch of the west had a job to do. Sautering iron in one hand and synthetic soder cores in the other, she began to fuse the plates to the titanium thread. "Doctor Emris!" A voice echoed behind her. "It seems you have a visitor at the entrance." A holographic image popped up on her tablet showing Jack and a younger woman looking quite nervous. Rin's eyes lit up as she heard his voice over the intercom. Jumping out of her seat and dashing through the entrance landing full speed into Jacks torso. Hanging on his neck like a baby monkey. "Jack!! Your 28 days and 6 hours early..." She said as she began lifting up his arms and examining them. "Don't tell me you broke something again already. Quickly take off your shirt, its in the way." Rin demanded.