[hider=Nazca] [h2] Technical data [/h2] [b] Name:[/b] Nazca Barsavi [b] Species:[/b] Human [b] Age:[/b] 21 [b] Gender:[/b] Female [b] Faction:[/b] Jedi Order [b] Rank:[/b] Youngling [b] Master:[/b] N/A [b] Former master(s):[/b] N/A [b] Time/location of capture:[/b] Sacking of Coruscant, Time unknown. [h2] Concerning you [/h2] [h3] As a prisoner, your wardrobe is limited. When you were captured, how do you look and what clothes do you have on now? [/h3] [hider=Appearance][img]http://wallpaperforcomputer.net/uploads/posts/20130921/animated/fighting-with-knuckles.jpg[/img][/hider] Beat up. I'm not sure the full extent of my injuries (to be decided IC), but I did not go quietly. They left me in my padawan robes, but did a stellar job of searching me. All of my little hidden things are gone. Bastards. I stand at 5 feet 7 inches and I weigh about 145lbs. The rest you have a picture for. (Steel Grey eyes, reddish brown hair.) Yes, the armorweave is fused to my skin and the rings are fused to it.. They were supposed to be removed a week after the date of the Sacking but, well, you see what happened. [h3] You got captured. Did you make any mistakes that led to this, or were others at fault? [/h3] It was my fault. I just [i]haaaad[/i] to be the protective one. Couldn't have left the younglings to their fate, no, that would have been [i]sensible.[/i] (She's going to be caught protecting younglings, but who and how is up to IC) [h3] The Force is your ally. How do you use it? [/h3] Pfffffffft. I don't. I can't even lift a pebble. (Nazca is fairly unaware of her abilities in the Force, as they've primarily manifested in physical agility, speed, and luck, and her main knowledge of it comes from Nar Shadda stories of the flashy stuff. You know, piledriving entire ships, force choking entire armies, so on so forth. At times she's been able to jump higher and run faster than normal, been missed by a patrol when she should have been seen, or managed to catch something she dropped before it alerted the guards, so on so forth.) Though, supposedly, [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Force_shadow]the ability[/url] where every night I leave my body to walk around me is a force one. I can’t control it. It’s really annoying at times too. I’m tired from a long day of training and meditating and I just want the beautiful abyss of sleep but nooo I have to be awake and wandering around. I’ve tried to go back into my body. It doesn’t work. [h3] Having the Force did not keep you safe. What other skills can help you escape? [/h3] Hmmm *clinks rings together before shrugging.* No use in lying. Criminally, I can hack all but the most state of the art locks, pick pockets of anyone provided they’re not focused on my hands (though I'm no where good as I used to be, thanks to my permanent fashion statement), I'm fairly good at slight of hand though the very perceptive will catch me,(incredibly useful for cheating at card games) and hack your droids without higher functions. Basic maintenance droids and the like. Non criminally...okay, most of these are used for criminal activities. What can I say? I lived on Nar Shaddaa for most of my life. Anyways, I've exceptionally good memory. If I can remember small details on Nar Shaddaa, I can remember which way I'm dragged through a hallway. A Sith's face. Maybe a slight habit or addiction they have. Who knows what usefulness I'll find out while being a prisoner. I'm a very good actor too. Give me time and resources and I can create a character and make you believe their real. Or I can make someone believe I'm dying, injured, happy, sad...the list goes on. I'm also pretty damn great at using the environment to my advantage, and moving through it fairly quickly, even if it's a surprise change. Sudden car? Over we go! Guards? Around or under, whichever is faster. And so on so forth. (She's agile. Free running, parkour, whatever you wanna call it. She's good at getting through crowded spaces quickly.) Oh! I can also speak a variety of languages, the most impressive being wookiee and Gamorrean. Do you know how damn hard those things are to learn? Very! Never say 'Oink' to a Gamorrean. Unless you want to piss him off so bad you have to kill him, that is. Of course, seeing as my vocal chords can't actually make some of their sounds, it's a simple language, but the message gets across. Two other languages whose sounds I can actually make are Ul'Zabrak and Mando'a. Most of the above abilities I learned while I was a street urchin and beyond, pretty much up until the point where I was captured. It's a hard life in Nar Shadda. But the languages I started learning with, and at the instance of, my mother and continued it on long after her death. It was a way to stay connected to her. [h3] What was your life like before you got captured? Which major events shaped your life? [/h3] I was born to Nar Shaddaa, that lovable cesspool of corruption, crime, and death. Most of those who are not of Nar Shaddaa, and some of those who are, consider it a damned place. A place where only criminals thrive, and any notion of kindess, generosity, or hope is crushed. The people there, they think, are ruthless, brutal, and vile. Well, fuck what the offworlders think. Nar Shaddaa is my home. They are right to think that it is a damned place, and they are right to [i]know[/i] that only criminals thrive. But they are wrong to think it a place where betrayal happens daily, hope is gone, and the only thoughts on its inhabitants' minds are survival and greed. There are families who care about each other, no matter the flaws. There are mercenaries and thieves with morals and lines they won't cross. The bonds of brotherhood are not limited to soldiers or Jedi. We risk our lives for each other, we die for our brothers and sisters. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Where was I...born on Nar Shaddaa. My father was a barkeep, my mother died while in childbirth with me, and he never spoke of her. From what pictures I managed to sneak glimpses of while he was asleep, or busy, she was a woman familiar with violence. The scars told me that. I suspect she was ex-military, judging from a blaster I found with her name carved into it. I lived as good a life as a noncriminal in Nar Shaddaa could, before it all exploded around me. You see, the Hutts found out that my father was one of the few businesses that didn't pay tribute to them. They didn't appreciate that, so they sent a few thugs to get the tribute. My father was the proudest man you could ever meet. He refused. Rudely. I was watching when it happened, leaving my body while I was sleeping to watch as my father talked to the thugs. The next thing I knew, there was gun fire, my father was running into my room, jerking me back into my body, bloodied and injured, gathering me in his arms and struggling to get me to safety. He threw me out my window with nothing more than 'Nazca, I love you!'. I fell into a garbage bin beneath my window, and then the shop kind of...exploded. That was it. My entire life, exploded in front of my eyes. I was 8 years old. I did what you'd expect a kid to do. I panicked, sobbed, and screamed. What really happened is kind of blurry in my memory, but I remember ending up being taken in by a street urchin gang after that time. I learned how to survive and the value of having people watching your back. Most of my skills I have now came from that time. They paid tribute to the Hutts, of course. Everyone does. 10 years passed by and I kept to myself, keeping to the code the street urchin's taught me. Keep your head down, do as the Hutts say, and don't cause trouble. But I couldn't let the knowledge that the Hutts had killed my family slip away, unchallenged and unpunished. Eventually I left them and started my own little crime syndicate. It took me another 2 years to become an actual problem for the Hutts. You don't just start challenging one of the most powerful crime families on Nar Shaddaa the instant you decide you want to. 2 years of deals, negotiations, favor for favor, starting attacking the Hutts resources, and then slowly building up till I was an actual threat. I attracted quite the motely group. There were Zabraks, humans, Twileks, and most impressively, a Wookiee, a Trandoshan, and a Gamorrean. You do not want to know the effort I put in in order to ensure that the Wookiee and the Trandoshan didn't kill each other, and the Gamorrean didn't kill anyone on our side. They, being the people who joined my little syndicate, came from various occupations. Bounty hunters, ex mercenaries, muscle for gangs, dancers, pick pockets and con men. Don't get me wrong, the only thing we had in common was that we wanted to make the Hutts pay for what they had done to us. A Zabrak had lost her husband, the one she had bonded with, to the Hutts. The Wookiee had failed to protect someone he had sworn a life debt too from the Hutts. The Hutts had cost the Trandoshan all his Jagganth points. The Gamorrean had been told 'Oink' by the Hutts represenatives, and they didn't kill him, only incapacitated him and threw him out. A Mandalorian who lost his family and clan to the Hutts. We weren't together because of a sense of 'justice' or 'wanting to change the crime in Nar Shaddaa'. We wanted blood, pure and simple. Of course, it didn't last. I honestly think the only reason we lasted so long was because every night I would leave my body and begin to scout out the next target. We finally became enough of a problem that the Hutts couldn't just send their thugs after us. Every other time had only resulted in the thug's heads being sent back to the local Hutt boss, and us growing bolder. We grew too cocky, too sure of ourselves, and those fat fucking slugs made us pay for it. One piece of false information, and one rat in our group. That's all it took for them to neatly trap us and eliminate us. When I say 'neatly' I mean in the most brutal and bloody way imaginable. Half of us went to hit this Hutt warehouse we heard was undermanned. The rest stayed behind to rest, prepare, or just do whatever the hell they wanted. I stayed behind. I had no combat skills. I knew it, everyone else knew it too. The Wookiee and the Mandalorian were experienced and respected enough to lead the attack. So, I have no idea what actually happened there. Other than what the Hutt's men told me, and I can't very well trust the word of [i]those[/i] bastards can I? At our base, it was a blood bath. A large group of Mercs(a couple mandalorians, humans, I think I even saw a Jawa) kicked down the door and started killing everything that fucking moved. I reacted quickly, screaming for everyone to scatter and go to the predetermined meeting places. That didn't work as they had all the exits covered. It was a fight to the death. The Gamorrean did good for himself. He charged straight into them, heedless of all the blaster wounds he was taking and just started swining his axe. A good half dozen of them went down before a vibrosword went through his neck. I think I saw a smile on his face, in the end. The Trandoshan just scared me. When he couldn't use his blaster rifle any more, breaking it over a Merc's head, he went in with nothing more than his claws. Have you ever seen a giant lizard use a broken Madalorian body to beat more Mercs? I have. He was turned into a fine red mist when one of them threw a grenade at his feet and he didn't notice. Out of everyone, the Hutts wanted me spared. I had made myself the clear leader before, in clear view of their surveillance videos. So when I tried to fight, the Merc's didn't kill me. Rather, the one I fired at simply closed in quickly and clubbed me with the stock of his rifle. Bastard. I had a headache for hours after waking up. If you think I was lucky enough to be unconscious when they gave me my rings, you think too highly of the Hutts. They woke me up, restrained and groggy, just so I could feel the pain of having metal rings attached to my hands and arms (the rings wouldn't properly meld without armor weave on my arms). After I had screamed myself hoarse and passed out, they'd wake me up again. Nine times. They did that. Nine. Fucking. Times. I was given a week or so to recover. After all, they didn't want me to die [i]too[/i] quickly. Then they threw me in one of their arenas. Bastards didn't even have the decency to make it a hidden one, so sure were they that all of my former comrades were dead. Well, they were right, but they still should have put me in an underground one. You'll know why soon enough. I was to fight against a Zabrak, they told me. Not good. Even if he didn't have more combat experience than I did, he was stronger, more pain tolerant, faster, and just plain [i]better[/i] than me. As I walked into that cage, hearing the screams and howls of the crowd, I knew I was going to die. Painfully. He had the look of an experienced killer. You know, dead eyes, scars, relaxed stance. And knowing the Hutts, I guessed he was going to kill me slowly. As his fist moved impossibly fast and crashed into my stomach, making me vomit up whatever gruel the Hutts gave me, my guess was proven right. I'll spare you the details of what happened for a while in that cage. Lets just say it was painful, and I remained cruelly conscious throughout the whole thing. Then, something remarkable happened. A Jedi cut through the cage, sent my Zabrak abuser through the hole he made with a flick of his wrist, and then took me away from Nar Shaddaa. Okay, it didn't go quite that smoothly, there was a lot more running, blaster fire deflecting, and fighting, but that was the gist of it. He took me to his ship, explained that he had found me through sensing my Force capabilities, and he was taking me to Coruscant so my actual skill level can be determined. That was a month ago, they had decided I had enough Force power to bother training, and now I'm a prisoner on a Sith base, waiting to be torture. [h3] How do you keep yourself calm in captivity? How do you keep your will to escape strong? [/h3] Games mostly. If they won't give us actual games, Pazaak, holochess, and the like, we'll have to entertain ourselves with other games. Truth or dare. Betting games. Hide an item and try to find it. Training if I’m really hard up for entertainment. Won't be hard. Grew up on the streets of Nar Shadda. Sure as shit aren't any patented toys there. And just between you and me, hatred is a good way to keep going as well. [h3] How well do you hold up under pressure? Do you have a high pain threshold? [/h3] Pressure? I hold up under that great! Can't be a thief and not be able to. Talking my way out of guns held to my head, managing to hold my ground and not move when a guard was less than five feet from my hiding place in the shadows, carefully disarming a self-destruct I accidentally set off without panicking, so on so forth. Pain...less so. It's so low as to be nonexistent on a useful level. I mean, I can take a scratch and some bruises without sobbing but what we're going to be going through....no. Lots of sobbing. Torture is not something I can resist. So when they start cutting flesh, breaking bones, and vicious beatings I’ll be a sobbing wreck. Fun times right? [h3] Lightsabers. Though you lost yours, it would be good to know what style(s) you use. [/h3] Don't have one! *Smiles cheekily.* (She received basic training in Shii-Cho, and has a noted aptitude and preference for speed, agility, and finesse over everything else) [h3] Have you encountered other prisoners or Sith in the past? [/h3] Xid-Friend. Met him during my early days in the temple. Funny story about that actually. He had left something shiny out and I helped myself to it. To make a long story short his annoying little robot found me and alerted him. I came back to chat and we became friends. Shiri-Kindred souls and all that. While not Nar Shadda ilk, she's more like me than most. [s]Koren-My master...I guess? They didn’t really explain it well before throwing us together. (Koren is the one put in charge of Nazca, teaching her, guiding her, and keeping her out of trouble)[/s] Talon- She was the one who looked after me when I was in the street urching gang. She was younger than me, but looked after me like I was her sister. Kept me alive and relatively sane. I'm still upset she up and left, but we haven't had time to address that. Haven’t met any Sith, but they’re too much like the Hutts for my sake. Conniving, lying, bullying bastards. [h2] Out of Character [/h2] [h3] How powerful is (s)he in the Force? [/h3] She's basically a normal person. She has no force training, but her potential lies towards the more finesse, speed, and agility based abilities of it. Provided she doesn’t die horribly, she could become a force to be reckoned with in terms of precision and finesse, rather than raw power. [h3] Has your character encountered members of the Strike Team / Rescuers before? [/h3] No. [h3] Nobody with any sort of wisdom wants to speak of their flaws. Especially not to their enemies, so what are your character’s flaws? [/h3] Nazca is easily influenced by her emotions, most notably her concern for her friends and her hatred of the Hutts and anything like them. Playing upon them should be childs play for anyone with half a brain, be it drawing out her rage or making her complacent with threats to her friends. She’s not very resistant to pain or very good in a fight. Physical torture will be hard on her, and her mouth will likely make it far worse as she pisses her torturers off. If she’s ever backed into a corner anyone with either basic force training or basic combat training will have no problems dealing with her, especially considering that if she tries to punch something she'll break her fingers from the impact. Nazca hates having things taken out of her control. She doesn’t like having to be at the mercy at others and unable to affect anything. Thusly, being a prisoner and trapped is driving her up the wall. She has an intense phobia of being raped, the merest suggestion of her body being taken against her will enough to send her to the verge of panic. [h3] Is your character any good at holding out against torture? [/h3] Nope. Fortunately, she knows nothing. Physical torture would affect her badly, as her pain threshold is not very high. However, her need to spite her torturers will prevent it from being an effective way of turning her. Mental games, like convincing her that her actions are harming her friends or mocking her about her inability to do anything about the Hutts or her current situation is far more effective. Giving her impossible situations to win and telling her that if she fails something bad happens to her friends will affect her badly. As noted in her flaws, sexual torture or the merest suggestion of it would be extremely effective. [h3] What is your character’s personality like? What motivates him/her? [/h3] As I'm sure you've noticed, Nazca seems to thrive on being obnoxious. If she's annoying you and she doesn't like or know you, she's having fun. Other than that,Nazca is generally cheerful and friendly, if vulgar. Having grown up as a street urchin in Nar Shadda after her family was killed in front of her, a cheerful personality was needed to both convince targets that she’s not robbing them and stop herself from sinking into despair. Her need for revenge against the Hutts is what primarily motivates her, though she does her best to hide it from the Jedi. She knows that they’ve already noted her extreme emotions, and desperately wishes to be avoid any further means they might take to help her move past her hatred. She doesn’t want to move on. She wants to go back and get revenge. She's extremely protective of her friends, desperate not to lose them like she's lost others. She’s also incredibly spiteful. By all rights, she should easily fall to the Sith and the dark side, given how determined she is to get revenge on the Hutts and how easily she’s influenced by her emotions. However, simply because they’re torturing her and her friends, she’ll spit in their faces and curse them to the end. Nazca is a bit of a control freak, disliking having it taken from her. She likes to be able to affect things, and hates being at the mercy of others, especially those she deems as enemies. [h3] Do you have any limits as to what is “ok” to happen to your character? [/h3] I imagine there are [i]some[/i] things I'd say no too, but unless I say no, assume it's okay. [h3] Do you want your character to escape? [/h3] Not if she's part of Nyiss's experiment again. She’ll outright resist any attempts to free her if they try to free her. [h3] how easily do you wish to be captured? [/h3] Nazca should be child's play for anyone remotely skilled in the force. Her innate ability of Force shadow should be discovered fairly quickly, making her valuable to Nyiss. [h3] What do you think your character is doing in a few IC months? [/h3] Either training with her Sith Master or playing a game she managed to convince the Sith to give them with another prisoner while she tries to deal with whatever the hell Nyiss did to her. [/hider] Slight tweaks to Nazca made, kept the rings so they'd break her fingers.