[hider=Raid Boss: Blood Countess Victoire][center][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Rachel.Alucard.full.523847.jpg[/img][/center][center][h2][color=ed1c24]Blood Countess Victoire[/color][/h2][/center] [i][b]Decription:[/b][/i] In her castle on the very edges of Deep Ground’s map, Victoire awaits the party behind the locked door to the courtyard. She’s hungry for fresh blood and will go to any length to take it, and her rather enticing drop table makes sure she never has to leave the comforts of home to get it. The dungeon to her is full of demonic creatures summoned by the vampire herself, and they will do everything in their power to bring you down and keep their master from lifting a finger… [i][b]Combat:[/b][/i] Victoire is not the typical raid boss, boasting far lower health and defenses than any other boss of similar caliber. However, what she lacks in durability she makes up for in high damage output and a passive lifesteal from all in her arena. Her arena is a hazard in and of itself, stacking poison on all present and inflicting debuffs tailored to every subclass in the room. All the while, with every minute spent in the area, a clocktower high above the courtyard ticks, each sounding powering up Victoire’s DPS. When the witching hour hits, the Black Rose Dragon is summoned, and the raid may as well end, for this beast has all the defenses Victoire doesn’t. For the daring, the dragon offers a far greater challenge and chance at valuable loot. The Blood Countess is often farmed by Sorcerers, Necromancers, and Duelists, and those who have taken to Jewelry Smithing or Enchanting for professions. Her common drops are valued for both their marketable value and magical potential, while the singular rare drop is sought after by only the strong and stupid. [b][i]Recommended Group Size:[/i][/b] 6 [hider=Victoire Drop Table] [img]http://i.imgur.com/kK4TGSS.png[/img] [/hider] [/hider] I give to you Raid Boss #2! In collaboration with [@KoL].