[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Can someone explain the appeal of Kingdom Hearts? I personally dont like the music and the visuals are a little too chidlkike for me, but I honestley cant get over the ridiculously simplified combat system, I mean there is more variety in a Koei Warriors game. Not too mention the wildly complex plot, which I dont see the appeal of either. [/quote] The beauty of Kingdom Hearts is the ability of the game to be appealing to individuals of all ages while remaining a creative and intriguing story. Square enix is great at telling stories, but they tend to be more appropriate for older audiences and limits the game toward that group of players. The beauty is that Kingdom Heart finds a healthy medium between the two and can be enjoyed by anyone without feeling insulted for liking Disney characters or being considered into that group that is obsessed with Final Fantasy style games. Plus it isn't too hard of a game and just a fun play. This might be traitorous to say... but please explain the obsession people have with memes. I spend a lot of time on Reddit so I am no stranger to then, but recently they have gone from a niche internet thing to a craze around the globe. I just don't understand... ALSO REQUOTING THIS SINCE I DIDN'T ANSWER IT AND DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO MISS IT! [quote=@Sanctus Spooki] Can someone explain the appeal of Vsauce? I've watched a few videos of his, and he occasionally talks about something interesting, but really he just talks in a funny way, (Almost shatner like) and repeats the same tidbit using different phrases, the actual information he presents can usually be summed up in a 2-3 minute video, but he stretches it all out. [/quote]