[color=2e3192][h1]Mayhew[/h1][/color] Mayhew paused staring down the cliff edge, he'd been taking the path downward he noticed two people surround below him. He strained to see them through there demands of the larger party could be heard quite clearly it seemed as if they intended to harm the young woman below. He stopped to think for a moment, if he should dive headlong into this herd of enemies to protect- Never mind, lightning struck the warrior in the lead as a tactician stepped out into the clearing, that tore it. Jumping down cleaving his blade into the stone he slid down the surface before ripping the blade free landing before accosting soldiers, turning his head back towards those he was rescuing. He stared at the girl, she was not human and the man the young king of Archanea, Azure. Spinning his sword he cracked his neck with grin as he stepped up to the army. [color=2e3192]"My name's Mayhew Theodonis... You might also know by what Varjo's bandits call me... The protector."[/color] He stepped towards them with a half mad grin, the other half pure delight. [color=2e3192]"So who wants to test his steel against a proper soldier?"[/color] He looked next to the tactician giving a curt nod, letting him know he'd take orders if it came to a battle. Stabbing his blade into the ground he withdrew a Razelian coin flipping it idly as he waited for the soldiers reaction.