[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmUwMDcwMC5XblZsWTJobElFRjFjMk5vSUVWdWRIcGxjZywsLjAAAAAAAAAA/punktype.regular.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] Dragonrage Pass. The gateway between the Concillium and the Moon Kingdom. It was one of the last places on Zueche's list to search for Mihaela and Iya, however it could not be overlooked. It also served as a noteworthy place for him to return to should his quest to find his family go beyond the borders of the Concillium. It was also possible Mihaela and Iya had passed through this very passage, however Zueche had no means of knowing before. All he could do for now was look around. Unfortunately, his search would have to wait, for he happened upon a peculiar scene: several armed footmen and an armed warrior at the lead had surrounded someone who looked to be of importance, shielding a young girl. It intrigued Zueche enough that he did his best to tune in on what was going on, though it was hard to hear from where he was, amidst the trees and all. He felt the desire to help - after all, he was a father before an exorcist, and if it were his daughter up there, he would waste not a moment in rushing in to save her. The little girl shared his pointed ears, though he felt the two weren't quite the same. Even so, he wanted to help; he had to. If only because it selfishly reminded him of Iya. As Zueche was about to step in, however, he heard footsteps and voices to his left. [color=darkviolet][i]'A king, huh? Then that would make their attackers either stupid or sinners.'[/i][/color] He waited a moment longer, wondering if anything else would happen before he had to intervene. Thankfully for him, his patience was rewarded - a young man had stepped into the fray and attacked, though likely only to stun, the Gleivnir warrior, and made a short speech about attacking royalty. Alone, he perhaps didn't sound all that intimidating. With Zueche alongside him, perhaps they would be more inclined to listen. His reputation seemed to precede him, after all, and the skulls generally terrified those who weren't familiar with how he actually summoned other world creatures. At the very least he would be able to stall for time, and perhaps grant the royal and the scared little girl beside him an escape. With a sigh, Zueche began walking forward, making his presence known to all in the vicinity. With his hands behind his back, he attempts to look as non-threatening (and noble, as he tends to accidentally imitate) as possible, all the while sending a threatening message. [color=darkviolet]"I am not one to be judge, jury, and executioner, however there are instances wherein the accused are, without fault, guilty. It is very clear to even a villager such as I that the two in which you're trying to prosecute do not match your accusations. Do you have sufficient proof to make such claims? Or are you blindly trying to execute those whose alibi and even defense have yet to be established?"[/color] Zueche knew he could be very imposing when his anger rose high enough, and right about now he felt fairly angry, not that one could tell considering he almost always held the same face. As he drew near, Az reached down to his side and grabbed both of the skulls, stopping several meters before the Gleivnir people and lifting the skulls up. [color=darkviolet]"I do not wish to use these, but I will if I must. Allow me to take them into custody. You have my word as a member of The Church. Soldiers such as yourselves need not bloody yourselves with that of a royal."[/color] It wasn't an amazing proposition, true, however Zueche didn't see much of an alternative. With what was happening so quickly, the opposing party needed to understand that he was not a threat, and neither was the young man who shot the Arcthunder at their leader, nor those who might come from the trees. Perhaps he could even use their lateness as an excuse to better their odds of taking back the girl. [color=darkviolet]"Also... apologies for what my friend did to your leader."[/color] Spoke Zueche with a polite, yet short, bow. [color=darkviolet]"He must have mistaken you for brigands - he's new to the party, see, and hasn't a whole lot of experience with these kinds of confrontations. I believe our comrades, whom were originally with these two, escorting them, are soon to arrive. In fact..."[/color] The young man turned around briefly, only to yell: [color=darkviolet]"Come, my friends! The girl and her escort have been located!"[/color] If there was one thing you had to know about Zueche, he was an effective liar...