[h2][center]Tomoe[/center][/h2] Tomoe winced as she was reprimanded. "Forgive me, ma'am, but it's unwise to pull an arrow out of a wound without the proper attention from a healer--" she started. She cringed as Keerin yanked the arrow out of Jarde's thigh. "...Thank the gods he's not dead," she muttered to herself. She would lose her honor if he was. Soon, the army was on the move once more; Jarde had heard the distant footsteps of the Gleivnir, and had ordered them to investigate. Sure enough, Tomoe saw the man who was quickly identified as king of Archaenea, accosted by warriors of Gleivnir. They were demanding that he give them the green-haired manakete in his custody. "Perhaps it would benefit us to attempt to talk them down?" Tomoe suggested. That was immediately put out of the question when the tactician jumped out of the woods and struck a Gleiv in the cranium with an Arcthunder. "...I suppose that's out of the question," Tomoe sighed. [i]Must all today's conflicts be the result of unfortunate misunderstandings?[/i] However, when the dark mage came in to assuage the situation with a little sweet talking, Tomoe stepped back a tad. She still had her guard naginata ready, but she waited for things to escalate before jumping in. [@Delta44][@Eisenhorn]