[color=0072bc][h3][center]King Azure[/center][/h3][/color] He wasn't sure what had transpired in Dragonrage Pass. He had been invited - along with the other leaders of the kingdoms - to meet with the dwarves. Azure came fully prepared for a fight, but that was only because he was aware of the presence of the other bloodthirsty kingdoms that make up the Concilium. He never expected something like a full-blown war between the two races. It all started with that fire in the meeting tent. He stepped out for one moment and then he felt the searing heat coming from the tent. After that, it was only one disaster after another. While he was escaping the war in Dragonrage Pass, as he found his personal guards dead and the other Concilium soldiers too blind in battle to even realize his importance, he had stumbled across this oddly dressed girl. She looked so out of place and scared that he had no choice but to take her with him. He wasn't able to ask her any questions or even rest as he heard thumps of footsteps following him. When he looked back, the insignia of Gleivnir caught his eye. He could stop and ask them but seemed to be focused on chasing them down and attacking than reasoning. His luck soon ran out when he was faced with a cliff. It was too steep to climb. He turned around, desperate to find an opening to escape to but found himself surrounded by the forces of Gleivnir. He counted twenty... no twenty five? Somewhere along those lines. His hands were firmly wrapped around the hilt of his sword as he took a stance. They wanted the girl? She was responsible for everything? He took a peek at the green haired girl behind him. He never saw it before because he was too busy running and protecting her but he only know saw the pointed ears she possessed. He has seen those before. They cared for one after all. A Manakete. He returned his attention back at the group. There was no mistake, this girl was a Manakete. These Gleivs might be right in the assumption that she caused the fire. A Manakete could spit fire after all. However, with the look she had been giving him, it didn't look like it. No cold-blooded murderer would willingly get surrounded by enemies and not attack back. [color=0072bc]"This girl? You must be sorely mistaken."[/color] He scoffed. [color=0072bc]"Attack me and I will convince the other kingdoms to turn their blades against Gleivnir. You stand there, threatening the King of Archanea!"[/color] No. He wouldn't be able to take all of them, even if he was alone. There were too many of them. He was trained to fight groups, but not entire units of men. Then there was also the General who was certainly leagues above these footmen. Tch, general rule in fighting a lot of enemies - weed out the weak first. However, that would prove to be challenging. He could keep his distance and use Lunaris. It could also prove useful in fighting when surrounded, but that would drain his energy much faster than simply using his sword. A low sound one can register as a growl escaped his lips. He was frustrated. There was no way he could win. His ears also picked up the sound of other footsteps. Reinforcements? That made it all the more hopeless. However, his stance did not waver. [color=0072bc]"If you are really that intent in taking the girl, then you would have to pass me."[/color] If he would die now, he would go down fighting. They say a stance can tell a lot about a person, and his stance was telling them one thing. 'Leave'. However, three people had decided to join him. He knew not who they were, not yet at least. He had yet to analyze who they were. First was who seemed to be a tactician. He called lightning and struck it on one of the soldiers. It seems whoever this was also knew of him being king. He guessed both of these knew as well. Ha, so they were willing to help. Such nice people. No one would know that they didn't help a royal since he would've died. The other one had slid down from the cliff hanging above. How he did such a feat was beyond him, but he knew that this man was certainly skilled. Mayhew Theodonis. Okay, that was a name he should surely remember. Wait, he made a double back as he looked at the armored male. Theodonis? He had heard of that name before. A name from before his own time but not too long before. He may have heard it from their resident old guy - Myno. He'll think more about that later once they were done with this whole shindig. [color=0072bc]"Do not mistake me not fighting as of now as something in lack of ability. I am as able as a fighter as you."[/color] He whispered to the male but made sure not to let anyone but Mayhew hear it. The last one looked familiar. Ah, a man known by rumors spread by the people - a Dark Mage going by the name of Zueche. The male continued to speak. Ah, so this one wasn't as violent as the rumors said he was. This was a good one. Azure lowered his sword ever so slightly and his tense muscles relaxed. Only time will tell if this would work. It was a good idea though. [color=ed1c24][h3][center]Myno[/center][/h3][/color] Myno was not sure how many conversations he was going to be in with this group that will suddenly be interrupted. Footsteps - heavy and quick. He closed his eyes, weighing each one with precision thanks to his sharper hearing. These were certainly soldiers. A whole unit perhaps? Two more were way ahead. Lighter footsteps, wearing little to no armor. He opened his eyes again as Prince Jarde stood up and said that they should investigate. The prince was as justice seeking as ever. His eyes darted from each one, knowing that they would go. Even in given the hopeless situation of saving their comrades, they went. He grunted as he stood up, the dull pain of the attack that had hit him previously still present. He could see Keerin once more wanting to protest but was forced to follow. He followed behind the group, keeping his ears open in case someone else were following them. It would be bad if they would be ambushed from behind just because they wanted to know what was happening. They stopped and he did as well before peering through the group and then seeing a familiar face. Keerin was right, this was the King of Archanea. There was no mistaking it. That face was the face that told him to go into this group. Black hair and azure eyes were the traits Archanean Royalty were so proud of. The black sword that he had been holding was a family heirloom - and one that Myno had seen slicing through the skeletons and ghouls of Gaia's army. His eyes trailed to the girl behind him. His eyesight wasn't too sharp as to see what she actually was, but she certainly looked helpless. He probably picked her up from the battle back at the pass. But why was a girl like her there? He snapped out of his thoughts when Merilia unsheathed her sword, ready to battle with so many enemies to help out the young king. Prince Jarde wasn't as willing. Myno understood why. They were greatly outnumbered. [color=ed1c24]"Were you not the one who suggested checking this out Prince Jarde? There is only one choice now."[/color] He pointed out, obviously saying that they should go and rescue the king. It had nothing to do with Myno wanting to save the king of the kingdom where he had resided for the years after the war, but because this was the group's kind of thinking. That decision of his soon changed when three other people stepped into the fray and the last one made a proposition. Ah, so they were going through this with guile and trickery? Fine by him. Myno raised his hood and then waited for the others to see if they would move or not.