[center]Name: Lillian (sorty Lili or Lily) Age: 16 years Gender: Female Appearance: [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/bleach-rp/images/2/26/Anime-girl-with-black-hair-tumblr-2-348x450.jpg[/img] Personality: She is rather nice and friendly, but can be very annoying, stubborn and selfish in times. She is being bullied at school and really don't trust people too easely. Thought she is very protestive and caring too. Backstory: She is living together with her father, her mother died when she was only a baby. She is moved a two times, after her fathers work, which is scientist. She don't really have lots of friends and is little behing at school, because the all that moving. Team: Gazimon, Elecmon, Dorumon, Kudamon, Betamon, Mikemon D-Bracer Color: Black and Dark pink Notes: Her favorite color is balck and mostly only wears black gothic like clothers. She loves drawing, arts and listening to music. At her free times she is training at gym, for fighting skills. She is wishing to become a police someday and train her body pretty hard, maybe too hard. [hider=Team] Species: Gazimon Nickname: Gaz Primary form level: Rookie Digivolution line: Unknown > [b]Gazimon[/b] > Devidramon > Cyberdramon > Justimon Species: Elecmon Nickname: Lightning Primary form level: Rookie Digivolution line: Punimon > Tsunomon > [b]Elecmon[/b] > Black Garurumon > Weregarúrumon > AncientGarururmon Species: Dorumon Nickname: Doru Primary form level: Rookie Digivolution line: Dodomon > Dorimon > [b]Dorumon[/b] > Dorugamon > DoruGreymon > Dexmon Species: Kudamon Nickname: Mut Primary form level: Rookie Digivolution line: Unknown > [b]Kudamon[/b] > Reppamon > Chirinmon > kentaurosmon Species: Betamon Nickname: Betsy Primary form level: Rookie Digivolution line: Pichimon > Bukamon > [b]Betamon [/b]> Seadramon > Megaseadramon > MetalSeadramon Species: Mikemon Nickname: Kitty Primary form level: Champion Digivolution line: YukimiBotamon > Nyaromon > Salamon > [b]Mikemon[/b] > Beastmon > Laylamon [/hider] [/center]