Chrys lays on the roof, luckily it wasn't damaged too much and he just rolled about, unconscious. His body lies bruised and reddened. Chrys dreams of an ocean. His body floats in it, staring up at the serface. It's quiet, only thing he can hear is a steady pulse and someones' voices. 'Too much... The limit was breached multiple times over... His body isn't meant to handle that kind of stress...' 'He didn't know... He takes after his father... More so than we would like...' 'But we did learn there is a cost to his power... And such an amazing power...' 'Indeed... But if he gets out of control... He won't be able to he stopped. He can shift almost anything, Doctor.' 'But the cost of that is too high. How is the limiter working?' 'It's almost finished. We'll do the injection before he wakes. It increases the cost somehow which makes him unable to use as much of his power...' 'Excellent. I will inform the boy's father that we can limit his abilities... How permanent is it?' 'It should be permanent, we just don't know if it is, since he's the first mutant with this ability... And resists all our other limiters...' 'Well, they only need to do it to train him. So it should be fine.' The voices drift away, and Chrys drifts into darkness.