[center][h1][u]And So It Begins...[/u][/h1][/center] Ryūko sighed as she gazed up at the clouds. It was just another day. Her chores around the village were done, she'd read all of her books. So now she was out by herself. Her adopted siblings were off doing their own things, and Mama was out patrolling the boundaries of the Village of Beginnings. She sighed again, lifted her arm up, and examined her D-Bracer. It had been a birthday gift from Mama a few years ago, when she found out she wasn't a Digimon like her siblings. The black and silver device was familiar to her, although she still didn't know what it was for. "[i]Never lose this, my Little Dragon,[/i]" Mama had instructed her. "[i]With this, you'll be able to do things none of your brothers and sisters can. You're special. Never forget it, but never let it go to your head.[/i]" Was someone screaming? Ryūko sat up and glanced around. She found the source of the sound: several figures, falling from the sky. "Hope they're okay," she murmured. The girl got to her feet, and took off towards the forest the newcomers were falling into.