[u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Tirñea Escaron [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 19 [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Human [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] A little on the short side at about 5'1", Tirñea often carries herself with a proud and determined stride, her motions very fluid with every transition of movement. Fairly thin and incredibly lean, life in the desert has helped her grow to be in rather impressive shape for her age. Though her frame is naturally delicate, each time she swings her staff her arms visibly tense with the firm muscle she's spent years building all throughout her body. Born a true daughter of Piñura, her features are both soft and warm as the sands of her homeland. Thin lips, a somewhat brunt but cute nose, and deep green, almond shaped eyes are all framed by the deep black dreadlocks she keeps her hair in. A complexion like polished bronze almost instantly gives away her desert heritage, the rich brown colour of her skin almost glowing with warmth. [hider=A Drawing] [img]http://i.imgur.com/16DsoI4.jpg[/img] And one by rivaan <3 [img]http://i.imgur.com/GGr7Poo.jpg[/img] [/hider] [u][b]Attire:[/b][/u] Preferring to dress light to avoid being weighed down, Tirñea's choice of armour remains a sturdy, leather tunic, and a pair of woven arm bracers, all of which are padded with fur for warmth. Her brown pants, sweater, and boots while unarmoured follow the same line of thinking, simple but useful in keeping Tirñea safe from the elements. Overtop her newer but fairly dull clothing, Tirñea still wears the ceremonial garbs she was given upon becoming a beast master for her tribe. The bright yellow cloak and skirt both bear a colourful swath of patterns, made up from vibrant shades of red and purple, to mellow blues and oranges. Atop her head she wears the lower jaw of some sharp toothed creature, pushed behind her ears to keep most of her hair behind her head. Worked into the ends of two of her dreads she keeps a few charms, a rabbits foot, and a jagged tooth, those two parts of her hair hanging in front of her ears and down toward her chest. [b][u]Bio:[/u][/b] [hider]The Piñuran badlands are widely known as one of the harshest, and most unforgiving places to navigate. Huge mesas worn by time into variable stone labyrinths, these islands in the sand blow in and out of existence with the shifting of the dunes. Here the tribes of the northern deserts take refuge, moving between the natural shelters as they are uncovered and buried in a constantly changing cycle. Tirñea was born into one of a few remaining nomadic tribes, and for many years all she knew was sand and stone. Each time the dunes threatened to consume their current abode, her tribe would pack away their lives into rope bound bundles, and march out into the desert come morning in search of another mesa. Time marched with them, and as Tirñea grew older the world around her began to feel static and plain. Only 10 years of age, the young girl was constantly on the lookout for anything to break the mold of her reality. Anything new or different she would embrace in an instant, exploring every mesa and curiously chasing small insects about. Every rock was worth showing to someone, and each time the dunes shifted on the horizon she’d look for shapes to describe. Still though as she grew older such practices began to grow stale, and it wasn't until she turned 13 that she found something truly unique. Her tribe marching across the desert one morning, Tirñea stumbled upon a stone buried just beneath the sand. The object had tripped her and prompted investigation, it looking like any other rock aside from the oddly uniform, oval shape. The dull and gritty surface reminded Tirñea of sandstone, and a few short knocks revealed that it was somehow hollow. Despite it's weight Tirñea scooped up the foot long stone and carried it with her across the desert, too intrigued to simply leave it behind. When her tribe had finished relocating that day, Tirñea sat with her rock and began knocking on it once again. The sound was soft and empty, and Tirñea rapped her knuckles against the rough surface in an attempt to play it like an instrument. Without much else to do, the rock became an obsession- it's uniqueness all that it needed to keep the little girl's previously short attention span. Any time she was bored the rock sat in her lap, and calmly she’d knock out whatever rhythms she felt that day. It brought her comfort amid the harshness of the desert, and one could only imagine the pain she felt when she returned to her tent one afternoon to discover it in pieces on the floor. That was the day Tirñea discovered Sierpe, a ‘dune wurm’ as the tribe's shaman described it. Somewhat rare but an impressive and fearful sight to behold once full grown, nobody had ever seen one smaller than 10 feet long before. After hearing the story of how she found the egg, Tirñea was subjected to a number of tests and rituals over the next few days. It was a blur of strange dances and medicines, but by the end of it the shaman had unlocked the beginnings of a magical power within the young girl. From that day forward Tirñea became the shamans apprentice, learning of her new magic, and how she could control it. For the first few years her focus was bonding with a familiar, the infant dune wurm the shaman's somewhat forceful suggestion. As Sierpe grew, so did it's hunger, and helping her new companion hunt was how Tirñea spent many of her days. The two managed to bond over the activity, and the older Sierpe became, the more the beast began to understand it's companion. At first communication was difficult since Sierpe had no eyes and simply refused to listen to commands, but through trial and error Tirñea managed to impress upon Sierpe by banging against the ground rhythmically like she'd done to his egg. Over a few years the two refined their communication skills, Tirñea received the staff she still uses to this day as a gift from her mentor, and Sierpe had finished going through whatever initial growth spurt he'd needed. At the age of 19, when Tirñea was originally meant to take over as her tribe's new shaman, she was left feeling empty inside as adulthood loomed overhead. Though Sierpe had been a welcome distraction from her dismal desert life, Tirñea knew there was more to the world, and wasn't ready to take up such a mantel yet. The night before her ceremony, she explained her wishes to her mentor and was met with surprisingly little resistance. Though transporting Sierpe would be a somewhat difficult task, the shaman wholeheartedly agreed with Tirñea's dreams, and showed her maps of a land beyond the northern shores of Piñura. Many dangerous and feral beasts were known to roam the Isles, the perfect place for Tirñea to grow her power and train. After a few months of preparation a boat had been chartered to deliver the apprentice beast master to a city on the Northeast shore of Abbaden, her familiar on board both to protect her and offer companionship in this new land.[/hider] [b][u]Personality and Aspirations:[/u][/b] Cheerful, sociable, and with a preference to avoid conflict, Tirñea's simple and flexible goal is adventure. Whether she does it on her own or with others, she's determined to explore this new land and test the strength of her previously bestowed power. [u][b]Inventory:[/b][/u] [list] [*] [hider=Weighted, long arm cudgel]About 6 feet long from end to end, the weighted cudgel's striking heads are both made from solid steel. The wooden pole connecting the two ends is smooth and dark in colour, with counter weights for the smaller striking end hidden inside the shaft. Hanging off the larger striking end is a set of charms, the miscellaneous animal bits attached to leather strips. [/hider] [*] Ceremonial dagger, the handle and sheath carved from a small tusk [*] An out of date map of Obivec [*] A backpack containing a blanket, bedroll, small tent, rations, some basic medicine, and a bota bag for water [*] Coin purse [/list] [u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] [u]Beast Master:[/u] Gifted with primordial magical talent, Tirñea can entrance and even command many different kinds of creatures. Inexperienced at best, such spells often take a while to preform, and don't get far unless the animal is in some sense willing to cooperate. Always by her side is her familiar Sierpe, whom she communicates with by smashing her cudgel into the earth in varying patterns and directions. [u]Sierpe:[/u] The 30 foot long, 3 foot wide monstrosity Tirñea commands as her familiar is an adolescent desert wurm; wurms being a species of earth dwelling dragons found further south. It's rougher, protective hide is a dull brownish-red like the sands of it's homelands, and wraps around it's sides allowing it to partially breach the earth in safety without exposing it's underbelly. Smooth, almost rubbery looking, and pale brown, the exposed segments along it's underside are the powerful muscles that help push the wurm through the earth. Though still fairly tough, and still covered in scales, it's underbelly is more vulnerable than the rest of it's hide. Along it's back it has a set of flexible, dorsal spines, each one capable of slicing and skewering. Lastly, the business end of the worm is of course it's large, jagged tooth filled maw, with a second muscular ring of teeth at the start of the throat. Always falling out and always growing back, it's primary teeth often grow to around 20cm but will continue to grow until they fall out. For his journey to the North, the front third of his body has been outfitted with a shell of tempered steel, allowing the wurm to be protective of Tirñea should the need arise. [hider=Sierpe]"He is like a... big, dog. With many teeths" ~Tirñea [img]http://i.imgur.com/SgcuS7v.jpg[/img] [/hider] [u]Self Defense:[/u] Tirñea is capable of swinging her cudgel back and forth fairly quickly, the commands required to direct Sierpe needing to be forceful and precise. Though the weapon isn't useless in a fight, it's offensive capabilities require one to keep their distance from any advisaries to make full use of the weighted bludgeon. In most cases Tirñea uses her weapon defensively, not well versed in actual combat, but quite capable of keeping herself safe. [u]Languages:[/u] Piñuran, Abbalic, can read and write some in both languages, mostly her native one. While speaking Piñuran is easy Tirñea is still learning Abbalic, understanding most of what others say though she is not well practiced when it comes to speaking. [b][u]Current Location:[/u][/b] Ville de la Saumure, heading for Tour de Rouge