[h3][center]Taka[/center][/h3] "Guys, guys, guys, can't we just take a good day off for once? I mean like do we have to run off into danger all the time?" Taka jokes around as he chases after the group, sighing and trying to conserve as much energy in case he needs to think of another emergency escape...again. Then again, it was the only thing he thinks about nowadays due to it being one of his major strengths. Once they came upon a strange situation of a royal person defending a rather small helpless girl. He didn't know why the others seemed to be taken aback from the predicament but he already knew that the group would want to engage and become the heroes in the scenario. Sighing once more as he realized he's going to need to work again, he taps Tomoe and the sword lady on their backs as he heads off to ask Jarde for permission... "Lord, you want me to cut off their escape routes and if anything...take one for ourselves in case more approach? I can definitely sneak around and go do so since we haven't gotten their attention yet but I'm definitely going to need Tomoe or swor~...Eclisse to aid me in case any soldiers come after me. Don't worry, I'll have a good point to take a few shots if they're needed, after all...I won't miss. Just look for an arrow in the sky in case I can confirm that I secured an escape route...two arrows in the case that we're getting swarmed by some random brigade of sorts. If you don't mind me doing so of course." [@ToadRopes][@Polaris North][@Darkmoon Angel]