[@Themerlinhawk] okay so with him being a phoenix i was thinking the following: -Reincarnation...it would have the unique spin of him remembering each life and him looking basically the same with each one but with slight differences. The other part of this idea was that he would not really die unless killed with iron so each life can be really long, but if he's killed then he restarts in a way if that makes sense. If this is too much I can stick with remembering lives. -Fire: Create, control, resist. Warmer to the touch then a normal being and often wears the same type of outfits in the winter as any other season. Though this makes him weaker to the cold. So hypothermia would catch up to him faster if he were trapped in the snow or freezing water. (So when it is full blizzard/ heavy snow season thats when he really layers and tries to avoid outside) He is fully capable of incinerating with a touch, though not only would this give him away, but this also weakens him. The more powerful the fire the more drained he is since this is his own internal fire. -Healing: He can heal at a faster rate then a human, but not to the extent of a vampire or werewolf. Being permanently killed means ash pile. Being shot seems to hurt and he does bleed, but he does not die. Being hung results in knocking him out into a coma like state for up to 3 days...this leaves him vulnerable. -Changing shape: He has a form of the phoenix and does not transform into it that often. He considers it his true form and when he can he does fully turn to feel more...himself. He is capable of having just his wings out, but he prefers going all out. Weaknesses: -Iron: He cannot seem to hold iron, escape iron shackles, or heal from an injury dealt by iron. -Ash: If he is permanently killed his body will become a pile of ash. It isn't known just yet how to permanently kill a phoenix...(It takes a spell and iron) this ash can then be used for many magical things. -His body: By this I mean his phoenix form. Pretty much all parts of a phoenix can be used for many magical spells from healing to killing he is valuable to many a race. Though, he does molt like any other bird so should someone with the know how find out and not try to kill him or even form a friendship he might become willing to give up those feathers. (He usually burns them...its complicated since the feathers are usually fire resistant) This is just what I've thought up, but if its a tad too much i can tweak :3 I was also going with him being the cat house owner if thats okay? Edit: I just thought of what he could feed on. Since phoenixes aren't really known for too many violent things he could feed on emotions. Particularly anger? So for instance bar fights could have him standing or sitting in a corner feeding. What do you think?