When the wall exploded the first thing that Rose Mary thought was "Fuck!" She took Her second thought was to block it as much as possible. She put herself in between the explosion and her teammates. She didn't have time to shift into another form, her current form designed to attack the evil mutant would have to be enough or not. She couldn't watch as the debris flew at her, if she did die she didn't want that to be the last thing she saw. She pictured her mother, the last person that actually loved her. She imagined a life where she survived and her father died. She imagined being a typical girl, who dated, went to dances, fell in love, everything she never got to do but wished she could have. She was still imagining it all never hearing Booker calling out. Tatiana never got to act on any plan she could formulate, she wasn't even sure she could with him pumping out radiation. She did rush in to help pull people out. She found Rose Mary just standing like a statue with debris lying at her feet. She checked for a pulse but being a metal statue didn't give her any indication of a pulse. She wasn't going to stop until she was absolutely sure. She tried to shake the girl but she was rigid like a statue as well. She took one of her pistols and began hitting her on the head. Rose Mary blinked. "What?" Tatiana face palmed. "Don't what me girl. You were standing there like a dead statue. What the hell were you doing?" Rose Mary shifted into her normal human appearance. She stretched. "I was imagining a better life with my mother, just in case." A small tear escaped. Tatiana was uncomfortable. She did what she had seen on TV. She hugged Rose Mary, this to made her uncomfortable. Tatiana guided Rose Mary outside. "You need new clothes. These are practically shredded." She highlighted her point by literally picked up a piece of her shirt off her shoulder.