[h2][center][color=a0410d]Arsenal - Highway Robbery[/color][/center][/h2] Arsenal glanced over to the common girl, walking in front of any vehicle with any half-moral driver would cause some sort of disturbance in the highway, especially if the drivers are some bleeding heart heroes of the Protectorate. He liked that idea, but the annoying one called Chatterbox started divulge their own way of taking on the convoy of two heavily armored vans. It was reasonable, rather than try out his rambunctious plan it was more of a slow methodical way of taking down the escorts. Still, Chatterbox said it in an irritating way so Arsenal furrowed his brow at the young adult. [color=a0410d]"Sure, all the while we are the ones dodging bullets and bombshells with you in the back trying to yell at them to stop?"[/color] Arsenal knew that the plan had less faults than his previous bareback plan, but still Chatterbox's smile just irritated him at all times. However, before anything else could happen it seemed that something of note was going on between the group's police radio. It seemed that instead of fighting one Protectorate cape and a few grunts, they were going to be battling two of these professionals and some grunts. This put a wrench in their plans, he could only hope that Headhunter had heard that call as Arsenal knew that the armored vans would be coming any minute. Exhaling deeply, Arsenal looked at the current members and judged that if all of them tried to do their best and with a smidgen of teamwork they would be able to do something right in the new situation.[color=a0410d]"Well... guess we ain't got no better plan than what Chatterbox said, immobilize the transports and try to protect our little non-combat fella against these mystery threats until we've got them under our control,"[/color] Arsenal said with a bit of disdain in his words, [color=a0410d]" And we better start getting ready now, transports can't be too far and we've gotta hit them fast and hard once they come to that halting stop."[/color] Arsenal started to prep his equipment, loud whirring sounds starting to appear from his poncho with a slight fluttering underneath, even though he had stocked them with non-lethal bullets, it was still going to provide decent covering fire and later on let him use his more explosive weapons with them hiding from his barrage of bullets. [h2][center]Artificer - Denver Skyline[/center][/h2] Two months have passed by for Pete, those previous two months he has been spending his time hanging out with G4M3R and the Minutemen to stop some crime for money. Artificer thought it was fun just hanging around and doing neat stuff with his newly found powers, he knew that studying for college right now would be so boring compared to fighting crime with his friends, but it seemed that the hero business hasn't really been picking up lately for the group. It was true that the Protectorate had a sort of monopoly on the hero business, but he knew that these vast businesses would have tiny cracks laying around their foundation and that was what the Minutemen were going to try to pry their way into the business of saving some people. One of the many ways that the Minutemen could pry their way into becoming real heroes was to patrol around the area, the Protectorate couldn't be everywhere at once handling every small crime, so that means the Minutemen would be able to fill that role and possibly get some renown and money for their services. Still, it was kind of hard to see down below for crime while flying up in the air. Artificer was currently riding upon his Ebony Fly, a pony-sized wooden construct that could somehow fly, with his passenger G4M3R riding behind him due to his limited mobility compared to the other two members of the Minutemen. Kyoshi was below them following their general flight path, she could be able to get to most places with her powers to bend the earth around her, so she was probably fine in most cases. Anyway, Artificer was looking for some trouble to help solve, looking at the streets was a bit harder due to everyone looking like small blobs and usually the roofs didn't have much trouble to solve... Oh wait, what is that? Artificer squinted at the roof of a fairly tall office building and noticed something going on between some people. The fly rider reached inside his costume for his walkie-takie, he pressed the talk button and talked loud enough for G4M3R to hear as well, "Kyoshi, I think I see something on top of some office building around 200 feet tall. Try to get there as fast as you can, me and G4M3R are heading towards there now." While Ebony Fly was starting to get closer to the roof, he started to see the figures on the roof top with a bit more clarity and was surprised to actually recognize one of the people. "Holy shit, G4M3R! I think that is Furnace on the roof right there," Artificer said, nudging his friend slightly with Ebony Fly flying at a faster speed towards the roof. He noted the other two figures on the roof, it was another costumed person but this one had a gun pointed closely at some woman which could only mean that this lady was some type of villain. Artificer maneuvered Ebony Fly to flank the costumed villain, he ushered G4M3R to be ready with his weapons and hoped that Kyoshi would come soon to further outnumber the enemy. It didn't take long before Ebony Fly was positioned to flank Sonkia, it was hovering a few feet above the ground with the two heroes joining in on the confrontation. "Lady, you're outnumbered, let the woman go and we can talk this out," Artificer stated, his fingers fidgeting with one of the beads attached to his dull looking necklace.