[hider=Catherine St. Sebastian][Color=EBA0C1][center][h3]Catherine "Kitty" St. Sebastian[/h3][/center][/color] [Color=EBA0C1][center][i]Age: 25[/i][/center][/color] [center][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-F583yVoqPnQ/U5GU7PvNCYI/AAAAAAAABHg/dCd2wndO41U/s1600/hair.jpg[/img][/center] [center][IMG]http://orig09.deviantart.net/a8da/f/2011/315/8/5/metallic_divider_by_toxicestea-d4fsxbo.png[/IMG][/center] [Color=EBA0C1][center]Appearance[/center][/color] A lovely young lady who stands at 5 feet, 6 inches. She has creamy, white skin and long, blonde hair that falls to her hips if let down. Her eyes shimmer gray, or silver, as she likes to say. Her cheeks flush a light pink color, her lashes are long, her lips plump and kissable, and she has a small dent in her chin. Her frame is generous in the right areas and she isn't afraid to show off said assets. Her typical garb consists of her work uniforms, dresses, corsets, garters, belts, stockings, etc. She enjoys wearing a variety of colors, especially in her under garments. Her favorite color is pink. She wears very little jewelry save for a silver necklace she keeps for no apparent reason. [Color=EBA0C1][center]Occupation[/center][/color] [center]Working Girl at The House of Angels[/center] [Color=EBA0C1][center]Personality[/center][/color] Catherine has been called many things, both good and bad, and she relishes them all. After all, if people are talking about you, you are doing something right. She isn't afraid to say whatever pops into her head and it has gotten her in trouble on a few occasions. However, all is usually forgiven due to her unique skills and her charm. She can bewitch anyone she comes near, be they man or woman, and few can say no to her. She is strong-willed and wild, preferring to remain active and have a good time. She enjoys the fine things in life and if denied such things, she gets upset. She is rarely prone to anger, except in rare instances where she can have a nasty bite. This doesn't mea she can't defend herself and has taken care of some men who thought they could get a freebie or they could fondle her and still walk away with their hands. No one has lived when she has gotten extremely pissed off. She is no-nonsense and can be quite bright when she wants to. She is naturally inquisitive and adventurous. [Color=EBA0C1][center]History[/center][/color] She rarely talked about her past, though she heard the rumors. Her mother didn't want her and her father wanted her too much, if you get what is implied. She hasn't denied them. The past is the past for a reason. The only thing she has of her past is her silver necklace, one she has had since she was a little girl. Her upbringing wasn't bad, per se. She didn't really have a home she could call her own, but she had people that provided food, a bed, and that was enough. Until it became not enough. She wanted more. She wanted it all and she wanted it now. Could be a witch cast a spell on the girl to turn her into a selfish child, it could her coming into her kith lifestyle, it could be puberty for all she knew, but it came to a point where she needed to have a sense of satisfaction. As she grew up, she turned into a young woman. A budding rose that men were tempted to handle. She had a few instances where men got a little too touchy and they left with their wounds. She figured if men wanted what they saw, why not pay for it. It was during her transition that she was invited to Arcadia. The Fae there took pity on the young girl and bestowed on her their powers. They often took people with good looks in and they wanted a better life for the girl. Afterwards, they brought her back with the knowledge of how to use her new found abilities. Having no real home to call her own, she met Madame Pharrah, who worked for a man named Elias. The woman may have once been beautiful, but years were not kind, but the woman knew business and she knew what sold and she could fetch a pretty penny for the young girl. However, one had to be trained. It wasn't as easy as many made it out to be. So she stayed with the woman, was taught the wiles and guiles of seduction and romance. Madame Pharrah wasn't new to the supernatural scene either. Elias also knew of it and both looked out for her in terms of this. They knew Catherine had a special air about her. A Romancer Kith, one who could spill attraction on anyone they meet. It was a powerful blessing as well as a curse. Which is why Pharrah allowed Catherine to learn a different set of skills. Meant for her own protection. After all, a beautiful girl should learn how to protect herself. She quickly became a house favorite, entertaining clients and travelers. She made a name for herself, going by "Kitty". She finally had a home of her own. While it may not be the typical home for most, it was hers. Madame Pharrah was the mother she never had and Elias was a protector in his own right. She owed them much and showed it with her loyalty. However, life isn't all work. There was still much to see in the world and she wanted to be a part of it. [Color=EBA0C1][center]Personal Cards and Hand[/center][/color] [Color=EBA0C1][b]Personal cards-[/b][/color] 1 [Color=EBA0C1][b]Hand-[/b][/color] [Color=EBA0C1][b]Mysteries-[/b][/color] The Case of the Bovine Butcher- Main Mystery (Current)[/hider]