[color=92278f][center][h1]Luz[/h1][/center][/color] [hider=goblins][@Jangel13][@The 4 Winds][@Duthguy][/hider] After learning a new skill Kuz was very tired of training. She decided to call it a night and go to bed. It was appaired that she need to work with other in other to get stronger fast so tomorrow she would try to get out as soon as possible to party up with someone. The next morning Luz woke up as soon as she felt she had enough rest, got something to eat(if they can afford it), and waited outside for her group to show. Today she was going to join Steg and Skubli in hunting for more of theses new flowers, and if she had the time she would look for adhesive for Lomen. Hopeful if she doesn't, someone else would take the responsibility off her hands so her Clan could get better weapons.