Valerie barely heard the blazing runes behind her, or the door grinding open, and neither really registered with her while the orc was still in front of her. Her attention was occupied by annoying distractions like the blood now dripping from its club, [i]her[/i] blood, and the way she couldn't seem to properly draw a breath. She wavered where she stood, but refused to give any more ground, despite how weak she felt. The orc knew she was too drained to dodge anything, and pulled back for a wickedly heavy downward swing. Valerie tried to brace herself for it, knowing full well it would demolish her guard and surely leave her vulnerable to another wounding strike. It never came, though, instead being met by Markus's shield before it could reach her. Even though he spoke menacingly to the orc and not her, Valerie found herself stumbling back a few steps by instinct, grateful for the relief from the fight, even if it was only a short one. Markus was able to swiftly and brutally dispatch the orc, but another took its place immediately afterwards, this one fresh and more than a match for him. She heard his command, but didn't immediately follow it, looking back briefly at the opening before her eyes fell back on the battle between the two of them. Markus was barely able to block the next attack, and he lost his weapon soon afterwards. How was he supposed to be right behind her if he wasn't going to get away from this beast? Was he going to fight it hand to hand, as weary as he was? Even wounded, battered, and out of breath Valerie still had a better chance to attack, especially with the enemy distracted. Rather than flee for the tomb, Valerie found herself lunging forward a few steps, temporarily pushing her injury to the back of her mind. She aimed a lunge for the orc's left leg, stabbing the point of her sword through its knee and immediately debilitating its ability to move. It roared in pain as that leg gave out from underneath, immediately turning its attention on Valerie. A swing of its axe came up high towards her head, and she was only barely able to lean away in time to avoid decapitation. Her sword came free as she did, the sudden backwards momentum overwhelming her balance and causing her to fall onto her left side several paces from the orc and Markus. The ground proved magnetic, and Valerie's ability to ignore her injury swiftly ran out now that the attack was made. Her right hand went back to the bloody wound in her side, and she struggled to rise, obviously trying to get moving towards the doorway and their escape. Her body stubbornly refused her. [i]Just need to get to my feet...[/i]