Our runner-up titles include, "Back to square one", "And then there's THESE assholes", and my personal favorite, "Page 3 maybe???" xDDDDD Yes, yes, I'd expect nothing less of your TenLin adoration. But without Pema passing, the past is the past, and you know what THAT MEANSSSSS~~~~ (If you don't know what that means, that means reminiscing about 'better days' when things weren't so complicated. Also, ANGSTTTTTT. LOTS OF ANGSTTTTTT) You know, I actually don't know HOW we should do it. Maybe we just take them as we need them... but that would demand some crispy ass communication. I'm typically Korra, so maybe we should do our standard MaKorra for me and BoSami for you? Sigh, which means I need to take the L and go rewatch that shitty ass kiss episode xD Amon's bending status is nil here, as I believe we agreed on the advanced chi blocking technique, which means he is not related to Tarrlok. But the facade behind his disfiguration is true here; a fire bender fucked him up, and he wasn't having that shit happen to anyone else.