I love starting rp's with you, too, because I know you give a shit just as I do <333 Ahem, I don't know about Arya and Joffrey, because I'm not the one who has to post for that, but Botan and Kurama? Soon. [i]Soon.[/i] Rose Whip, bitchessss~~~ Gen god damn it, why do you need to kill Pema off all the time XDDDD Ah whatever. I'm not attached enough to stop you. All yours~ I'd call it delicious karma but that's just me. Breaking up with Mako in Season 2 was just Korra taking offense at everything she could; there was literally nothing the guy could say that she didn't find fault in. So Korra ruined her own relationship. Oh, oh, is Bolin STILL seeing this or did we say he didn't return with the roses this time? I forgot :CCCC Woo, you're already going off in this OOC. I think that discrimination against a single group of benders could work against some, however to truly gain some support he would need to go after all of them and maintain his subtle hatred of fire bending beneath the surface. Any bender of any background could cause someone pain. It's those without bending that suffer at their hands, with fewer means to defend themselves. So subtle against fire benders in particular, but widely for the Equalist movement to hold benders accountable as a whole, since they hold more power in the world by nature. I'll need to hit up the wiki soon and hit up the older episodes to get into his original narrative, before the whole 'I R ACTUALLY TEH BENDER' thing came to light. If Amon found evidence of Asami having the ability to bend, he may want to keep it secret long enough to continue having Mr. Sato work for him loyally. They both share anger towards fire benders for what they've done, but Mr. Sato protecting Asami shows that he isn't willing to truly erase their monstrous abilities. If Mr. Sato knew that Amon knew, it could either be too late and Mr. Sato could be imprisoned before he could warn her, OR he could warn Asami to flee their home with a hasty message... ORRRRRR Mr. Sato defects because he loves Asami more than he hates benders (in this AU anyway, since we knew it wasn't the case in canon), but I feel like this third option might result in his death since Amon doesn't seem the type to tolerate traitors to his cause.