I still miss giving Sakura her water gun attack...urgh but I'm more on the ShikaSaku bandwagon atm. Ahem. Anywaaaaaay~~~ Tenzin and Lin will find love, just in the background haha. Pema was never a good character. She could divorce Tenzin, knowing he has feelings for Lin still. Pema gets on with her life, buries the hatch with Lin and Pema remarries to a non-bender who has more time with her. Idk lol Korra ruins so much. God...she annoys me so much. Please redeem her! I don't know. We didn't mention whether or not Bolin would find out through the dumb Nick way or not. I kinda wanna go with the idea Bolin did come back but like 10 seconds after the kiss? He doesn't know what happened but gets there to see Mako storming off? Oh right yeah he is a bender, secretly. I do see the logic in him hiding his targets being fire benders. So in terms of him attacking those fire benders, maybe notable pro benders? So he would do that in secret? I thought he did some other demonstrations in public though. I know he made an example of that guy with the hair who people thought would have a bigger role? Emo pro bending guy. He did get rid of the bending gang The Triple Thread (I'm kinda skimming the wiki atm) though in this AU, his backstory is true, that he was wronged by fire benders. Maybe we'll add a CS for him to sum all this up. Ya know I kinda like the idea of her dad being redeemed in the end. Maybe Asami and Mako arrive too late to save Mr.Sato from Amon's wrath? I don't care if he dies or not but I do think it would be nice to make her dad not such a bad guy since it was a little tough for me to see him discard his daughter and throw himself into some crazy guy (Amon).