Was that OUR rp or was that the guy you said was really, REALLY all about how Shikamaru was lazy and it got old fast? xDDD ...Jesus. I'd rather you just kill her off now. Don't let her leave him like that. After FOUR CHILDREN, and Rohan is friggin' recent, too. We could say something like... like Amon took her to pressure Tenzin and the Council into keeping Republic City's police force well away from his cause, and Amon may know of Lin and Tenzin's past enough to realize that she would never do anything if it meant hurting him. And taking Pema would hurt in any form. Rage. Pain. Suffering. HAHAAHAHA I'm just imagining you minding your own business and then suddenly under your breath muttering, "Man, FUCK KORRA," xD I'm gonna need more than luck. I'm gonna need a miracle to pull this off. You mean figure out the endgame? Yeah, we can do that. I think that, for a change, Amon should be honest about who he is and why he's doing what he's doing. There's no secret; he wants those who cannot bend to share the same voice as those who can. To become TRULY equal, without the abuse of power and authority. Maybe at his core, he really believes that bending as a concept, as a power, should go extinct and be wiped from history. What if it really isn't more complicated than that? Of course he'll kill if he has to, which is why he is the villain. Well there are elements in Republic City that use their power as shortcuts. Gangs use it to terrorize and extort, rather than work hard to make a living with their gifts. Maybe he wanted Asami to prove something for herself and for him. You don't NEED bending to be fulfilled or be strong. And it served Asami well, until an event triggered her secret to reveal itself. Oh and yeah he died flying this dumb mosquito machine and doing something to Kuvira's giant stupid metal Gundam thing lmfao I don't even fucking remember what it was. Kuvira was so cool though. Hot as fuck. Would bang. I think we have enough to get started. One last detail though: Mako DOES tell Asami, and Korra DOESN'T tell Bolin. Does that sound about right?