"I would not know entirely. But he has had knowledge on the original foundations of Duel Monsters and the Shadow Games. He was an achiologist at one point before he created Duel Monsters. He would know something about this. All we would need to do is ask or he will say something about as secretly as possible." Yami told as he made his way toward the elevator, then once Serena was in activated it to Pegasus' floor. He remembered when they first came here. He glanced to Kuriboh, not entirely surprised that tis little creature decided to come with. A small smile came to his lips with this companion by his side. Kaiba had to only admit that all he was surprised about was the sudden grab of his shirt and shoved into th wall of the vent. The rest of it with the rant Adam was going through, Seto wasn't phased and remained stoned faced the entire time. He waited for him to finish when Adam was panting now but clearly saw his fear, how scared he was. "You done? Because to be honest, you arent the only one know who is protecting someone, trying correct what some moron is starting and trying to control the world through Duel monsters. You cannot tell me for one second that I have no clue. I have been forced to face what that Geek squad has been facing for the past four years before Yami got a body of his own and could move on. You cannot tell me that I dont understand. And if you want advise on how to deal with this dick of a father? Ignore him. Obviously he doesnt care nor will he change. I know his type. Break ties before its too late and let Geek squad help Serena. She obvious is becoming buddy buddy with Yami and is helping her face that snap point." Seto told him with a slight scowl to his features but if Adam hadnt figured it out it was his brother he was protecting. But secretly and unknowing, Yami due their long past life. "So. Would you like to keep oving or have someone find us in this most awkward and pretty, embarrassing situation." Kaiba pointed out with how small this place was and what it would do to ones imagination and leave few scarred.