Interested and currently working on a character, a couple of questions, though. 1. If Ban-TYO is active does that take Bantyoleomon of the list for acceptable partners? 2. To what extent are alternate forms acceptable? In my case, I kinda want to use Blackgatomon's line for Mervamon but she's only listed as an alternate form for Minervamon rather than a digiolution from her. I also kinda wanted to use Madleomon as a sort of a dark digivolution for a leomon line even though he isn't technically listed as such in any sort of offical line and is a None level. Would something like that be okay? 3. If I did end up using a leomon line would it be okay to have him stay in his champion form even though he's not that small. Just think it would be easier instead of three Elecmon running around 4. Would doing something like having both Gatomon lines be cool or would that be monopolising? Don't want to step on any toes.