It looked to her like her things were all packed and ready to go, and that was only confirmed by her escort. She gave a small nod as thanks for taking all her bags, but then rose a brow at what he said next. The flight left… now? Was it possible for them to even /get/ to the airport fast enough to catch the flight if that was the case? The closest one wasn’t exactly walking distance, and they’d have to go through customs to even get to the plane. “I hope you’re exaggerating on the ‘taking flight right now’ part of that statement” she said. “No way we’d make it on time.” She stepped outside as somewhat instructed, though, and suddenly things made a lot more sense. There was a plane. There was a plane parked on the street. A small plane, sure, but there was a plane parked on the STREET. He… there was a /plane/ parked on the road. Words couldn’t begin to describe how shocked Bonny looked. She was expecting… well, a normal flight in an average plane that takes off from an airport. Or some variation of that. She was surprised no one had raised a ruckus over a plane parked on the street, first off. She opened her mouth as if she was about to say something, then closed it again, then spoke when she actually had words to say. “I… you parked a plane. On the road. Just… there. I … don’t know how I’m supposed to react to this”. She felt shocked from just seeing a small plane parked on the road, flattered that she was getting such a personal escort, and kind of excited that she was going to fly in a cool two person plane. Even if her escort was a little on the… show offy side. She approached the plane, walking around it once to look it over in mild awe. It was her first time seeing a two person plane up close, and she found herself looking far more interested than she thought she should be. She wasn’t a mechanic, but it just looked really cool. It was a plane in the middle of the street; there was no reason /not/ to check it out before boarding. Her fascination was luckily quelled pretty quickly, though why she was sent such a frivolous escort was beyond her. Judging from his ‘sleep during the flight’ comment, they weren’t too aware of her powers, so that wouldn't be it. After she was done inspecting the exterior of the plane and satisfying her curiosity, she opened the door and clambered inside. The interior was spacier than she expected it to be, and she stood to look around for a second before taking a seat in one of the passenger seats. She didn’t see her luggage, but her carry on bag was within arms reach- she scooped it up, rummaging inside to make sure everything was there. Games, puzzles, books, check. She was ready. She allowed herself to look out the window to see her house- er, her old home now- one last time before focusing back on the toys in front of her. Maybe asking her escort some questions would come to pass the time. He said he used to be a teacher there- maybe he’d know what the place was like? Those questions were best to be asked once they were in the air, though. After they were flying safely. Oh, and his name. She should really ask his name.