[@The book of bad juju] Ah, I get it now. Just note in his weaknesses section that his melee specials are weak or something and he's accepted. [hr] [@Dead Cruiser] Fenrir is a tough one. He's alright as a base character... but, his moveset is more like a boss character in a fighting game than a regular character. He can do a lot with his special moves as you loaded him with everything possible, instead of having him excel in some areas, but having weaknesses in others. Let's start. [indent]1). Svartálfar, Ván and Helhammar are more like super moves than regular moves. I don't know, but having a guard breaker, second wind, and a move that punishes blocking as an attack he can do at any given time rubs me the wrong way. I'm not going to allow any of them due to them being broken. 2). You say that he's weak at a range, but you gave him several ranged attacks. Making the area cold (which I'll get to in a second), his roar, and pushing enemies away, sound like ranged attacks to me. 3). Gelgja kind of rubs me the wrong way since that move alone would be a headache to deal with. He'd practically be able to give him free reign to do any of his other attacks, and wallop away at opponents. I would accept freezing... if it was the focus of his kit rather than one of his many powerful moves. 3). Both of his super moves are practically instant win buttons. He can pretty much just render everyone helpless by freezing them with one move, and turn into an invincible super wolf with the other ones. Neither of these abilities are fair or fun (same with the rest of his kit). I don't feel comfortable accepting either to be honest. 4). You need to focus his strengths in one area, and give him actual weaknesses - or go the route I did with Justin and give him a bunch of techniques, but don't make him overwhelmingly strong in any of the categories. Is he going to be good at up close fights like you said? Then remove his many ranged attacks, his bullshit moves, and perhaps give him some more solid weaknesses. 5). Also, this is a small one, but you were supposed to give a list of personality traits, not describe his entire personality. [/indent]