[h3][center][b][i][color=f6989d]Hibiki[/color] & [color=6ecff6]Shizuka[/color][/i][/b][/center][/h3] Shizuka was pleasantly surprised to be released from Iona. She thought that this would be her end. But what wasn't so good was seeing her other allies still chained up. Shizuka had no illusion that she could take on this tower herself. Bonesword admitted his guilt to his sins while Titania still struggled. That poisonous gas was clouding her judgement and made things very, very difficult for Shizuka. Ni-Mu was practically innocent of any sin considering that she was born just recently. Shizuka wished Hibiki was here; she'd know what to say to make everyone come to their senses. But Shizuka didn't have an idea of what to do, and could only act as quickly as she could. [color=6ecff6]"Your honor, Iona, if any Machina soldier is guilty of sin, it would be me! Bonesword was spawned by demonic forces, that is true. But he fought against that demonic nature and now turns his sword against evil. Even if no one forgives him, he continues to live and fight for redemption, instead of running away from his sins or denying what he did. Titania is a clone of her true self, who may have indeed done many sins before. But this Titania was created for war, and given no other purpose or a chance to prove otherwise. She is like a child, who must burden her parent's sins and punishments. Could this Titania, the one chained here and not the original that she is a mere copy of, truly be accountable for the actions of her creator? And for Ni-Mu... She truly is a newborn, Iona. She has not even taken a life yet despite her purpose as a weapon. She has no experience, has never made a choice for herself, and has never taken part in any travesty or chaos the Nexus is known for. Ni-Mu hasn't ever gotten the chance to choose between good or evil, or to willingly commit sin, or even deny her masters and superiors! How can she be judged for anything while she's still so young?"[/color] Shizuka pleaded for her allies release. At this rate the forces of heaven may already be on their way to the Alchemist's chambers, and a few of the demons have already reached the next level. Things weren't looking good for the Machina and Shizuka knew it. She really, really wished Hibiki was here right now. Meanwhile Hibiki did stand by and watched alongside the Alchemist. She showed no reaction to these turn of events, though Hibiki did have ideas of how to stall for the Machina. [color=f6989d]"Those angels are truly blessed to have such beneficial cards drawn for them. It helps that they have god on their side."[/color] Remembering the first battle, Hibiki could say for certain that up till now the Angel's never really had a solid victory. They failed their objective at the Eliticor, and while technically the winners at Ruthria, the supplies they lost at Alt Signia negated that victory. Winning this battle would certainly be throwing the dog a bone. But would Hoho really make things that easy for them? [color=f6989d]"I do wonder what sort of creature or monster they have to face. Out of the three factions, it may not even challenge these angels."[/color] [@Flamelord][@KoL][@Banana]