[img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/the-naruto-world/images/6/6a/Anime-guy-with-red-hair-and-green-eyes-552.jpg[/img] [b]Creator:[/b] HylianRose [b]Name: [/b] Liliam/Luca(Real/Alias) [b]Nickname: [/b] N/A [b]Gender: [/b] Female (Disguised as Male) [b]Age: [/b] Unknown [b]Birthday: [/b] Unknown (chose October 31st) [b]Home Country: [/b] Hell [b]Race: [/b] Demon [b]Powers and Weaknesses: [/b] Liliam is able to seduce the minds of men to do her bidding. She is also able to form balls of malicious shadows in her hand and throw them at her enemies. She is able to command malicious ghosts to fight for her as well as smaller demons, though the bond is fragile and the demons could turn on her. She is weakened by the aura of Angels. [b]Height: [/b] 5'7" [b]Weight: [/b] 125 [b]Eye Color: [/b] Golden [b]Hair Style and Color: [/b] Red, cut short and ragged, appears like a lowly servant. [b]Skin: [/b] Lightly tanned [b]Build: [/b] Thin [b]Markings: [/b] Mark of Hell on her lower back. [b]Jewelry: [/b] Necklace around her neck, showing her owner. [b]Clothing: [/b] Whatever she's been given. Prefers less over more. "It's too hot in anything else!" [b]Personality: [/b] Liliam is sassy. She's selfish and enjoys the pain of others. In truth, she's is very lonely, and is only doing what she thinks to be right. She has a hard time figuring out how she's supposed to act and whether she should try to make friends, or crush them and be lonely forever. [b]Bio: [/b] Liliam was born to Lilith, the embodiment of female sexuality and desire. Her mother was banished, disintegrated into nothingness by the Angels that guard the royals. With nothing left, Liliam sells herself disguised as a male to a slave driver that is known to sell her slaves to the royal family. She went through months of vigorous questioning and finally was admitted to serve them. Now, she finds herself trying to seek friendship from one of the younger princes, Troy. [b]Crush: [/b] N/A [b]Other: [/b] Liliam, aka Luca, has two forms. The male that you see, and her [url=http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1369516-bigthumbnail.jpg]demon form.[/url] [url=http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1128712-bigthumbnail.jpg]If she ever chose to grow out her hair and return to being female.[/url] [b]Likes: [/b] -Darkness -Demons -Her Mother -The color red -Kids [b]Dislikes: [/b] -Angels -Royalty -The color white -Laughter -The Sun/Light [b]Extras: [/b] N/A [b]Theme Song: [/b] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fl1Dubqke28]Coheed and Cambria - The Dark Side of Me[/url]