[i][h3]Roughly 7 Hours Later[/h3][/i] Angela had been awake during the ride in the truck, but once they'd gotten on the helicopter, she too gave in to her exhaustion, curling up comfortably in a seat. Fareeha seemed like she went straight back to sleep as well, settled into a bed at the back of the chopper. Poor woman must've never had this much time to rest, having been in combat near constantly since the omnics struck Egypt to its core. The hours passed, most of the time spent over the Mediterranean Sea, and they soon arrived in what Angela assumed was Turkey. They landed on a small airstrip outside of a black building with two floors. It wasn't huge, but this must've been their closest base to Egypt. The coast to the south was a beautiful sight, especially when it appeared that there were no omnics for miles on land or sea. Angela stood up from her seat, groaning quietly as pain tore through her abdomen. She'd have to heal it the rest of the way soon. One of the Talon agents got out of his seat, looking to the doctor. "I'll get our medic to bring a stretcher out for Miss Amari." He stated, before hopping out a side-door. Angela didn't follow, instead going to the back of the helicopter to check on Fareeha. it appeared she'd been roused to consciousness by the landing. "They're bringing a stretcher for you so you don't have to walk. I hope you slept well, Fareeha." Angela said as she sat down on the edge of the bed. "We've been flying for about seven hours, I think. North of Egypt. I think we're in Turkey. I looked out the window... not an omnic in sight." A ramp on the back of the helicopter soon lowered, revealing two people with a wheeled stretcher and a third wearing a black cloak and hood. It sure looked quite warm to be wearing something like that, though the sun was lowering in the sky. It'd cool off soon enough. The two manning the stretcher carefully helped Fareeha onto it, then brought her down the ramp. Angela followed, giving a curious glance to the cloaked figure. "Go with the medics." He grumbled, voice rough and distorted by what appeared to be a white mask over his face. Angela wanted to ask who he was, but she knew better than to ask questions the moment she arrived in a place she was formerly hostile towards. She followed the medics as they wheeled Fareeha into the building through a pair of double doors, the strange cloaked man following but turning down a different hallway once inside. They brought Fareeha into a small medical wing, helping her onto a different bed. This was much more what Angela was used to. The equipment was modern, the supplies were stocked, and it actually seemed pretty normal aside from it being a domain for Talon. "If you'd like, Dr. Ziegler, you could run the tests to see the extent of the damage to her body." One of the medics, a young man with clean cut hair and soft brown eyes began. "We won't overstep any boundaries here. Our orders are just to make certain you two have what you need until the boss takes you to France." "Okay, I'll do that then. I believe you have everything I'll need." Angela replied, looking around the room. X-Ray machine, various medications in a cabinet, and a partitioned bathroom off to the right side of the room. There were only some full-length curtains separating it from the bed Fareeha was lying in, but it would certainly be wonderful to take a shower. "How long will we be here?" "Likely until you're both fit to do what Talon needs you for. Are you certain you don't need anything else? Food, water, clothes, anything?" The medic asked. "Actually," Angela motioned to the shower. "Clothes would be wonderful. I plan on washing up while I have the time to. What both her and I are wearing are filthy, obviously." The medic nodded. "Of course. They'll just be some black fatigues. Was there-" The man was cut off by the door opening. Both agents snapped to attention. "Sir." The cloaked man entered the room and sighed. "Been a long time, doc. And I see the younger Amari is all grown up now." Angela raised a brow. "Who are you?" The man chuckled, the sound gravely and low. "Don't you remember?" He reached up to his face, removing the mask. Beneath it lay a horrifically scarred face, but a familiar one. Angela's heart nearly stopped.[i] "Gabriel?!"[/i]