She was relieved to hear that they had no intention on bringing their acquaintance anywhere near her apartment. Nodding, she let Rasteva get situated before grabbing her coat and heading outside after slipping on her shoes. Surprised to see how close they were to where Rasteva needed to go, she couldn't help glance towards the bird on her shoulder. [color=f49ac2][b]"Why would I buy something from someone I don't know? I mean..I might think about it, if I liked it enough.."[/b][/color] Sara went through the process of why someone would be trying to sell her something. Was it like the people at carnivals, shouting to get your attention to what they had to offer? When she put it that way, it sounded quite enjoyable! But, something told her deep down that if Rasteva were to warn her beforehand that perhaps she wouldn't want anything offered here anyway. The dark alley had her quite nervous, fidgeting with the end of her jacket sleeve. [color=f49ac2][b]"Are you sure this is right, Rasteva? Maybe we passed it?[/b][/color]" She asked softly. Seeing the shadow, she couldn't help the small squeak of surprise as the bear materialized out of seemingly nowhere. [color=f49ac2][b]"W-We're not here to--"[/b][/color] Rasteva knew this bear? But he was so gruff sounding! Was this the person they were talking about? Maybe not...The way they interacted didn't seem to give her any indication that they were more than just of name-sake. The young woman couldn't help flinching as the bear poked at her with their rather large paw. Small? [color=f49ac2][b]"I-I don't think--"[/b][/color] Rasteva seemed to cut in again. Job? Daemon's had jobs? They didn't seem to be making good friends with the bear... She nodded quickly and moved past them, whispering a small thank you, and apology for Rasteva's quick tongue. "I'm not sure if that was the best way to approach them. What if they got really upset and wanted to fight?" She frowned. Nearing the end of the staircase, she gently moved a hand to shield one of her ears. [color=f49ac2][b]"How can music be that loud?"[/b][/color] She whined softly. [color=f49ac2][b]"I am, but I'm not sure if my ear drums are..."[/b][/color] Once Rasteva was ready, she took a deep breath before pulling the door forward, surprised at how light the metal was. They were instantly hit with the music, bass boasting from across the floor. She could hardly hear herself think. There was a lot of her senses being stimulated at once. Her ears pulsed, and her eyes were constantly forced to move with the rhythmic lights, and colorful characters that ushered their way into view. And what was that [i]smell[/i]? She cast her eyes about, unable to really place it. Was it food? Someone's perfume or cologne maybe? She couldn't really tell. Sara got so caught up in her senses she nearly forgot Rasteva was on her shoulder, until she felt their feet shift a bit, causing her to focus back onto them. [color=f49ac2][b]"Y-Yes? Sorry, were you saying something?"[/b][/color]