[center] [h2][color=ed1c24]Mirai[/color] & [color=82ca9d]Silvienne Star[/color][/h2] Despite the expansive lore surrounding the mountain, not to mention several exploration expeditions every year, there were still vast amounts of the land undiscovered and undocumented. There were plenty of corners to search for the rogue witch, plenty of cracks to hide in.... And Mirai had until sunrise. Normally, the ambitious witch was all for a challenge, but the time constraints were never her preferred kind. Growling to herself, Mirai kept her eyes peeled for any signs of movement or life in the dark forests below. Her best bet was to search some of the caves nearby, as that was the most logical place to set up camp in a place such as this. Leaning forward, Sunni responded to Mirai's shift in weight by tilting their flight path downward while still remaining above the treeline. It wouldn't do getting caught by some of the tree climbing creatures, there just wasn't the time to play. The witch sniffed at the night air, keeping tabs on the subtle shifts of color in the sky above her. Time was beginning to run short and Mirai was beginning to lose her patience. "[color=ed1c24]That which goes bump in the night is finding itself grow stronger and stronger. How many do you think are still willing to wander about in the darkness?[/color]" She asked to noone in particular, scanning the mountainside for any ridge that might support life. She and Sunni had veered close enough to check out a few spots, but thus far nothing had panned out. Her frustration was evident in the flames spewing from her mouth as she exited a cave she had explored on foot, dropping down from the ledge to the forest floor below. Somewhere up above, Sunni kept pace, but it was clear even she was beginning to wear out. Not surprising considering she had been in charge of babysitting long before their mission began, and that mixed with caring for Rose on her short expedition out, must have left the poor girl completely wiped. Mirai sighed, finding a safe clearing before calling the bat down to rest. "[color=ed1c24]I'm sorry, I should have let you rest earlier.[/color]" She apologized, petting the nose of her beastly companion affectionately. The bat squeaked merrily in response, nudging her master playfully as if to reassure that all was fine. Cracking a smile, Mirai chuckled before turning her attention outward toward the forest. She couldn't be sure, but it almost felt as if someone were watching the pair of them. Sunni wasn't reacting at all, so whatever it was had to have been keeping still so as to not make any noise. "[color=ed1c24]Wait here.[/color]" She directed the bat, stepping away to investigate the perimeter. ~~~ Green eyes peered out of the darkness, curiously surveying the scene before them. This far off the trail it was rather uncommon to come across a traveler, let alone one that communed with such creatures as bats. [color=82ca9d][i]Witch.[/i][/color] The masked figure thought silently to herself, careful to breathe slowly so the bone would absorb all of the sound. She only dared to move when the wind blew and she held her knucklebone necklace against her skin to silence its rattling, maintaining her focus on the woman rather than the beast. Even from behind the mask, the scent of ash surrounded the dark haired woman, a force the green orbed girl preferred to avoid. As the stranger approached the tree line, the masked figure shifted from her place in the overlying tree branches, matching step for step as she inched away. After putting some distance between her and the stranger, the young woman made to hide deeper in the forest, but something kept pulling her back. Of all the creatures she had discovered during her time living among them, never had she seen a creature quite so big; at least not for a bat. It was a magnificent sight, and the masked girl found herself being drawn back out of curiosity. Sure to approach carefully, the masked figure inched slowly out into the clearing, keeping a wary eye out for the dark haired witch. Sunni immediately noted the differences in presence, ready to alert her mistress of the stranger until her voice distracted her. "[color=82ca9d]Be still mighty hunter, I mean no disrespect and certainly no harm.[/color]" The voice was light, calm, and quiet so as not to draw attention outside of what was necessary. She had little doubt in her mind that the bat would hear, but as the companion of a witch, she could only hope it would listen. Sunni hesitated, moving to call her mistress once more before her attention was stolen once again. "[color=82ca9d]Please, forgive my boldness... But I was hoping I could ask your name.[/color]" The girl circled round so that she was standing directly in front of the massive bat, her head slightly bowed out of respect. "[color=gray][i]Foolish child. What good does asking my name do?[/i][/color]" Sunni smirked to herself, chuckling at a high, nearly inaudible frequency. "[color=82ca9d]Well, for starters, it makes conversations a lot easier.[/color]" The masked girl responded, instantly capturing Sunni's undivided attention. "[color=gray][i]You speak as if you understand... Mysterious little critter.[/i][/color]" Sunni responded, sniffing in the girl's direction. "[color=gray][i]My darling Mirai believes it impolite to ask a name without first supplying one of your own.[/i][/color]" It wasn't everyday Sunni got to engage with another sentient being, so she figured Mirai wouldn't be too cross if she didn't send for her right away. "[color=82ca9d]Of course.[/color]" The girl stated, reaching up to pull her mask off. Beneath it, her features were defined by white, chalky paint and piercings. "[color=82ca9d]My name is Silvienne, but most of the creatures here call me Silv. It's an honor to meet you.[/color]" Silvienne swept her upper body into a much deeper bow, her necklace clanking as she did so. Sunni nodded in satisfaction, relaxing her posture some as the girl made herself visible. "[color=gray][i]The mistress calls me Sunni, among other flattering things. Tell me, little critter... you are a witch like my Mirai, are you not?[/i][/color]" Sunni inquired, still perplexed by a humanoid being able to understand her clearly. Silvienne nodded hesitantly, as if unsure of herself. "[color=82ca9d]I suppose so... To be honest, I have no training in the magical arts but I'm sure you've noticed that I am no normal human either.[/color]" "[color=ed1c24]Exactly what we're looking for.[/color]" Silv nearly jumped sky high as the voice spoke up from behind her, having noticed no signs of approach from the ashen witch. She kicked herself internally for having gotten so distracted, now faced with a dilema not easily dealt with. "[color=gray][i]My Mirai, look at what I've found for you. Rose will be pleased, yes?[/i][/color]" The bat clicked much louder this time, a sound she often made when she was in a good mood or seeking praise. "[color=82ca9d]Y-y-you must b-be the Mirai S-Sunni here was t-t-talking about. A p-pleasure.[/color]" Silve squeaked, attempting to back off a few steps though not travelling far before she found herself blocked by the very bat she had been pulled in by. The woman standing before her seemed none too kind, her smile cruel and her eyes burning with a fire hotter than she had ever seen. "[color=ed1c24]Well done Sunni, what a good girl. We'll be taking this one with us.[/color]" She remarked, stroking Sunni's snout gently whilst ignoring the trembling girl beside her. Whipping around, Silvienne made a run for it, dashing toward the tree line for cover. She wasn't able to make it very far, however, as her body lurched forward and slammed to the ground. Posture still poised from the kick, Mirai lowered her leg slowly as she summoned a ball of flame in her right fist. "[color=ed1c24]I really don't have time for games tonight. I have a deadline to meet, and I really don't feel like getting my ear talked off by Rose. So I'll make you a deal. You come quietly, and I don't torch you alive. How does that sound?[/color]" Silvienne rolled over to stare at the woman, eyes filled with fear induced tears. This witch was absolutely crazy, but more importantly, she was holding fire in her hand. There was no way she could compete with something like that, which meant there was no way she could refuse. Silv nodded quickly, her entire body shaking as Mirai seemed almost disappointed that she had given up so quickly... Should she not have? Fear petrified the inexperienced witch as Mirai turned and remounted Sunni and directed the bat in SIlv direction. Scrambling to get out of the way, Silv suddenly found herself in the careful grasp of the bat. "[color=gray][i]Worry not, strange little witch. I never drop anything by accident.[/i][/color]" Sunni chirped, sounding rather proud of herself despite the less than reassuring words. Like master like companion she supposed, settling in for what would be the longest ride of her life. ~~~ Just as the sun was beginning to poke over the far horizon, Sunni landed back in the main hall of the castle that Silv had only ever seen glimpses of from afar. The place was chilling and far from pleasant, and she feared any people would be worse, then again she was unsure if anything could get worse than a witch who toyed with fire. Gripped tightly by the arm, Silvienne had little choice but to follow Mirai down the halls until she was presented before a regal feeling woman who, like her usual self, donned a mask. "[color=ed1c24]You didn't start without me, I hope?[/color]" Mirai yawned, dropping her death grip on the strange girl's arm as she relaxed her stance. [@Ellion][@Everyone dealing with the door in the witches compound, sorry I'm super tired rn] [/center]