[hider=Guard Captain/2nd Son][b]Name[/b]: Meldyr 'Mel' Flintbrook [b]Age[/b]: 27 [b]Sex[/b]: M [b]Race[/b]: Human, Talos Marked [b]Appearance[/b]: His hair is black and worn in an unkempt fashion, pulled into a ponytail at the back of his head. His skin is fair but ruddy. He has a noticeable fit and trim body, with practiced hard muscle, though lean. His face is not unhandsome, in a half commoner sort of way. He has a small scar on his left cheek, as well as 4 scars along his back, 2 criss crossing on his right bicep and one on the back of his left hand. He wears a vest over a grey-tan shirt. His feet are covered with sturdy traveling shoes. His protection is halfplate armor, compromising of a breastplate, pauldrons, bracers, and thigh guards made of plate mail. [b]Personality[/b]: Determined, skilled, and passionate are the three words that can describe Meldyr. He is introverted, but confident. Meldyr has a compassionate heart, but a strong sense of justice. He's got quite the wit, and can be suave when he needs to be. But he prefers blunt observations. Mel is a very capable commander, skilled in strategy and leadership. [b]Biography[/b]: [list] [*]Born as the 2nd son in House Flintbrook, a moderately wealthy house hailing from the North. There was some controversy years later over the legitimacy of his birth, with those in the family swearing he was born a true heir, whereas many skeptics claim they never recalled his 'mother' giving birth to him, calling his a Bastard. [*]Grew up in a military role, being hailed as the one to strategize and plan movements of troops, whereas his older Brother Brandon would rule with laws of the House, and the younger Brother Gregory would help with economic means. He was trained in various weapons and tactics, as well as shown how to command troops. Though all three brothers learned aspects of all roles. [*]Age of 13, he was given the Mark of Talos in a secret ceremony by his father, in order to hone his already considerable combat prowess. [*]Brandon was killed when Meldyr was 17, causing a falling out with his father which lead to more and more violent arguments. Meldyr fled into the night age 18 with a small fortune and a horse. [*]Spent the next 6 years as a Mercenary, and having received a high level of training (as well as having natural skills) he quickly became a Mercenary captain, serving in various conflicts, fighting alongside his men. [*]Heard news of the Assassination of his father, and returned home to pay his respects until he heard his house was now run by George who was rumored to have killed his father to succeed him. There was another rumor George was killed as well, and others that he fled. By the time Meldyr returned, there was no trace of the House. Some rumors have it that there are those loyal to Flintbrook, who would follow any surviving heirs. [*]With his credentials and name, whom he had given to the head of House Delorano, he was offered the position of Guard Captain. He's served for two years. [/list] [b]Position In House Delorano[/b]: Guard Captain [b]Equipment[/b]: [list] [*]Military Sidesword [*]Pistol [*]Half Plate Armor [*]Long Dagger [*]Flask [hr] [i]Within his Quarters[/i] [*]Halberd [*]Large Buckler [*]Crossbow [*]Recurve Bow [/list] [b]Skills[/b]: (Human +1 to Archery), (Athleticism +3 For Talos Mark) [b]Gifted[/b]: Brawling +4, Dueling +4 [b]Above Average[/b]: Soldiery +3, Acumen +3, +3 Reputation [b]Deficient[/b]: Grace -2, Skulduggery -2 [b]Unlisted[/b]: Gunnery [b]Marked Ability[/b]: Mark of Talos: The Mark of Talos is offered to humans and Talosians. The symbol is a glowing white brand over the heart and is the symbol of the Eye, for Talos watches all. The Mark of Talos is the Mark of vigor. All those Marked have strength beyond their normal means and heal quickly. The Marked gets +3 to Athleticism and heals all accumulated wounds in a single day. [/hider]