[quote=@Letter Bee] [@LetMeDoStuff][@13org][@LightningLynx89][@Eklispe][@The One][@olcharlieboi][@deathclawow][@Ceta de Cloyes][@Keksalot]: ManintheNorth and Zelosse have left. How many of you are still in this RP? [/quote] Pills here. [quote=@Keksalot] [@ManoftheNorth][@Zelosse][@LetMeDoStuff][@13org][@LightningLynx89][@Eklispe][@The One][@olcharlieboi][@deathclawow][@Ceta de Cloyes] this is where the REAL hunger games start broskies if any of you, with exception of O'Ryan and Eric feel like it, tell me some interesting and intimate info about your characters - especially what they particularily fear, for what do they have really strong feelings of affection or hate, what are their big dreams and such. [/quote] Well, Marcus, as we know, is not the most confident of the batch, which can be demoralizing seeing as he's one of the taller and mid-aged ones. He's in a state of conflict, obviously between his morals and what everyone else tells him to do, which is making him nervous and a bit ransacked of usefulness. In terms of feelings, he mostly fears himself, due to knowing there's more power he is yet to use in combat. As for the others, he is in another strange state, sort of already forging a bond as if they'd been friends for years, despite talking for about an hour. He's already having 'Feelings' towards one of the other Magi, whilst starting to feel a natural defensive instinct for them, seeing how a handful are younger than him. I'll go over his state of conflict during his visit from the Malakim again.