[center][color=black][h1][u]The Twelve Labours[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [hider=Forward]Welcome to the Final Hazard. This little project has been a long time coming now. For those of you who are not aware, the Final Hazard is essentially a Challenge Roleplay - intended as a difficult Victory-Lap-Roleplay for winners of prior entries in The Twelve Labours. You can participate even if you did not win any of the contests from The Twelve Labours Series One, albeit with a significant disadvantage (as you will see in the rules below). As a warning both to TTL regulars as well as to newcomers: THERE IS NO GRAND REWARD AWAITING THE WINNERS HERE - beyond a spiffy forum trophy and bragging rights. This is important to keep in mind since the roleplay itself will be brutally unkind, and I shall be merciless in my work. It is my recommendation that you not participate unless you are utterly sure about what you are getting yourself into, are looking for a challenge to overcome, and are prepared to be ground into charnel paste by the lack of parity. Since I expect people to pull a double take and question what the point of the contest is as soon as they see the Challenge Criteria, and since this will be my only real opportunity to show a bit of my hand without breaking the rules of the roleplay, I will just say that I have a particular Object Lesson in mind. Even if you are not particularly interested in what I might have to say, I should hope that the opportunity to sharpen your writing skills to utter technical perfection should be motive enough to participate. May You All Live On in Song and Story, and my deepest apology in advance.[/hider] [center][h1][color=FFA07A][b][u]The Final Hazard[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e56fd6d8-e02f-4fd8-b39b-2d35920e4885.png[/img][quote=Napoleon]"History is an agreed-upon fiction."[/quote][/center] [center][hider=The Final Hazard][b][color=black] Your characters cannot win or complete this challenge. Victory is out of their hands. Their suffering is pre-ordained, their escape from it impossible. The Final Hazard exists only to cause them anguish and torment. To clear this challenge, you must determine why Victory is impossible. Then you must show me your[/color] [color=FFA07A]Courage.[/color][/b][/hider][/center][hider=Participation Rules][indent]1. Follow the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/531-fundamental-rules-of-the-guild/ooc]standard guild rules[/url]. 2. Obey the Dark Lord Sauron's [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/77197-moderation-policy-in-the-rp-sections/ooc]rules[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/85368-moderation-policy-for-forum-contests/ooc]as well[/url] (just to cover all the bases). 3. Follow MY [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79559-the-twelve-labours-rules-standards-and-conditions/ooc]rules[/url] too. Let it never be said we did not warn you. 4. Any explicit/mature material must be kept off-site. I will only post links to them with NSFW notices. 5. You must use your own characters. No roleplaying as characters you yourself did not create.[/indent][/hider][hider=Challenge Parameters][hider=Procedure]-The Final Hazard will operate as a regular, play-by-post roleplay thread. The story will proceed through a number of different roleplaying Iterations, each inspired by the mythical Twelve Labours. Each individual Iteration will be separated by a brief Period of Respite. -During a Respite Period, the starting date for the next Iteration will be revealed - you may then choose in advance whether or not you intend to participate in that iteration (scheduling realities being what they are). -Each Iteration will proceed at a breakneck pace - participants who are tagged for a response are expected to post [b][u]within 48 hours[/u][/b], no exceptions. I will be holding myself to this standard as well. Before you open your mouth to complain about how unreasonable that is: I have a life outside the Guild myself. A job, accomplices I affiliate with, other things I waste my time on - and so does every other participant. Your circumstances are not so exceptional that I will make an exception. That said, a failure to post within the time limit does not eliminate you from the roleplay - but the penalty for such a failure is severe, as you will see below. -You may submit any one character you desire to participate in a given iteration. Any character at all. You have carte blanche to go crazy. Let your inner power-tripper go mad, if you like. -Each Iteration will progress until every poster character has been killed IC or has escaped the iteration, at which point the Iteration will end and the Period of Respite for the next Iteration will begin. Each new iteration will present opportunities to gain clues and information pertaining to the challenge. Each opportunity will invariably bring fatal risks. -Each Iteration shall operate as a [u][b]Holistic Contextual Reality[/b][/u]. You are free to submit [b][u]any[/u][/b] kind of character you want. You are free to use [u][b]any[/b][/u] kind of standard of writing you like, be that sloppy and unpolished or otherwise. You are free to miss your individual response deadline. The Contextual Reality of the roleplay will alter to accommodate the circumstances, which is not as convenient as it sounds. [b][u]The more broken or unbelievable a character is, the more hostile the Iteration becomes overall. The more errors you commit to writing, the more unstable the Iteration will become. If you miss the 48 hour response deadline, the entire Iteration will begin to collapse.[/u][/b] -Yes, this means that [b][u]everyone[/u][/b] can fail an Iteration due to one person screwing up. This is part of why the Period of Respite exists - it will alert you to whom you will be working with and give you some time to coordinate in advance. If a troll slips into the ranks, trust that I shall deal with them accordingly. -If nobody participates in a given Iteration, [b][u]The Final Hazard Will End. Everyone Will Lose.[/u][/b] There is little point in maintaining the Challenge if there is no interest or possibility of participating.[/hider][hider=Lives]-Every participant in the roleplay will have a limited number of lives. Every time a character dies within an Iteration, their poster loses a life. -If you lose all of your lives, you cannot participate. -[u][b]Everybody[/b][/u] has one life by default. -You gain additional Lives by participating in The Twelve Labours forum contests and clearing the challenges. Each win grants you an additional life. Each Challenge Accolade you earn grants you another life on top of that. This applies to past victories in TTL: Series One, so TTL Veterans who already have some wins and accolades have a significant advantage here. -You may donate lives to any other poster participating in the contest. You may not donate your last remaining life. If you donate more than a single life to another poster, one life is burnt in the transaction. This is applicable on a per-poster basis, meaning separate donations of one life only will not work. Each separate transaction of more than one life also counts, so if you are going to do this I would recommend large donations. -All donated lives are considered to still be of the poster they originated from. If a poster who has donated lives runs out and is eliminated from the contest, their donated lives default to the ownership of the poster they were donated to. Posters may not donate lives which do not originate from themselves. -Posters who have been inactive on the forum for a period of more than six months are considered inert - their lives cannot be traded and are considered null for the purposes of the contest until such time as the poster returns. -Once All Lives have been Lost, the Final Hazard Will End. This means everyone has lost.[/hider][hider=Objective and Clues]-The task of every poster - beyond mere participation in the Contextual Reality of each Iteration - is to fulfill the Challenge described above. As already stated, opportunities to discover clues and useful information will avail themselves to you during the course of each Iteration. -Once you think you know what you are supposed to do, [b][color=black]Show Me Your[/color] [color=FFA07A]Courage.[/color][/b] -I will never openly confirm, deny, elaborate on, or idly comment upon any occurence/event that transpires in the roleplay under normal circumstances. -You may ask me to confirm any theories you have and/or validate any evidence you have accumulated. I reserve the right to ask for a wager of [u][b]any number of lives[/b][/u] in return for confirmations and/or validations. Incorrect theories and/or irrelevant evidence will result in lives wagered being lost. No lives are lost if all theories are confirmed and/or all evidence is validated. In the event of partially correct theories or partially relevant evidence, all lives wagered are lost but I will specify all accurate parts of all presented theories and/or evidence.[/hider][/hider][hider=FAQ]Q. What was that about having carte blanche to go crazy with our characters? A. You may submit any particular kind of character for participation in a given iteration - they may be of any quality you choose and may possess as much personal power as you like. You may submit space pirates, elven mages, reality manipulators, gods, and ice cream vendors. Be wary of doing so. Q. Why would I *not* submit the most powerful character possible? A. Each Iteration acts as a Holistic Contextual Reality. The more *broken* and *unbelievable* your character is relative to the setting and to the other characters present, the more hostile and inimical the Iteration will become - for everyone participating. The scale of escalation here is exponential, so submitting a character as powerful as an unrestricted reality manipulator would effectively render the Iteration unbeatable. The form this scaling threat will take varies, but typically will take the form of environmental hazards or hostile entities. Q. What was that about writing, form, and instability? A. Each Iteration - as discussed - is a Holistic Contextual Reality. It is only as stable as you, the participant writers, permit it to be. For every individual technical mistake you make as a poster - typos, misspelled words, poor grammar, awkward sentence structure - the less stable the Contextual Reality becomes. The entirety of the Iteration will bend and contort to accommodate the errors you introduce into the world, making it progressively more and more difficult to perceive the world from our perspective as narrators. tl;dr: [u][b]The more technical mistakes you make, the more deliberate errors I will introduce into my own posts.[/b][/u] Have fun with that. [i]There may be a measure of utility to this feature...[/i] Q. What happens if I miss the 48 hour response deadline? A. The entire framework of the Contextual Reality begins to collapse. The laws of physics will cease to operate, spacetime will become a suggestion, cosmogone arbadacarba noose. This is a bad thing - it could render the entirety of the Iteration unbeatable. The more participants there are in an Iteration, the more leeway you have if one poster cannot make the deadline. You might be able to make do with mild disruption. Q. What happens if *you* miss the 48 hour response deadline? A. Time in the Iteration will freeze, and your characters may safely peruse it in its entirety as though it were an art gallery. Particular areas, entities, and setpieces will include author's commentary, and all pre-established opportunities for clues will be revealed and expounded upon. The Iteration otherwise proceeds normally, unless another poster should miss their 48 hour deadline - in which case time instantly resumes. Q. How might a character 'Escape' an iteration? A. By exiting stage left. At some points, opportunities for a given character to 'leave' the setting will present themselves. These may come early or later on as the Iteration progresses. If you suspect things are about to go terribly wrong, it might be best to play it safe and escape - if your character leaves the Iteration safely, you do not lose a life once the Iteration ends, be that end tidy or otherwise. However, if your character leaves without having found any worthwhile information or clues for you to interpret, the exercise has been a waste. You must take risks to discover the purpose of the challenge. Q. Can I participate after losing all my lives? A. If somebody donates you additional lives, or if you gain additional lives through participation in TTL contests. Losing all your lives does not forever preclude you from future participation. Q. I can join if I have never participated in TTL, right? A. Yes! You only get one life though, unless you participate in a TTL challenge or else have lives donated to you by another poster. Q. What will the setting for the next Iteration be? A. You do not know in advance, beyond that it will be inspired by the mythical Twelve Labours and will adapt to your characters.[center][color=black][h1][u]The Twelve Labours[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [hider=Forward]Welcome to the Final Hazard. This little project has been a long time coming now. For those of you who are not aware, the Final Hazard is essentially a Challenge Roleplay - intended as a difficult Victory-Lap-Roleplay for winners of prior entries in The Twelve Labours. You can participate even if you did not win any of the contests from The Twelve Labours Series One, albeit with a significant disadvantage (as you will see in the rules below). As a warning both to TTL regulars as well as to newcomers: THERE IS NO GRAND REWARD AWAITING THE WINNERS HERE - beyond a spiffy forum trophy and bragging rights. This is important to keep in mind since the roleplay itself will be brutally unkind, and I shall be merciless in my work. It is my recommendation that you not participate unless you are utterly sure about what you are getting yourself into, are looking for a challenge to overcome, and are prepared to be ground into charnel paste by the lack of parity. Since I expect people to pull a double take and question what the point of the contest is as soon as they see the Challenge Criteria, and since this will be my only real opportunity to show a bit of my hand without breaking the rules of the roleplay, I will just say that I have a particular Object Lesson in mind. Even if you are not particularly interested in what I might have to say, I should hope that the opportunity to sharpen your writing skills to utter technical perfection should be motive enough to participate. May You All Live On in Song and Story, and my deepest apology in advance.[/hider] [center][h1][color=FFA07A][b][u]The Final Hazard[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e56fd6d8-e02f-4fd8-b39b-2d35920e4885.png[/img][quote=Napoleon]"History is an agreed-upon fiction."[/quote][/center] [center][hider=The Final Hazard][b][color=black] Your characters cannot win or complete this challenge. Victory is out of their hands. Their suffering is pre-ordained, their escape from it impossible. The Final Hazard exists only to cause them anguish and torment. To clear this challenge, you must determine why Victory is impossible. Then you must show me your[/color] [color=FFA07A]Courage.[/color][/b][/hider][/center][hider=Participation Rules][indent]1. Follow the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/531-fundamental-rules-of-the-guild/ooc]standard guild rules[/url]. 2. Obey the Dark Lord Sauron's [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/77197-moderation-policy-in-the-rp-sections/ooc]rules[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/85368-moderation-policy-for-forum-contests/ooc]as well[/url] (just to cover all the bases). 3. Follow MY [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79559-the-twelve-labours-rules-standards-and-conditions/ooc]rules[/url] too. Let it never be said we did not warn you. 4. Any explicit/mature material must be kept off-site. I will only post links to them with NSFW notices. 5. You must use your own characters. No roleplaying as characters you yourself did not create.[/indent][/hider][hider=Challenge Parameters][hider=Procedure]-The Final Hazard will operate as a regular, play-by-post roleplay thread. The story will proceed through a number of different roleplaying Iterations, each inspired by the mythical Twelve Labours. Each individual Iteration will be separated by a brief Period of Respite. -During a Respite Period, the starting date for the next Iteration will be revealed - you may then choose in advance whether or not you intend to participate in that iteration (scheduling realities being what they are). -Each Iteration will proceed at a breakneck pace - participants who are tagged for a response are expected to post [b][u]within 48 hours[/u][/b], no exceptions. I will be holding myself to this standard as well. Before you open your mouth to complain about how unreasonable that is: I have a life outside the Guild myself. A job, accomplices I affiliate with, other things I waste my time on - and so does every other participant. Your circumstances are not so exceptional that I will make an exception. That said, a failure to post within the time limit does not eliminate you from the roleplay - but the penalty for such a failure is severe, as you will see below. -You may submit any one character you desire to participate in a given iteration. Any character at all. You have carte blanche to go crazy. Let your inner power-tripper go mad, if you like. -Each Iteration will progress until every poster character has been killed IC or has escaped the iteration, at which point the Iteration will end and the Period of Respite for the next Iteration will begin. Each new iteration will present opportunities to gain clues and information pertaining to the challenge. Each opportunity will invariably bring fatal risks. -Each Iteration shall operate as a [u][b]Holistic Contextual Reality[/b][/u]. You are free to submit [b][u]any[/u][/b] kind of character you want. You are free to use [u][b]any[/b][/u] kind of standard of writing you like, be that sloppy and unpolished or otherwise. You are free to miss your individual response deadline. The Contextual Reality of the roleplay will alter to accommodate the circumstances, which is not as convenient as it sounds. [b][u]The more broken or unbelievable a character is, the more hostile the Iteration becomes overall. The more errors you commit to writing, the more unstable the Iteration will become. If you miss the 48 hour response deadline, the entire Iteration will begin to collapse.[/u][/b] -Yes, this means that [b][u]everyone[/u][/b] can fail an Iteration due to one person screwing up. This is part of why the Period of Respite exists - it will alert you to whom you will be working with and give you some time to coordinate in advance. If a troll slips into the ranks, trust that I shall deal with them accordingly. -If nobody participates in a given Iteration, [b][u]The Final Hazard Will End. Everyone Will Lose.[/u][/b] There is little point in maintaining the Challenge if there is no interest or possibility of participating.[/hider][hider=Lives]-Every participant in the roleplay will have a limited number of lives. Every time a character dies within an Iteration, their poster loses a life. -If you lose all of your lives, you cannot participate. -[u][b]Everybody[/b][/u] has one life by default. -You gain additional Lives by participating in The Twelve Labours forum contests and clearing the challenges. Each win grants you an additional life. Each Challenge Accolade you earn grants you another life on top of that. This applies to past victories in TTL: Series One, so TTL Veterans who already have some wins and accolades have a significant advantage here. -You may donate lives to any other poster participating in the contest. You may not donate your last remaining life. If you donate more than a single life to another poster, one life is burnt in the transaction. This is applicable on a per-poster basis, meaning separate donations of one life only will not work. Each separate transaction of more than one life also counts, so if you are going to do this I would recommend large donations. -All donated lives are considered to still be of the poster they originated from. If a poster who has donated lives runs out and is eliminated from the contest, their donated lives default to the ownership of the poster they were donated to. Posters may not donate lives which do not originate from themselves. -Posters who have been inactive on the forum for a period of more than six months are considered inert - their lives cannot be traded and are considered null for the purposes of the contest until such time as the poster returns. -Once All Lives have been Lost, the Final Hazard Will End. This means everyone has lost.[/hider][hider=Objective and Clues]-The task of every poster - beyond mere participation in the Contextual Reality of each Iteration - is to fulfill the Challenge described above. As already stated, opportunities to discover clues and useful information will avail themselves to you during the course of each Iteration. -Once you think you know what you are supposed to do, [b][color=black]Show Me Your[/color] [color=FFA07A]Courage.[/color][/b] -I will never openly confirm, deny, elaborate on, or idly comment upon any occurence/event that transpires in the roleplay under normal circumstances. -You may ask me to confirm any theories you have and/or validate any evidence you have accumulated. I reserve the right to ask for a wager of [u][b]any number of lives[/b][/u] in return for confirmations and/or validations. Incorrect theories and/or irrelevant evidence will result in lives wagered being lost. No lives are lost if all theories are confirmed and/or all evidence is validated. In the event of partially correct theories or partially relevant evidence, all lives wagered are lost but I will specify all accurate parts of all presented theories and/or evidence.[/hider][/hider][hider=FAQ]Q. What was that about having carte blanche to go crazy with our characters? A. You may submit any particular kind of character for participation in a given iteration - they may be of any quality you choose and may possess as much personal power as you like. You may submit space pirates, elven mages, reality manipulators, gods, and ice cream vendors. Be wary of doing so. Q. Why would I *not* submit the most powerful character possible? A. Each Iteration acts as a Holistic Contextual Reality. The more *broken* and *unbelievable* your character is relative to the setting and to the other characters present, the more hostile and inimical the Iteration will become - for everyone participating. The scale of escalation here is exponential, so submitting a character as powerful as an unrestricted reality manipulator would effectively render the Iteration unbeatable. The form this scaling threat will take varies, but typically will take the form of environmental hazards or hostile entities. Q. What was that about writing, form, and instability? A. Each Iteration - as discussed - is a Holistic Contextual Reality. It is only as stable as you, the participant writers, permit it to be. For every individual technical mistake you make as a poster - typos, misspelled words, poor grammar, awkward sentence structure - the less stable the Contextual Reality becomes. The entirety of the Iteration will bend and contort to accommodate the errors you introduce into the world, making it progressively more and more difficult to perceive the world from our perspective as narrators. tl;dr: [u][b]The more technical mistakes you make, the more deliberate errors I will introduce into my own posts.[/b][/u] Have fun with that. [i]There may be a measure of utility to this feature...[/i] Q. What happens if I miss the 48 hour response deadline? A. The entire framework of the Contextual Reality begins to collapse. The laws of physics will cease to operate, spacetime will become a suggestion, cosmogone arbadacarba noose. This is a bad thing - it could render the entirety of the Iteration unbeatable. The more participants there are in an Iteration, the more leeway you have if one poster cannot make the deadline. You might be able to make do with mild disruption. Q. What happens if *you* miss the 48 hour response deadline? A. Time in the Iteration will freeze, and your characters may safely peruse it in its entirety as though it were an art gallery. Particular areas, entities, and setpieces will include author's commentary, and all pre-established opportunities for clues will be revealed and expounded upon. The Iteration otherwise proceeds normally, unless another poster should miss their 48 hour deadline - in which case time instantly resumes. Q. How might a character 'Escape' an iteration? A. By exiting stage left. At some points, opportunities for a given character to 'leave' the setting will present themselves. These may come early or later on as the Iteration progresses. If you suspect things are about to go terribly wrong, it might be best to play it safe and escape - if your character leaves the Iteration safely, you do not lose a life once the Iteration ends, be that end tidy or otherwise. However, if your character leaves without having found any worthwhile information or clues for you to interpret, the exercise has been a waste. You must take risks to discover the purpose of the challenge. Q. Can I participate after losing all my lives? A. If somebody donates you additional lives, or if you gain additional lives through participation in TTL contests. Losing all your lives does not forever preclude you from future participation. Q. I can join if I have never participated in TTL, right? A. Yes! You only get one life though, unless you participate in a TTL challenge or else have lives donated to you by another poster. Q. What will the setting for the next Iteration be? A. You do not know in advance, beyond that it will be inspired by the mythical Twelve Labours and will adapt to your characters.[center][color=black][h1][u]The Twelve Labours[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [hider=Forward]Welcome to the Final Hazard. This little project has been a long time coming now. For those of you who are not aware, the Final Hazard is essentially a Challenge Roleplay - intended as a difficult Victory-Lap-Roleplay for winners of prior entries in The Twelve Labours. You can participate even if you did not win any of the contests from The Twelve Labours Series One, albeit with a significant disadvantage (as you will see in the rules below). As a warning both to TTL regulars as well as to newcomers: THERE IS NO GRAND REWARD AWAITING THE WINNERS HERE - beyond a spiffy forum trophy and bragging rights. This is important to keep in mind since the roleplay itself will be brutally unkind, and I shall be merciless in my work. It is my recommendation that you not participate unless you are utterly sure about what you are getting yourself into, are looking for a challenge to overcome, and are prepared to be ground into charnel paste by the lack of parity. Since I expect people to pull a double take and question what the point of the contest is as soon as they see the Challenge Criteria, and since this will be my only real opportunity to show a bit of my hand without breaking the rules of the roleplay, I will just say that I have a particular Object Lesson in mind. Even if you are not particularly interested in what I might have to say, I should hope that the opportunity to sharpen your writing skills to utter technical perfection should be motive enough to participate. May You All Live On in Song and Story, and my deepest apology in advance.[/hider] [center][h1][color=FFA07A][b][u]The Final Hazard[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e56fd6d8-e02f-4fd8-b39b-2d35920e4885.png[/img][quote=Napoleon]"History is an agreed-upon fiction."[/quote][/center] [center][hider=The Final Hazard][b][color=black] Your characters cannot win or complete this challenge. Victory is out of their hands. Their suffering is pre-ordained, their escape from it impossible. The Final Hazard exists only to cause them anguish and torment. To clear this challenge, you must determine why Victory is impossible. Then you must show me your[/color] [color=FFA07A]Courage.[/color][/b][/hider][/center][hider=Participation Rules][indent]1. Follow the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/531-fundamental-rules-of-the-guild/ooc]standard guild rules[/url]. 2. Obey the Dark Lord Sauron's [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/77197-moderation-policy-in-the-rp-sections/ooc]rules[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/85368-moderation-policy-for-forum-contests/ooc]as well[/url] (just to cover all the bases). 3. Follow MY [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79559-the-twelve-labours-rules-standards-and-conditions/ooc]rules[/url] too. Let it never be said we did not warn you. 4. Any explicit/mature material must be kept off-site. I will only post links to them with NSFW notices. 5. You must use your own characters. No roleplaying as characters you yourself did not create.[/indent][/hider][hider=Challenge Parameters][hider=Procedure]-The Final Hazard will operate as a regular, play-by-post roleplay thread. The story will proceed through a number of different roleplaying Iterations, each inspired by the mythical Twelve Labours. Each individual Iteration will be separated by a brief Period of Respite. -During a Respite Period, the starting date for the next Iteration will be revealed - you may then choose in advance whether or not you intend to participate in that iteration (scheduling realities being what they are). -Each Iteration will proceed at a breakneck pace - participants who are tagged for a response are expected to post [b][u]within 48 hours[/u][/b], no exceptions. I will be holding myself to this standard as well. Before you open your mouth to complain about how unreasonable that is: I have a life outside the Guild myself. A job, accomplices I affiliate with, other things I waste my time on - and so does every other participant. Your circumstances are not so exceptional that I will make an exception. That said, a failure to post within the time limit does not eliminate you from the roleplay - but the penalty for such a failure is severe, as you will see below. -You may submit any one character you desire to participate in a given iteration. Any character at all. You have carte blanche to go crazy. Let your inner power-tripper go mad, if you like. -Each Iteration will progress until every poster character has been killed IC or has escaped the iteration, at which point the Iteration will end and the Period of Respite for the next Iteration will begin. Each new iteration will present opportunities to gain clues and information pertaining to the challenge. Each opportunity will invariably bring fatal risks. -Each Iteration shall operate as a [u][b]Holistic Contextual Reality[/b][/u]. You are free to submit [b][u]any[/u][/b] kind of character you want. You are free to use [u][b]any[/b][/u] kind of standard of writing you like, be that sloppy and unpolished or otherwise. You are free to miss your individual response deadline. The Contextual Reality of the roleplay will alter to accommodate the circumstances, which is not as convenient as it sounds. [b][u]The more broken or unbelievable a character is, the more hostile the Iteration becomes overall. The more errors you commit to writing, the more unstable the Iteration will become. If you miss the 48 hour response deadline, the entire Iteration will begin to collapse.[/u][/b] -Yes, this means that [b][u]everyone[/u][/b] can fail an Iteration due to one person screwing up. This is part of why the Period of Respite exists - it will alert you to whom you will be working with and give you some time to coordinate in advance. If a troll slips into the ranks, trust that I shall deal with them accordingly. -If nobody participates in a given Iteration, [b][u]The Final Hazard Will End. Everyone Will Lose.[/u][/b] There is little point in maintaining the Challenge if there is no interest or possibility of participating.[/hider][hider=Lives]-Every participant in the roleplay will have a limited number of lives. Every time a character dies within an Iteration, their poster loses a life. -If you lose all of your lives, you cannot participate. -[u][b]Everybody[/b][/u] has one life by default. -You gain additional Lives by participating in The Twelve Labours forum contests and clearing the challenges. Each win grants you an additional life. Each Challenge Accolade you earn grants you another life on top of that. This applies to past victories in TTL: Series One, so TTL Veterans who already have some wins and accolades have a significant advantage here. -You may donate lives to any other poster participating in the contest. You may not donate your last remaining life. If you donate more than a single life to another poster, one life is burnt in the transaction. This is applicable on a per-poster basis, meaning separate donations of one life only will not work. Each separate transaction of more than one life also counts, so if you are going to do this I would recommend large donations. -All donated lives are considered to still be of the poster they originated from. If a poster who has donated lives runs out and is eliminated from the contest, their donated lives default to the ownership of the poster they were donated to. Posters may not donate lives which do not originate from themselves. -Posters who have been inactive on the forum for a period of more than six months are considered inert - their lives cannot be traded and are considered null for the purposes of the contest until such time as the poster returns. -Once All Lives have been Lost, the Final Hazard Will End. This means everyone has lost.[/hider][hider=Objective and Clues]-The task of every poster - beyond mere participation in the Contextual Reality of each Iteration - is to fulfill the Challenge described above. As already stated, opportunities to discover clues and useful information will avail themselves to you during the course of each Iteration. -Once you think you know what you are supposed to do, [b][color=black]Show Me Your[/color] [color=FFA07A]Courage.[/color][/b] -I will never openly confirm, deny, elaborate on, or idly comment upon any occurence/event that transpires in the roleplay under normal circumstances. -You may ask me to confirm any theories you have and/or validate any evidence you have accumulated. I reserve the right to ask for a wager of [u][b]any number of lives[/b][/u] in return for confirmations and/or validations. Incorrect theories and/or irrelevant evidence will result in lives wagered being lost. No lives are lost if all theories are confirmed and/or all evidence is validated. In the event of partially correct theories or partially relevant evidence, all lives wagered are lost but I will specify all accurate parts of all presented theories and/or evidence.[/hider][/hider][hider=FAQ]Q. What was that about having carte blanche to go crazy with our characters? A. You may submit any particular kind of character for participation in a given iteration - they may be of any quality you choose and may possess as much personal power as you like. You may submit space pirates, elven mages, reality manipulators, gods, and ice cream vendors. Be wary of doing so. Q. Why would I *not* submit the most powerful character possible? A. Each Iteration acts as a Holistic Contextual Reality. The more *broken* and *unbelievable* your character is relative to the setting and to the other characters present, the more hostile and inimical the Iteration will become - for everyone participating. The scale of escalation here is exponential, so submitting a character as powerful as an unrestricted reality manipulator would effectively render the Iteration unbeatable. The form this scaling threat will take varies, but typically will take the form of environmental hazards or hostile entities. Q. What was that about writing, form, and instability? A. Each Iteration - as discussed - is a Holistic Contextual Reality. It is only as stable as you, the participant writers, permit it to be. For every individual technical mistake you make as a poster - typos, misspelled words, poor grammar, awkward sentence structure - the less stable the Contextual Reality becomes. The entirety of the Iteration will bend and contort to accommodate the errors you introduce into the world, making it progressively more and more difficult to perceive the world from our perspective as narrators. tl;dr: [u][b]The more technical mistakes you make, the more deliberate errors I will introduce into my own posts.[/b][/u] Have fun with that. [i]There may be a measure of utility to this feature...[/i] Q. What happens if I miss the 48 hour response deadline? A. The entire framework of the Contextual Reality begins to collapse. The laws of physics will cease to operate, spacetime will become a suggestion, cosmogone arbadacarba noose. This is a bad thing - it could render the entirety of the Iteration unbeatable. The more participants there are in an Iteration, the more leeway you have if one poster cannot make the deadline. You might be able to make do with mild disruption. Q. What happens if *you* miss the 48 hour response deadline? A. Time in the Iteration will freeze, and your characters may safely peruse it in its entirety as though it were an art gallery. Particular areas, entities, and setpieces will include author's commentary, and all pre-established opportunities for clues will be revealed and expounded upon. The Iteration otherwise proceeds normally, unless another poster should miss their 48 hour deadline - in which case time instantly resumes. Q. How might a character 'Escape' an iteration? A. By exiting stage left. At some points, opportunities for a given character to 'leave' the setting will present themselves. These may come early or later on as the Iteration progresses. If you suspect things are about to go terribly wrong, it might be best to play it safe and escape - if your character leaves the Iteration safely, you do not lose a life once the Iteration ends, be that end tidy or otherwise. However, if your character leaves without having found any worthwhile information or clues for you to interpret, the exercise has been a waste. You must take risks to discover the purpose of the challenge. Q. Can I participate after losing all my lives? A. If somebody donates you additional lives, or if you gain additional lives through participation in TTL contests. Losing all your lives does not forever preclude you from future participation. Q. I can join if I have never participated in TTL, right? A. Yes! You only get one life though, unless you participate in a TTL challenge or else have lives donated to you by another poster. Q. What will the setting for the next Iteration be? A. You do not know in advance, beyond that it will be inspired by the mythical Twelve Labours and will adapt to your characters.[center][color=black][h1][u]The Twelve Labours[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [hider=Forward]Welcome to the Final Hazard. This little project has been a long time coming now. For those of you who are not aware, the Final Hazard is essentially a Challenge Roleplay - intended as a difficult Victory-Lap-Roleplay for winners of prior entries in The Twelve Labours. You can participate even if you did not win any of the contests from The Twelve Labours Series One, albeit with a significant disadvantage (as you will see in the rules below). As a warning both to TTL regulars as well as to newcomers: THERE IS NO GRAND REWARD AWAITING THE WINNERS HERE - beyond a spiffy forum trophy and bragging rights. This is important to keep in mind since the roleplay itself will be brutally unkind, and I shall be merciless in my work. It is my recommendation that you not participate unless you are utterly sure about what you are getting yourself into, are looking for a challenge to overcome, and are prepared to be ground into charnel paste by the lack of parity. Since I expect people to pull a double take and question what the point of the contest is as soon as they see the Challenge Criteria, and since this will be my only real opportunity to show a bit of my hand without breaking the rules of the roleplay, I will just say that I have a particular Object Lesson in mind. Even if you are not particularly interested in what I might have to say, I should hope that the opportunity to sharpen your writing skills to utter technical perfection should be motive enough to participate. May You All Live On in Song and Story, and my deepest apology in advance.[/hider] [center][h1][color=FFA07A][b][u]The Final Hazard[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e56fd6d8-e02f-4fd8-b39b-2d35920e4885.png[/img][quote=Napoleon]"History is an agreed-upon fiction."[/quote][/center] [center][hider=The Final Hazard][b][color=black] Your characters cannot win or complete this challenge. Victory is out of their hands. Their suffering is pre-ordained, their escape from it impossible. The Final Hazard exists only to cause them anguish and torment. To clear this challenge, you must determine why Victory is impossible. Then you must show me your[/color] [color=FFA07A]Courage.[/color][/b][/hider][/center][hider=Participation Rules][indent]1. Follow the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/531-fundamental-rules-of-the-guild/ooc]standard guild rules[/url]. 2. Obey the Dark Lord Sauron's [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/77197-moderation-policy-in-the-rp-sections/ooc]rules[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/85368-moderation-policy-for-forum-contests/ooc]as well[/url] (just to cover all the bases). 3. Follow MY [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79559-the-twelve-labours-rules-standards-and-conditions/ooc]rules[/url] too. Let it never be said we did not warn you. 4. Any explicit/mature material must be kept off-site. I will only post links to them with NSFW notices. 5. You must use your own characters. No roleplaying as characters you yourself did not create.[/indent][/hider][hider=Challenge Parameters][hider=Procedure]-The Final Hazard will operate as a regular, play-by-post roleplay thread. The story will proceed through a number of different roleplaying Iterations, each inspired by the mythical Twelve Labours. Each individual Iteration will be separated by a brief Period of Respite. -During a Respite Period, the starting date for the next Iteration will be revealed - you may then choose in advance whether or not you intend to participate in that iteration (scheduling realities being what they are). -Each Iteration will proceed at a breakneck pace - participants who are tagged for a response are expected to post [b][u]within 48 hours[/u][/b], no exceptions. I will be holding myself to this standard as well. Before you open your mouth to complain about how unreasonable that is: I have a life outside the Guild myself. A job, accomplices I affiliate with, other things I waste my time on - and so does every other participant. Your circumstances are not so exceptional that I will make an exception. That said, a failure to post within the time limit does not eliminate you from the roleplay - but the penalty for such a failure is severe, as you will see below. -You may submit any one character you desire to participate in a given iteration. Any character at all. You have carte blanche to go crazy. Let your inner power-tripper go mad, if you like. -Each Iteration will progress until every poster character has been killed IC or has escaped the iteration, at which point the Iteration will end and the Period of Respite for the next Iteration will begin. Each new iteration will present opportunities to gain clues and information pertaining to the challenge. Each opportunity will invariably bring fatal risks. -Each Iteration shall operate as a [u][b]Holistic Contextual Reality[/b][/u]. You are free to submit [b][u]any[/u][/b] kind of character you want. You are free to use [u][b]any[/b][/u] kind of standard of writing you like, be that sloppy and unpolished or otherwise. You are free to miss your individual response deadline. The Contextual Reality of the roleplay will alter to accommodate the circumstances, which is not as convenient as it sounds. [b][u]The more broken or unbelievable a character is, the more hostile the Iteration becomes overall. The more errors you commit to writing, the more unstable the Iteration will become. If you miss the 48 hour response deadline, the entire Iteration will begin to collapse.[/u][/b] -Yes, this means that [b][u]everyone[/u][/b] can fail an Iteration due to one person screwing up. This is part of why the Period of Respite exists - it will alert you to whom you will be working with and give you some time to coordinate in advance. If a troll slips into the ranks, trust that I shall deal with them accordingly. -If nobody participates in a given Iteration, [b][u]The Final Hazard Will End. Everyone Will Lose.[/u][/b] There is little point in maintaining the Challenge if there is no interest or possibility of participating.[/hider][hider=Lives]-Every participant in the roleplay will have a limited number of lives. Every time a character dies within an Iteration, their poster loses a life. -If you lose all of your lives, you cannot participate. -[u][b]Everybody[/b][/u] has one life by default. -You gain additional Lives by participating in The Twelve Labours forum contests and clearing the challenges. Each win grants you an additional life. Each Challenge Accolade you earn grants you another life on top of that. This applies to past victories in TTL: Series One, so TTL Veterans who already have some wins and accolades have a significant advantage here. -You may donate lives to any other poster participating in the contest. You may not donate your last remaining life. If you donate more than a single life to another poster, one life is burnt in the transaction. This is applicable on a per-poster basis, meaning separate donations of one life only will not work. Each separate transaction of more than one life also counts, so if you are going to do this I would recommend large donations. -All donated lives are considered to still be of the poster they originated from. If a poster who has donated lives runs out and is eliminated from the contest, their donated lives default to the ownership of the poster they were donated to. Posters may not donate lives which do not originate from themselves. -Posters who have been inactive on the forum for a period of more than six months are considered inert - their lives cannot be traded and are considered null for the purposes of the contest until such time as the poster returns. -Once All Lives have been Lost, the Final Hazard Will End. This means everyone has lost.[/hider][hider=Objective and Clues]-The task of every poster - beyond mere participation in the Contextual Reality of each Iteration - is to fulfill the Challenge described above. As already stated, opportunities to discover clues and useful information will avail themselves to you during the course of each Iteration. -Once you think you know what you are supposed to do, [b][color=black]Show Me Your[/color] [color=FFA07A]Courage.[/color][/b] -I will never openly confirm, deny, elaborate on, or idly comment upon any occurence/event that transpires in the roleplay under normal circumstances. -You may ask me to confirm any theories you have and/or validate any evidence you have accumulated. I reserve the right to ask for a wager of [u][b]any number of lives[/b][/u] in return for confirmations and/or validations. Incorrect theories and/or irrelevant evidence will result in lives wagered being lost. No lives are lost if all theories are confirmed and/or all evidence is validated. In the event of partially correct theories or partially relevant evidence, all lives wagered are lost but I will specify all accurate parts of all presented theories and/or evidence.[/hider][/hider][hider=FAQ]Q. What was that about having carte blanche to go crazy with our characters? A. You may submit any particular kind of character for participation in a given iteration - they may be of any quality you choose and may possess as much personal power as you like. You may submit space pirates, elven mages, reality manipulators, gods, and ice cream vendors. Be wary of doing so. Q. Why would I *not* submit the most powerful character possible? A. Each Iteration acts as a Holistic Contextual Reality. The more *broken* and *unbelievable* your character is relative to the setting and to the other characters present, the more hostile and inimical the Iteration will become - for everyone participating. The scale of escalation here is exponential, so submitting a character as powerful as an unrestricted reality manipulator would effectively render the Iteration unbeatable. The form this scaling threat will take varies, but typically will take the form of environmental hazards or hostile entities. Q. What was that about writing, form, and instability? A. Each Iteration - as discussed - is a Holistic Contextual Reality. It is only as stable as you, the participant writers, permit it to be. For every individual technical mistake you make as a poster - typos, misspelled words, poor grammar, awkward sentence structure - the less stable the Contextual Reality becomes. The entirety of the Iteration will bend and contort to accommodate the errors you introduce into the world, making it progressively more and more difficult to perceive the world from our perspective as narrators. tl;dr: [u][b]The more technical mistakes you make, the more deliberate errors I will introduce into my own posts.[/b][/u] Have fun with that. [i]There may be a measure of utility to this feature...[/i] Q. What happens if I miss the 48 hour response deadline? A. The entire framework of the Contextual Reality begins to collapse. The laws of physics will cease to operate, spacetime will become a suggestion, cosmogone arbadacarba noose. This is a bad thing - it could render the entirety of the Iteration unbeatable. The more participants there are in an Iteration, the more leeway you have if one poster cannot make the deadline. You might be able to make do with mild disruption. Q. What happens if *you* miss the 48 hour response deadline? A. Time in the Iteration will freeze, and your characters may safely peruse it in its entirety as though it were an art gallery. Particular areas, entities, and setpieces will include author's commentary, and all pre-established opportunities for clues will be revealed and expounded upon. The Iteration otherwise proceeds normally, unless another poster should miss their 48 hour deadline - in which case time instantly resumes. Q. How might a character 'Escape' an iteration? A. By exiting stage left. At some points, opportunities for a given character to 'leave' the setting will present themselves. These may come early or later on as the Iteration progresses. If you suspect things are about to go terribly wrong, it might be best to play it safe and escape - if your character leaves the Iteration safely, you do not lose a life once the Iteration ends, be that end tidy or otherwise. However, if your character leaves without having found any worthwhile information or clues for you to interpret, the exercise has been a waste. You must take risks to discover the purpose of the challenge. Q. Can I participate after losing all my lives? A. If somebody donates you additional lives, or if you gain additional lives through participation in TTL contests. Losing all your lives does not forever preclude you from future participation. Q. I can join if I have never participated in TTL, right? A. Yes! You only get one life though, unless you participate in a TTL challenge or else have lives donated to you by another poster. Q. What will the setting for the next Iteration be? A. You do not know in advance, beyond that it will be inspired by the mythical Twelve Labours and will adapt to your characters.[center][color=black][h1][u]The Twelve Labours[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [hider=Forward]Welcome to the Final Hazard. This little project has been a long time coming now. For those of you who are not aware, the Final Hazard is essentially a Challenge Roleplay - intended as a difficult Victory-Lap-Roleplay for winners of prior entries in The Twelve Labours. You can participate even if you did not win any of the contests from The Twelve Labours Series One, albeit with a significant disadvantage (as you will see in the rules below). As a warning both to TTL regulars as well as to newcomers: THERE IS NO GRAND REWARD AWAITING THE WINNERS HERE - beyond a spiffy forum trophy and bragging rights. This is important to keep in mind since the roleplay itself will be brutally unkind, and I shall be merciless in my work. It is my recommendation that you not participate unless you are utterly sure about what you are getting yourself into, are looking for a challenge to overcome, and are prepared to be ground into charnel paste by the lack of parity. Since I expect people to pull a double take and question what the point of the contest is as soon as they see the Challenge Criteria, and since this will be my only real opportunity to show a bit of my hand without breaking the rules of the roleplay, I will just say that I have a particular Object Lesson in mind. Even if you are not particularly interested in what I might have to say, I should hope that the opportunity to sharpen your writing skills to utter technical perfection should be motive enough to participate. May You All Live On in Song and Story, and my deepest apology in advance.[/hider] [center][h1][color=FFA07A][b][u]The Final Hazard[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e56fd6d8-e02f-4fd8-b39b-2d35920e4885.png[/img][quote=Napoleon]"History is an agreed-upon fiction."[/quote][/center] [center][hider=The Final Hazard][b][color=black] Your characters cannot win or complete this challenge. Victory is out of their hands. Their suffering is pre-ordained, their escape from it impossible. The Final Hazard exists only to cause them anguish and torment. To clear this challenge, you must determine why Victory is impossible. Then you must show me your[/color] [color=FFA07A]Courage.[/color][/b][/hider][/center][hider=Participation Rules][indent]1. Follow the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/531-fundamental-rules-of-the-guild/ooc]standard guild rules[/url]. 2. Obey the Dark Lord Sauron's [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/77197-moderation-policy-in-the-rp-sections/ooc]rules[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/85368-moderation-policy-for-forum-contests/ooc]as well[/url] (just to cover all the bases). 3. Follow MY [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79559-the-twelve-labours-rules-standards-and-conditions/ooc]rules[/url] too. Let it never be said we did not warn you. 4. Any explicit/mature material must be kept off-site. I will only post links to them with NSFW notices. 5. You must use your own characters. No roleplaying as characters you yourself did not create.[/indent][/hider][hider=Challenge Parameters][hider=Procedure]-The Final Hazard will operate as a regular, play-by-post roleplay thread. The story will proceed through a number of different roleplaying Iterations, each inspired by the mythical Twelve Labours. Each individual Iteration will be separated by a brief Period of Respite. -During a Respite Period, the starting date for the next Iteration will be revealed - you may then choose in advance whether or not you intend to participate in that iteration (scheduling realities being what they are). -Each Iteration will proceed at a breakneck pace - participants who are tagged for a response are expected to post [b][u]within 48 hours[/u][/b], no exceptions. I will be holding myself to this standard as well. Before you open your mouth to complain about how unreasonable that is: I have a life outside the Guild myself. A job, accomplices I affiliate with, other things I waste my time on - and so does every other participant. Your circumstances are not so exceptional that I will make an exception. That said, a failure to post within the time limit does not eliminate you from the roleplay - but the penalty for such a failure is severe, as you will see below. -You may submit any one character you desire to participate in a given iteration. Any character at all. You have carte blanche to go crazy. Let your inner power-tripper go mad, if you like. -Each Iteration will progress until every poster character has been killed IC or has escaped the iteration, at which point the Iteration will end and the Period of Respite for the next Iteration will begin. Each new iteration will present opportunities to gain clues and information pertaining to the challenge. Each opportunity will invariably bring fatal risks. -Each Iteration shall operate as a [u][b]Holistic Contextual Reality[/b][/u]. You are free to submit [b][u]any[/u][/b] kind of character you want. You are free to use [u][b]any[/b][/u] kind of standard of writing you like, be that sloppy and unpolished or otherwise. You are free to miss your individual response deadline. The Contextual Reality of the roleplay will alter to accommodate the circumstances, which is not as convenient as it sounds. [b][u]The more broken or unbelievable a character is, the more hostile the Iteration becomes overall. The more errors you commit to writing, the more unstable the Iteration will become. If you miss the 48 hour response deadline, the entire Iteration will begin to collapse.[/u][/b] -Yes, this means that [b][u]everyone[/u][/b] can fail an Iteration due to one person screwing up. This is part of why the Period of Respite exists - it will alert you to whom you will be working with and give you some time to coordinate in advance. If a troll slips into the ranks, trust that I shall deal with them accordingly. -If nobody participates in a given Iteration, [b][u]The Final Hazard Will End. Everyone Will Lose.[/u][/b] There is little point in maintaining the Challenge if there is no interest or possibility of participating.[/hider][hider=Lives]-Every participant in the roleplay will have a limited number of lives. Every time a character dies within an Iteration, their poster loses a life. -If you lose all of your lives, you cannot participate. -[u][b]Everybody[/b][/u] has one life by default. -You gain additional Lives by participating in The Twelve Labours forum contests and clearing the challenges. Each win grants you an additional life. Each Challenge Accolade you earn grants you another life on top of that. This applies to past victories in TTL: Series One, so TTL Veterans who already have some wins and accolades have a significant advantage here. -You may donate lives to any other poster participating in the contest. You may not donate your last remaining life. If you donate more than a single life to another poster, one life is burnt in the transaction. This is applicable on a per-poster basis, meaning separate donations of one life only will not work. Each separate transaction of more than one life also counts, so if you are going to do this I would recommend large donations. -All donated lives are considered to still be of the poster they originated from. If a poster who has donated lives runs out and is eliminated from the contest, their donated lives default to the ownership of the poster they were donated to. Posters may not donate lives which do not originate from themselves. -Posters who have been inactive on the forum for a period of more than six months are considered inert - their lives cannot be traded and are considered null for the purposes of the contest until such time as the poster returns. -Once All Lives have been Lost, the Final Hazard Will End. This means everyone has lost.[/hider][hider=Objective and Clues]-The task of every poster - beyond mere participation in the Contextual Reality of each Iteration - is to fulfill the Challenge described above. As already stated, opportunities to discover clues and useful information will avail themselves to you during the course of each Iteration. -Once you think you know what you are supposed to do, [b][color=black]Show Me Your[/color] [color=FFA07A]Courage.[/color][/b] -I will never openly confirm, deny, elaborate on, or idly comment upon any occurence/event that transpires in the roleplay under normal circumstances. -You may ask me to confirm any theories you have and/or validate any evidence you have accumulated. I reserve the right to ask for a wager of [u][b]any number of lives[/b][/u] in return for confirmations and/or validations. Incorrect theories and/or irrelevant evidence will result in lives wagered being lost. No lives are lost if all theories are confirmed and/or all evidence is validated. In the event of partially correct theories or partially relevant evidence, all lives wagered are lost but I will specify all accurate parts of all presented theories and/or evidence.[/hider][/hider][hider=FAQ]Q. What was that about having carte blanche to go crazy with our characters? A. You may submit any particular kind of character for participation in a given iteration - they may be of any quality you choose and may possess as much personal power as you like. You may submit space pirates, elven mages, reality manipulators, gods, and ice cream vendors. Be wary of doing so. Q. Why would I *not* submit the most powerful character possible? A. Each Iteration acts as a Holistic Contextual Reality. The more *broken* and *unbelievable* your character is relative to the setting and to the other characters present, the more hostile and inimical the Iteration will become - for everyone participating. The scale of escalation here is exponential, so submitting a character as powerful as an unrestricted reality manipulator would effectively render the Iteration unbeatable. The form this scaling threat will take varies, but typically will take the form of environmental hazards or hostile entities. Q. What was that about writing, form, and instability? A. Each Iteration - as discussed - is a Holistic Contextual Reality. It is only as stable as you, the participant writers, permit it to be. For every individual technical mistake you make as a poster - typos, misspelled words, poor grammar, awkward sentence structure - the less stable the Contextual Reality becomes. The entirety of the Iteration will bend and contort to accommodate the errors you introduce into the world, making it progressively more and more difficult to perceive the world from our perspective as narrators. tl;dr: [u][b]The more technical mistakes you make, the more deliberate errors I will introduce into my own posts.[/b][/u] Have fun with that. [i]There may be a measure of utility to this feature...[/i] Q. What happens if I miss the 48 hour response deadline? A. The entire framework of the Contextual Reality begins to collapse. The laws of physics will cease to operate, spacetime will become a suggestion, cosmogone arbadacarba noose. This is a bad thing - it could render the entirety of the Iteration unbeatable. The more participants there are in an Iteration, the more leeway you have if one poster cannot make the deadline. You might be able to make do with mild disruption. Q. What happens if *you* miss the 48 hour response deadline? A. Time in the Iteration will freeze, and your characters may safely peruse it in its entirety as though it were an art gallery. Particular areas, entities, and setpieces will include author's commentary, and all pre-established opportunities for clues will be revealed and expounded upon. The Iteration otherwise proceeds normally, unless another poster should miss their 48 hour deadline - in which case time instantly resumes. Q. How might a character 'Escape' an iteration? A. By exiting stage left. At some points, opportunities for a given character to 'leave' the setting will present themselves. These may come early or later on as the Iteration progresses. If you suspect things are about to go terribly wrong, it might be best to play it safe and escape - if your character leaves the Iteration safely, you do not lose a life once the Iteration ends, be that end tidy or otherwise. However, if your character leaves without having found any worthwhile information or clues for you to interpret, the exercise has been a waste. You must take risks to discover the purpose of the challenge. Q. Can I participate after losing all my lives? A. If somebody donates you additional lives, or if you gain additional lives through participation in TTL contests. Losing all your lives does not forever preclude you from future participation. Q. I can join if I have never participated in TTL, right? A. Yes! You only get one life though, unless you participate in a TTL challenge or else have lives donated to you by another poster. Q. What will the setting for the next Iteration be? A. You do not know in advance, beyond that it will be inspired by the mythical Twelve Labours and will adapt to your characters.[center][color=black][h1][u]The Twelve Labours[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [hider=Forward]Welcome to the Final Hazard. This little project has been a long time coming now. For those of you who are not aware, the Final Hazard is essentially a Challenge Roleplay - intended as a difficult Victory-Lap-Roleplay for winners of prior entries in The Twelve Labours. You can participate even if you did not win any of the contests from The Twelve Labours Series One, albeit with a significant disadvantage (as you will see in the rules below). As a warning both to TTL regulars as well as to newcomers: THERE IS NO GRAND REWARD AWAITING THE WINNERS HERE - beyond a spiffy forum trophy and bragging rights. This is important to keep in mind since the roleplay itself will be brutally unkind, and I shall be merciless in my work. It is my recommendation that you not participate unless you are utterly sure about what you are getting yourself into, are looking for a challenge to overcome, and are prepared to be ground into charnel paste by the lack of parity. Since I expect people to pull a double take and question what the point of the contest is as soon as they see the Challenge Criteria, and since this will be my only real opportunity to show a bit of my hand without breaking the rules of the roleplay, I will just say that I have a particular Object Lesson in mind. Even if you are not particularly interested in what I might have to say, I should hope that the opportunity to sharpen your writing skills to utter technical perfection should be motive enough to participate. May You All Live On in Song and Story, and my deepest apology in advance.[/hider] [center][h1][color=FFA07A][b][u]The Final Hazard[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e56fd6d8-e02f-4fd8-b39b-2d35920e4885.png[/img][quote=Napoleon]"History is an agreed-upon fiction."[/quote][/center] [center][hider=The Final Hazard][b][color=black] Your characters cannot win or complete this challenge. Victory is out of their hands. Their suffering is pre-ordained, their escape from it impossible. The Final Hazard exists only to cause them anguish and torment. To clear this challenge, you must determine why Victory is impossible. Then you must show me your[/color] [color=FFA07A]Courage.[/color][/b][/hider][/center][hider=Participation Rules][indent]1. Follow the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/531-fundamental-rules-of-the-guild/ooc]standard guild rules[/url]. 2. Obey the Dark Lord Sauron's [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/77197-moderation-policy-in-the-rp-sections/ooc]rules[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/85368-moderation-policy-for-forum-contests/ooc]as well[/url] (just to cover all the bases). 3. Follow MY [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79559-the-twelve-labours-rules-standards-and-conditions/ooc]rules[/url] too. Let it never be said we did not warn you. 4. Any explicit/mature material must be kept off-site. I will only post links to them with NSFW notices. 5. You must use your own characters. No roleplaying as characters you yourself did not create.[/indent][/hider][hider=Challenge Parameters][hider=Procedure]-The Final Hazard will operate as a regular, play-by-post roleplay thread. The story will proceed through a number of different roleplaying Iterations, each inspired by the mythical Twelve Labours. Each individual Iteration will be separated by a brief Period of Respite. -During a Respite Period, the starting date for the next Iteration will be revealed - you may then choose in advance whether or not you intend to participate in that iteration (scheduling realities being what they are). -Each Iteration will proceed at a breakneck pace - participants who are tagged for a response are expected to post [b][u]within 48 hours[/u][/b], no exceptions. I will be holding myself to this standard as well. Before you open your mouth to complain about how unreasonable that is: I have a life outside the Guild myself. A job, accomplices I affiliate with, other things I waste my time on - and so does every other participant. Your circumstances are not so exceptional that I will make an exception. That said, a failure to post within the time limit does not eliminate you from the roleplay - but the penalty for such a failure is severe, as you will see below. -You may submit any one character you desire to participate in a given iteration. Any character at all. You have carte blanche to go crazy. Let your inner power-tripper go mad, if you like. -Each Iteration will progress until every poster character has been killed IC or has escaped the iteration, at which point the Iteration will end and the Period of Respite for the next Iteration will begin. Each new iteration will present opportunities to gain clues and information pertaining to the challenge. Each opportunity will invariably bring fatal risks. -Each Iteration shall operate as a [u][b]Holistic Contextual Reality[/b][/u]. You are free to submit [b][u]any[/u][/b] kind of character you want. You are free to use [u][b]any[/b][/u] kind of standard of writing you like, be that sloppy and unpolished or otherwise. You are free to miss your individual response deadline. The Contextual Reality of the roleplay will alter to accommodate the circumstances, which is not as convenient as it sounds. [b][u]The more broken or unbelievable a character is, the more hostile the Iteration becomes overall. The more errors you commit to writing, the more unstable the Iteration will become. If you miss the 48 hour response deadline, the entire Iteration will begin to collapse.[/u][/b] -Yes, this means that [b][u]everyone[/u][/b] can fail an Iteration due to one person screwing up. This is part of why the Period of Respite exists - it will alert you to whom you will be working with and give you some time to coordinate in advance. If a troll slips into the ranks, trust that I shall deal with them accordingly. -If nobody participates in a given Iteration, [b][u]The Final Hazard Will End. Everyone Will Lose.[/u][/b] There is little point in maintaining the Challenge if there is no interest or possibility of participating.[/hider][hider=Lives]-Every participant in the roleplay will have a limited number of lives. Every time a character dies within an Iteration, their poster loses a life. -If you lose all of your lives, you cannot participate. -[u][b]Everybody[/b][/u] has one life by default. -You gain additional Lives by participating in The Twelve Labours forum contests and clearing the challenges. Each win grants you an additional life. Each Challenge Accolade you earn grants you another life on top of that. This applies to past victories in TTL: Series One, so TTL Veterans who already have some wins and accolades have a significant advantage here. -You may donate lives to any other poster participating in the contest. You may not donate your last remaining life. If you donate more than a single life to another poster, one life is burnt in the transaction. This is applicable on a per-poster basis, meaning separate donations of one life only will not work. Each separate transaction of more than one life also counts, so if you are going to do this I would recommend large donations. -All donated lives are considered to still be of the poster they originated from. If a poster who has donated lives runs out and is eliminated from the contest, their donated lives default to the ownership of the poster they were donated to. Posters may not donate lives which do not originate from themselves. -Posters who have been inactive on the forum for a period of more than six months are considered inert - their lives cannot be traded and are considered null for the purposes of the contest until such time as the poster returns. -Once All Lives have been Lost, the Final Hazard Will End. This means everyone has lost.[/hider][hider=Objective and Clues]-The task of every poster - beyond mere participation in the Contextual Reality of each Iteration - is to fulfill the Challenge described above. As already stated, opportunities to discover clues and useful information will avail themselves to you during the course of each Iteration. -Once you think you know what you are supposed to do, [b][color=black]Show Me Your[/color] [color=FFA07A]Courage.[/color][/b] -I will never openly confirm, deny, elaborate on, or idly comment upon any occurence/event that transpires in the roleplay under normal circumstances. -You may ask me to confirm any theories you have and/or validate any evidence you have accumulated. I reserve the right to ask for a wager of [u][b]any number of lives[/b][/u] in return for confirmations and/or validations. Incorrect theories and/or irrelevant evidence will result in lives wagered being lost. No lives are lost if all theories are confirmed and/or all evidence is validated. In the event of partially correct theories or partially relevant evidence, all lives wagered are lost but I will specify all accurate parts of all presented theories and/or evidence.[/hider][/hider][hider=FAQ]Q. What was that about having carte blanche to go crazy with our characters? A. You may submit any particular kind of character for participation in a given iteration - they may be of any quality you choose and may possess as much personal power as you like. You may submit space pirates, elven mages, reality manipulators, gods, and ice cream vendors. Be wary of doing so. Q. Why would I *not* submit the most powerful character possible? A. Each Iteration acts as a Holistic Contextual Reality. The more *broken* and *unbelievable* your character is relative to the setting and to the other characters present, the more hostile and inimical the Iteration will become - for everyone participating. The scale of escalation here is exponential, so submitting a character as powerful as an unrestricted reality manipulator would effectively render the Iteration unbeatable. The form this scaling threat will take varies, but typically will take the form of environmental hazards or hostile entities. Q. What was that about writing, form, and instability? A. Each Iteration - as discussed - is a Holistic Contextual Reality. It is only as stable as you, the participant writers, permit it to be. For every individual technical mistake you make as a poster - typos, misspelled words, poor grammar, awkward sentence structure - the less stable the Contextual Reality becomes. The entirety of the Iteration will bend and contort to accommodate the errors you introduce into the world, making it progressively more and more difficult to perceive the world from our perspective as narrators. tl;dr: [u][b]The more technical mistakes you make, the more deliberate errors I will introduce into my own posts.[/b][/u] Have fun with that. [i]There may be a measure of utility to this feature...[/i] Q. What happens if I miss the 48 hour response deadline? A. The entire framework of the Contextual Reality begins to collapse. The laws of physics will cease to operate, spacetime will become a suggestion, cosmogone arbadacarba noose. This is a bad thing - it could render the entirety of the Iteration unbeatable. The more participants there are in an Iteration, the more leeway you have if one poster cannot make the deadline. You might be able to make do with mild disruption. Q. What happens if *you* miss the 48 hour response deadline? A. Time in the Iteration will freeze, and your characters may safely peruse it in its entirety as though it were an art gallery. Particular areas, entities, and setpieces will include author's commentary, and all pre-established opportunities for clues will be revealed and expounded upon. The Iteration otherwise proceeds normally, unless another poster should miss their 48 hour deadline - in which case time instantly resumes. Q. How might a character 'Escape' an iteration? A. By exiting stage left. At some points, opportunities for a given character to 'leave' the setting will present themselves. These may come early or later on as the Iteration progresses. If you suspect things are about to go terribly wrong, it might be best to play it safe and escape - if your character leaves the Iteration safely, you do not lose a life once the Iteration ends, be that end tidy or otherwise. However, if your character leaves without having found any worthwhile information or clues for you to interpret, the exercise has been a waste. You must take risks to discover the purpose of the challenge. Q. Can I participate after losing all my lives? A. If somebody donates you additional lives, or if you gain additional lives through participation in TTL contests. Losing all your lives does not forever preclude you from future participation. Q. I can join if I have never participated in TTL, right? A. Yes! You only get one life though, unless you participate in a TTL challenge or else have lives donated to you by another poster. Q. What will the setting for the next Iteration be? A. You do not know in advance, beyond that it will be inspired by the mythical Twelve Labours and will adapt to your characters.[center][color=black][h1][u]The Twelve Labours[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [hider=Forward]Welcome to the Final Hazard. This little project has been a long time coming now. For those of you who are not aware, the Final Hazard is essentially a Challenge Roleplay - intended as a difficult Victory-Lap-Roleplay for winners of prior entries in The Twelve Labours. You can participate even if you did not win any of the contests from The Twelve Labours Series One, albeit with a significant disadvantage (as you will see in the rules below). As a warning both to TTL regulars as well as to newcomers: THERE IS NO GRAND REWARD AWAITING THE WINNERS HERE - beyond a spiffy forum trophy and bragging rights. This is important to keep in mind since the roleplay itself will be brutally unkind, and I shall be merciless in my work. It is my recommendation that you not participate unless you are utterly sure about what you are getting yourself into, are looking for a challenge to overcome, and are prepared to be ground into charnel paste by the lack of parity. Since I expect people to pull a double take and question what the point of the contest is as soon as they see the Challenge Criteria, and since this will be my only real opportunity to show a bit of my hand without breaking the rules of the roleplay, I will just say that I have a particular Object Lesson in mind. Even if you are not particularly interested in what I might have to say, I should hope that the opportunity to sharpen your writing skills to utter technical perfection should be motive enough to participate. May You All Live On in Song and Story, and my deepest apology in advance.[/hider] [center][h1][color=FFA07A][b][u]The Final Hazard[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e56fd6d8-e02f-4fd8-b39b-2d35920e4885.png[/img][quote=Napoleon]"History is an agreed-upon fiction."[/quote][/center] [center][hider=The Final Hazard][b][color=black] Your characters cannot win or complete this challenge. Victory is out of their hands. Their suffering is pre-ordained, their escape from it impossible. The Final Hazard exists only to cause them anguish and torment. To clear this challenge, you must determine why Victory is impossible. Then you must show me your[/color] [color=FFA07A]Courage.[/color][/b][/hider][/center][hider=Participation Rules][indent]1. Follow the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/531-fundamental-rules-of-the-guild/ooc]standard guild rules[/url]. 2. Obey the Dark Lord Sauron's [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/77197-moderation-policy-in-the-rp-sections/ooc]rules[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/85368-moderation-policy-for-forum-contests/ooc]as well[/url] (just to cover all the bases). 3. Follow MY [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79559-the-twelve-labours-rules-standards-and-conditions/ooc]rules[/url] too. Let it never be said we did not warn you. 4. Any explicit/mature material must be kept off-site. I will only post links to them with NSFW notices. 5. You must use your own characters. No roleplaying as characters you yourself did not create.[/indent][/hider][hider=Challenge Parameters][hider=Procedure]-The Final Hazard will operate as a regular, play-by-post roleplay thread. The story will proceed through a number of different roleplaying Iterations, each inspired by the mythical Twelve Labours. Each individual Iteration will be separated by a brief Period of Respite. -During a Respite Period, the starting date for the next Iteration will be revealed - you may then choose in advance whether or not you intend to participate in that iteration (scheduling realities being what they are). -Each Iteration will proceed at a breakneck pace - participants who are tagged for a response are expected to post [b][u]within 48 hours[/u][/b], no exceptions. I will be holding myself to this standard as well. Before you open your mouth to complain about how unreasonable that is: I have a life outside the Guild myself. A job, accomplices I affiliate with, other things I waste my time on - and so does every other participant. Your circumstances are not so exceptional that I will make an exception. That said, a failure to post within the time limit does not eliminate you from the roleplay - but the penalty for such a failure is severe, as you will see below. -You may submit any one character you desire to participate in a given iteration. Any character at all. You have carte blanche to go crazy. Let your inner power-tripper go mad, if you like. -Each Iteration will progress until every poster character has been killed IC or has escaped the iteration, at which point the Iteration will end and the Period of Respite for the next Iteration will begin. Each new iteration will present opportunities to gain clues and information pertaining to the challenge. Each opportunity will invariably bring fatal risks. -Each Iteration shall operate as a [u][b]Holistic Contextual Reality[/b][/u]. You are free to submit [b][u]any[/u][/b] kind of character you want. You are free to use [u][b]any[/b][/u] kind of standard of writing you like, be that sloppy and unpolished or otherwise. You are free to miss your individual response deadline. The Contextual Reality of the roleplay will alter to accommodate the circumstances, which is not as convenient as it sounds. [b][u]The more broken or unbelievable a character is, the more hostile the Iteration becomes overall. The more errors you commit to writing, the more unstable the Iteration will become. If you miss the 48 hour response deadline, the entire Iteration will begin to collapse.[/u][/b] -Yes, this means that [b][u]everyone[/u][/b] can fail an Iteration due to one person screwing up. This is part of why the Period of Respite exists - it will alert you to whom you will be working with and give you some time to coordinate in advance. If a troll slips into the ranks, trust that I shall deal with them accordingly. -If nobody participates in a given Iteration, [b][u]The Final Hazard Will End. Everyone Will Lose.[/u][/b] There is little point in maintaining the Challenge if there is no interest or possibility of participating.[/hider][hider=Lives]-Every participant in the roleplay will have a limited number of lives. Every time a character dies within an Iteration, their poster loses a life. -If you lose all of your lives, you cannot participate. -[u][b]Everybody[/b][/u] has one life by default. -You gain additional Lives by participating in The Twelve Labours forum contests and clearing the challenges. Each win grants you an additional life. Each Challenge Accolade you earn grants you another life on top of that. This applies to past victories in TTL: Series One, so TTL Veterans who already have some wins and accolades have a significant advantage here. -You may donate lives to any other poster participating in the contest. You may not donate your last remaining life. If you donate more than a single life to another poster, one life is burnt in the transaction. This is applicable on a per-poster basis, meaning separate donations of one life only will not work. Each separate transaction of more than one life also counts, so if you are going to do this I would recommend large donations. -All donated lives are considered to still be of the poster they originated from. If a poster who has donated lives runs out and is eliminated from the contest, their donated lives default to the ownership of the poster they were donated to. Posters may not donate lives which do not originate from themselves. -Posters who have been inactive on the forum for a period of more than six months are considered inert - their lives cannot be traded and are considered null for the purposes of the contest until such time as the poster returns. -Once All Lives have been Lost, the Final Hazard Will End. This means everyone has lost.[/hider][hider=Objective and Clues]-The task of every poster - beyond mere participation in the Contextual Reality of each Iteration - is to fulfill the Challenge described above. As already stated, opportunities to discover clues and useful information will avail themselves to you during the course of each Iteration. -Once you think you know what you are supposed to do, [b][color=black]Show Me Your[/color] [color=FFA07A]Courage.[/color][/b] -I will never openly confirm, deny, elaborate on, or idly comment upon any occurence/event that transpires in the roleplay under normal circumstances. -You may ask me to confirm any theories you have and/or validate any evidence you have accumulated. I reserve the right to ask for a wager of [u][b]any number of lives[/b][/u] in return for confirmations and/or validations. Incorrect theories and/or irrelevant evidence will result in lives wagered being lost. No lives are lost if all theories are confirmed and/or all evidence is validated. In the event of partially correct theories or partially relevant evidence, all lives wagered are lost but I will specify all accurate parts of all presented theories and/or evidence.[/hider][/hider][hider=FAQ]Q. What was that about having carte blanche to go crazy with our characters? A. You may submit any particular kind of character for participation in a given iteration - they may be of any quality you choose and may possess as much personal power as you like. You may submit space pirates, elven mages, reality manipulators, gods, and ice cream vendors. Be wary of doing so. Q. Why would I *not* submit the most powerful character possible? A. Each Iteration acts as a Holistic Contextual Reality. The more *broken* and *unbelievable* your character is relative to the setting and to the other characters present, the more hostile and inimical the Iteration will become - for everyone participating. The scale of escalation here is exponential, so submitting a character as powerful as an unrestricted reality manipulator would effectively render the Iteration unbeatable. The form this scaling threat will take varies, but typically will take the form of environmental hazards or hostile entities. Q. What was that about writing, form, and instability? A. Each Iteration - as discussed - is a Holistic Contextual Reality. It is only as stable as you, the participant writers, permit it to be. For every individual technical mistake you make as a poster - typos, misspelled words, poor grammar, awkward sentence structure - the less stable the Contextual Reality becomes. The entirety of the Iteration will bend and contort to accommodate the errors you introduce into the world, making it progressively more and more difficult to perceive the world from our perspective as narrators. tl;dr: [u][b]The more technical mistakes you make, the more deliberate errors I will introduce into my own posts.[/b][/u] Have fun with that. [i]There may be a measure of utility to this feature...[/i] Q. What happens if I miss the 48 hour response deadline? A. The entire framework of the Contextual Reality begins to collapse. The laws of physics will cease to operate, spacetime will become a suggestion, cosmogone arbadacarba noose. This is a bad thing - it could render the entirety of the Iteration unbeatable. The more participants there are in an Iteration, the more leeway you have if one poster cannot make the deadline. You might be able to make do with mild disruption. Q. What happens if *you* miss the 48 hour response deadline? A. Time in the Iteration will freeze, and your characters may safely peruse it in its entirety as though it were an art gallery. Particular areas, entities, and setpieces will include author's commentary, and all pre-established opportunities for clues will be revealed and expounded upon. The Iteration otherwise proceeds normally, unless another poster should miss their 48 hour deadline - in which case time instantly resumes. Q. How might a character 'Escape' an iteration? A. By exiting stage left. At some points, opportunities for a given character to 'leave' the setting will present themselves. These may come early or later on as the Iteration progresses. If you suspect things are about to go terribly wrong, it might be best to play it safe and escape - if your character leaves the Iteration safely, you do not lose a life once the Iteration ends, be that end tidy or otherwise. However, if your character leaves without having found any worthwhile information or clues for you to interpret, the exercise has been a waste. You must take risks to discover the purpose of the challenge. Q. Can I participate after losing all my lives? A. If somebody donates you additional lives, or if you gain additional lives through participation in TTL contests. Losing all your lives does not forever preclude you from future participation. Q. I can join if I have never participated in TTL, right? A. Yes! You only get one life though, unless you participate in a TTL challenge or else have lives donated to you by another poster. Q. What will the setting for the next Iteration be? A. You do not know in advance, beyond that it will be inspired by the mythical Twelve Labours and will adapt to your characters.[center][color=black][h1][u]The Twelve Labours[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [hider=Forward]Welcome to the Final Hazard. This little project has been a long time coming now. For those of you who are not aware, the Final Hazard is essentially a Challenge Roleplay - intended as a difficult Victory-Lap-Roleplay for winners of prior entries in The Twelve Labours. You can participate even if you did not win any of the contests from The Twelve Labours Series One, albeit with a significant disadvantage (as you will see in the rules below). As a warning both to TTL regulars as well as to newcomers: THERE IS NO GRAND REWARD AWAITING THE WINNERS HERE - beyond a spiffy forum trophy and bragging rights. This is important to keep in mind since the roleplay itself will be brutally unkind, and I shall be merciless in my work. It is my recommendation that you not participate unless you are utterly sure about what you are getting yourself into, are looking for a challenge to overcome, and are prepared to be ground into charnel paste by the lack of parity. Since I expect people to pull a double take and question what the point of the contest is as soon as they see the Challenge Criteria, and since this will be my only real opportunity to show a bit of my hand without breaking the rules of the roleplay, I will just say that I have a particular Object Lesson in mind. Even if you are not particularly interested in what I might have to say, I should hope that the opportunity to sharpen your writing skills to utter technical perfection should be motive enough to participate. May You All Live On in Song and Story, and my deepest apology in advance.[/hider] [center][h1][color=FFA07A][b][u]The Final Hazard[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e56fd6d8-e02f-4fd8-b39b-2d35920e4885.png[/img][quote=Napoleon]"History is an agreed-upon fiction."[/quote][/center] [center][hider=The Final Hazard][b][color=black] Your characters cannot win or complete this challenge. Victory is out of their hands. Their suffering is pre-ordained, their escape from it impossible. The Final Hazard exists only to cause them anguish and torment. To clear this challenge, you must determine why Victory is impossible. Then you must show me your[/color] [color=FFA07A]Courage.[/color][/b][/hider][/center][hider=Participation Rules][indent]1. Follow the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/531-fundamental-rules-of-the-guild/ooc]standard guild rules[/url]. 2. Obey the Dark Lord Sauron's [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/77197-moderation-policy-in-the-rp-sections/ooc]rules[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/85368-moderation-policy-for-forum-contests/ooc]as well[/url] (just to cover all the bases). 3. Follow MY [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79559-the-twelve-labours-rules-standards-and-conditions/ooc]rules[/url] too. Let it never be said we did not warn you. 4. Any explicit/mature material must be kept off-site. I will only post links to them with NSFW notices. 5. You must use your own characters. No roleplaying as characters you yourself did not create.[/indent][/hider][hider=Challenge Parameters][hider=Procedure]-The Final Hazard will operate as a regular, play-by-post roleplay thread. The story will proceed through a number of different roleplaying Iterations, each inspired by the mythical Twelve Labours. Each individual Iteration will be separated by a brief Period of Respite. -During a Respite Period, the starting date for the next Iteration will be revealed - you may then choose in advance whether or not you intend to participate in that iteration (scheduling realities being what they are). -Each Iteration will proceed at a breakneck pace - participants who are tagged for a response are expected to post [b][u]within 48 hours[/u][/b], no exceptions. I will be holding myself to this standard as well. Before you open your mouth to complain about how unreasonable that is: I have a life outside the Guild myself. A job, accomplices I affiliate with, other things I waste my time on - and so does every other participant. Your circumstances are not so exceptional that I will make an exception. That said, a failure to post within the time limit does not eliminate you from the roleplay - but the penalty for such a failure is severe, as you will see below. -You may submit any one character you desire to participate in a given iteration. Any character at all. You have carte blanche to go crazy. Let your inner power-tripper go mad, if you like. -Each Iteration will progress until every poster character has been killed IC or has escaped the iteration, at which point the Iteration will end and the Period of Respite for the next Iteration will begin. Each new iteration will present opportunities to gain clues and information pertaining to the challenge. Each opportunity will invariably bring fatal risks. -Each Iteration shall operate as a [u][b]Holistic Contextual Reality[/b][/u]. You are free to submit [b][u]any[/u][/b] kind of character you want. You are free to use [u][b]any[/b][/u] kind of standard of writing you like, be that sloppy and unpolished or otherwise. You are free to miss your individual response deadline. The Contextual Reality of the roleplay will alter to accommodate the circumstances, which is not as convenient as it sounds. [b][u]The more broken or unbelievable a character is, the more hostile the Iteration becomes overall. The more errors you commit to writing, the more unstable the Iteration will become. If you miss the 48 hour response deadline, the entire Iteration will begin to collapse.[/u][/b] -Yes, this means that [b][u]everyone[/u][/b] can fail an Iteration due to one person screwing up. This is part of why the Period of Respite exists - it will alert you to whom you will be working with and give you some time to coordinate in advance. If a troll slips into the ranks, trust that I shall deal with them accordingly. -If nobody participates in a given Iteration, [b][u]The Final Hazard Will End. Everyone Will Lose.[/u][/b] There is little point in maintaining the Challenge if there is no interest or possibility of participating.[/hider][hider=Lives]-Every participant in the roleplay will have a limited number of lives. Every time a character dies within an Iteration, their poster loses a life. -If you lose all of your lives, you cannot participate. -[u][b]Everybody[/b][/u] has one life by default. -You gain additional Lives by participating in The Twelve Labours forum contests and clearing the challenges. Each win grants you an additional life. Each Challenge Accolade you earn grants you another life on top of that. This applies to past victories in TTL: Series One, so TTL Veterans who already have some wins and accolades have a significant advantage here. -You may donate lives to any other poster participating in the contest. You may not donate your last remaining life. If you donate more than a single life to another poster, one life is burnt in the transaction. This is applicable on a per-poster basis, meaning separate donations of one life only will not work. Each separate transaction of more than one life also counts, so if you are going to do this I would recommend large donations. -All donated lives are considered to still be of the poster they originated from. If a poster who has donated lives runs out and is eliminated from the contest, their donated lives default to the ownership of the poster they were donated to. Posters may not donate lives which do not originate from themselves. -Posters who have been inactive on the forum for a period of more than six months are considered inert - their lives cannot be traded and are considered null for the purposes of the contest until such time as the poster returns. -Once All Lives have been Lost, the Final Hazard Will End. This means everyone has lost.[/hider][hider=Objective and Clues]-The task of every poster - beyond mere participation in the Contextual Reality of each Iteration - is to fulfill the Challenge described above. As already stated, opportunities to discover clues and useful information will avail themselves to you during the course of each Iteration. -Once you think you know what you are supposed to do, [b][color=black]Show Me Your[/color] [color=FFA07A]Courage.[/color][/b] -I will never openly confirm, deny, elaborate on, or idly comment upon any occurence/event that transpires in the roleplay under normal circumstances. -You may ask me to confirm any theories you have and/or validate any evidence you have accumulated. I reserve the right to ask for a wager of [u][b]any number of lives[/b][/u] in return for confirmations and/or validations. Incorrect theories and/or irrelevant evidence will result in lives wagered being lost. No lives are lost if all theories are confirmed and/or all evidence is validated. In the event of partially correct theories or partially relevant evidence, all lives wagered are lost but I will specify all accurate parts of all presented theories and/or evidence.[/hider][/hider][hider=FAQ]Q. What was that about having carte blanche to go crazy with our characters? A. You may submit any particular kind of character for participation in a given iteration - they may be of any quality you choose and may possess as much personal power as you like. You may submit space pirates, elven mages, reality manipulators, gods, and ice cream vendors. Be wary of doing so. Q. Why would I *not* submit the most powerful character possible? A. Each Iteration acts as a Holistic Contextual Reality. The more *broken* and *unbelievable* your character is relative to the setting and to the other characters present, the more hostile and inimical the Iteration will become - for everyone participating. The scale of escalation here is exponential, so submitting a character as powerful as an unrestricted reality manipulator would effectively render the Iteration unbeatable. The form this scaling threat will take varies, but typically will take the form of environmental hazards or hostile entities. Q. What was that about writing, form, and instability? A. Each Iteration - as discussed - is a Holistic Contextual Reality. It is only as stable as you, the participant writers, permit it to be. For every individual technical mistake you make as a poster - typos, misspelled words, poor grammar, awkward sentence structure - the less stable the Contextual Reality becomes. The entirety of the Iteration will bend and contort to accommodate the errors you introduce into the world, making it progressively more and more difficult to perceive the world from our perspective as narrators. tl;dr: [u][b]The more technical mistakes you make, the more deliberate errors I will introduce into my own posts.[/b][/u] Have fun with that. [i]There may be a measure of utility to this feature...[/i] Q. What happens if I miss the 48 hour response deadline? A. The entire framework of the Contextual Reality begins to collapse. The laws of physics will cease to operate, spacetime will become a suggestion, cosmogone arbadacarba noose. This is a bad thing - it could render the entirety of the Iteration unbeatable. The more participants there are in an Iteration, the more leeway you have if one poster cannot make the deadline. You might be able to make do with mild disruption. Q. What happens if *you* miss the 48 hour response deadline? A. Time in the Iteration will freeze, and your characters may safely peruse it in its entirety as though it were an art gallery. Particular areas, entities, and setpieces will include author's commentary, and all pre-established opportunities for clues will be revealed and expounded upon. The Iteration otherwise proceeds normally, unless another poster should miss their 48 hour deadline - in which case time instantly resumes. Q. How might a character 'Escape' an iteration? A. By exiting stage left. At some points, opportunities for a given character to 'leave' the setting will present themselves. These may come early or later on as the Iteration progresses. If you suspect things are about to go terribly wrong, it might be best to play it safe and escape - if your character leaves the Iteration safely, you do not lose a life once the Iteration ends, be that end tidy or otherwise. However, if your character leaves without having found any worthwhile information or clues for you to interpret, the exercise has been a waste. You must take risks to discover the purpose of the challenge. Q. Can I participate after losing all my lives? A. If somebody donates you additional lives, or if you gain additional lives through participation in TTL contests. Losing all your lives does not forever preclude you from future participation. Q. I can join if I have never participated in TTL, right? A. Yes! You only get one life though, unless you participate in a TTL challenge or else have lives donated to you by another poster. Q. What will the setting for the next Iteration be? A. You do not know in advance, beyond that it will be inspired by the mythical Twelve Labours and will adapt to your characters.[center][color=black][h1][u]The Twelve Labours[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [hider=Forward]Welcome to the Final Hazard. This little project has been a long time coming now. For those of you who are not aware, the Final Hazard is essentially a Challenge Roleplay - intended as a difficult Victory-Lap-Roleplay for winners of prior entries in The Twelve Labours. You can participate even if you did not win any of the contests from The Twelve Labours Series One, albeit with a significant disadvantage (as you will see in the rules below). As a warning both to TTL regulars as well as to newcomers: THERE IS NO GRAND REWARD AWAITING THE WINNERS HERE - beyond a spiffy forum trophy and bragging rights. This is important to keep in mind since the roleplay itself will be brutally unkind, and I shall be merciless in my work. It is my recommendation that you not participate unless you are utterly sure about what you are getting yourself into, are looking for a challenge to overcome, and are prepared to be ground into charnel paste by the lack of parity. Since I expect people to pull a double take and question what the point of the contest is as soon as they see the Challenge Criteria, and since this will be my only real opportunity to show a bit of my hand without breaking the rules of the roleplay, I will just say that I have a particular Object Lesson in mind. Even if you are not particularly interested in what I might have to say, I should hope that the opportunity to sharpen your writing skills to utter technical perfection should be motive enough to participate. May You All Live On in Song and Story, and my deepest apology in advance.[/hider] [center][h1][color=FFA07A][b][u]The Final Hazard[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e56fd6d8-e02f-4fd8-b39b-2d35920e4885.png[/img][quote=Napoleon]"History is an agreed-upon fiction."[/quote][/center] [center][hider=The Final Hazard][b][color=black] Your characters cannot win or complete this challenge. Victory is out of their hands. Their suffering is pre-ordained, their escape from it impossible. The Final Hazard exists only to cause them anguish and torment. To clear this challenge, you must determine why Victory is impossible. Then you must show me your[/color] [color=FFA07A]Courage.[/color][/b][/hider][/center][hider=Participation Rules][indent]1. Follow the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/531-fundamental-rules-of-the-guild/ooc]standard guild rules[/url]. 2. Obey the Dark Lord Sauron's [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/77197-moderation-policy-in-the-rp-sections/ooc]rules[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/85368-moderation-policy-for-forum-contests/ooc]as well[/url] (just to cover all the bases). 3. Follow MY [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79559-the-twelve-labours-rules-standards-and-conditions/ooc]rules[/url] too. Let it never be said we did not warn you. 4. Any explicit/mature material must be kept off-site. I will only post links to them with NSFW notices. 5. You must use your own characters. No roleplaying as characters you yourself did not create.[/indent][/hider][hider=Challenge Parameters][hider=Procedure]-The Final Hazard will operate as a regular, play-by-post roleplay thread. The story will proceed through a number of different roleplaying Iterations, each inspired by the mythical Twelve Labours. Each individual Iteration will be separated by a brief Period of Respite. -During a Respite Period, the starting date for the next Iteration will be revealed - you may then choose in advance whether or not you intend to participate in that iteration (scheduling realities being what they are). -Each Iteration will proceed at a breakneck pace - participants who are tagged for a response are expected to post [b][u]within 48 hours[/u][/b], no exceptions. I will be holding myself to this standard as well. Before you open your mouth to complain about how unreasonable that is: I have a life outside the Guild myself. A job, accomplices I affiliate with, other things I waste my time on - and so does every other participant. Your circumstances are not so exceptional that I will make an exception. That said, a failure to post within the time limit does not eliminate you from the roleplay - but the penalty for such a failure is severe, as you will see below. -You may submit any one character you desire to participate in a given iteration. Any character at all. You have carte blanche to go crazy. Let your inner power-tripper go mad, if you like. -Each Iteration will progress until every poster character has been killed IC or has escaped the iteration, at which point the Iteration will end and the Period of Respite for the next Iteration will begin. Each new iteration will present opportunities to gain clues and information pertaining to the challenge. Each opportunity will invariably bring fatal risks. -Each Iteration shall operate as a [u][b]Holistic Contextual Reality[/b][/u]. You are free to submit [b][u]any[/u][/b] kind of character you want. You are free to use [u][b]any[/b][/u] kind of standard of writing you like, be that sloppy and unpolished or otherwise. You are free to miss your individual response deadline. The Contextual Reality of the roleplay will alter to accommodate the circumstances, which is not as convenient as it sounds. [b][u]The more broken or unbelievable a character is, the more hostile the Iteration becomes overall. The more errors you commit to writing, the more unstable the Iteration will become. If you miss the 48 hour response deadline, the entire Iteration will begin to collapse.[/u][/b] -Yes, this means that [b][u]everyone[/u][/b] can fail an Iteration due to one person screwing up. This is part of why the Period of Respite exists - it will alert you to whom you will be working with and give you some time to coordinate in advance. If a troll slips into the ranks, trust that I shall deal with them accordingly. -If nobody participates in a given Iteration, [b][u]The Final Hazard Will End. Everyone Will Lose.[/u][/b] There is little point in maintaining the Challenge if there is no interest or possibility of participating.[/hider][hider=Lives]-Every participant in the roleplay will have a limited number of lives. Every time a character dies within an Iteration, their poster loses a life. -If you lose all of your lives, you cannot participate. -[u][b]Everybody[/b][/u] has one life by default. -You gain additional Lives by participating in The Twelve Labours forum contests and clearing the challenges. Each win grants you an additional life. Each Challenge Accolade you earn grants you another life on top of that. This applies to past victories in TTL: Series One, so TTL Veterans who already have some wins and accolades have a significant advantage here. -You may donate lives to any other poster participating in the contest. You may not donate your last remaining life. If you donate more than a single life to another poster, one life is burnt in the transaction. This is applicable on a per-poster basis, meaning separate donations of one life only will not work. Each separate transaction of more than one life also counts, so if you are going to do this I would recommend large donations. -All donated lives are considered to still be of the poster they originated from. If a poster who has donated lives runs out and is eliminated from the contest, their donated lives default to the ownership of the poster they were donated to. Posters may not donate lives which do not originate from themselves. -Posters who have been inactive on the forum for a period of more than six months are considered inert - their lives cannot be traded and are considered null for the purposes of the contest until such time as the poster returns. -Once All Lives have been Lost, the Final Hazard Will End. This means everyone has lost.[/hider][hider=Objective and Clues]-The task of every poster - beyond mere participation in the Contextual Reality of each Iteration - is to fulfill the Challenge described above. As already stated, opportunities to discover clues and useful information will avail themselves to you during the course of each Iteration. -Once you think you know what you are supposed to do, [b][color=black]Show Me Your[/color] [color=FFA07A]Courage.[/color][/b] -I will never openly confirm, deny, elaborate on, or idly comment upon any occurence/event that transpires in the roleplay under normal circumstances. -You may ask me to confirm any theories you have and/or validate any evidence you have accumulated. I reserve the right to ask for a wager of [u][b]any number of lives[/b][/u] in return for confirmations and/or validations. Incorrect theories and/or irrelevant evidence will result in lives wagered being lost. No lives are lost if all theories are confirmed and/or all evidence is validated. In the event of partially correct theories or partially relevant evidence, all lives wagered are lost but I will specify all accurate parts of all presented theories and/or evidence.[/hider][/hider][hider=FAQ]Q. What was that about having carte blanche to go crazy with our characters? A. You may submit any particular kind of character for participation in a given iteration - they may be of any quality you choose and may possess as much personal power as you like. You may submit space pirates, elven mages, reality manipulators, gods, and ice cream vendors. Be wary of doing so. Q. Why would I *not* submit the most powerful character possible? A. Each Iteration acts as a Holistic Contextual Reality. The more *broken* and *unbelievable* your character is relative to the setting and to the other characters present, the more hostile and inimical the Iteration will become - for everyone participating. The scale of escalation here is exponential, so submitting a character as powerful as an unrestricted reality manipulator would effectively render the Iteration unbeatable. The form this scaling threat will take varies, but typically will take the form of environmental hazards or hostile entities. Q. What was that about writing, form, and instability? A. Each Iteration - as discussed - is a Holistic Contextual Reality. It is only as stable as you, the participant writers, permit it to be. For every individual technical mistake you make as a poster - typos, misspelled words, poor grammar, awkward sentence structure - the less stable the Contextual Reality becomes. The entirety of the Iteration will bend and contort to accommodate the errors you introduce into the world, making it progressively more and more difficult to perceive the world from our perspective as narrators. tl;dr: [u][b]The more technical mistakes you make, the more deliberate errors I will introduce into my own posts.[/b][/u] Have fun with that. [i]There may be a measure of utility to this feature...[/i] Q. What happens if I miss the 48 hour response deadline? A. The entire framework of the Contextual Reality begins to collapse. The laws of physics will cease to operate, spacetime will become a suggestion, cosmogone arbadacarba noose. This is a bad thing - it could render the entirety of the Iteration unbeatable. The more participants there are in an Iteration, the more leeway you have if one poster cannot make the deadline. You might be able to make do with mild disruption. Q. What happens if *you* miss the 48 hour response deadline? A. Time in the Iteration will freeze, and your characters may safely peruse it in its entirety as though it were an art gallery. Particular areas, entities, and setpieces will include author's commentary, and all pre-established opportunities for clues will be revealed and expounded upon. The Iteration otherwise proceeds normally, unless another poster should miss their 48 hour deadline - in which case time instantly resumes. Q. How might a character 'Escape' an iteration? A. By exiting stage left. At some points, opportunities for a given character to 'leave' the setting will present themselves. These may come early or later on as the Iteration progresses. If you suspect things are about to go terribly wrong, it might be best to play it safe and escape - if your character leaves the Iteration safely, you do not lose a life once the Iteration ends, be that end tidy or otherwise. However, if your character leaves without having found any worthwhile information or clues for you to interpret, the exercise has been a waste. You must take risks to discover the purpose of the challenge. Q. Can I participate after losing all my lives? A. If somebody donates you additional lives, or if you gain additional lives through participation in TTL contests. Losing all your lives does not forever preclude you from future participation. Q. I can join if I have never participated in TTL, right? A. Yes! You only get one life though, unless you participate in a TTL challenge or else have lives donated to you by another poster. Q. What will the setting for the next Iteration be? A. You do not know in advance, beyond that it will be inspired by the mythical Twelve Labours and will adapt to your characters.[/hider][hider=Roster & Lives]-An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. [1 Lost] -[@Cruallassar] 4 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 donated from shylarah] [1 Lost] -[@Dark Wind] 4 Lives (1 Accolade) -[@Doc Doctor] 1 Life [1 Lost] -[@Habibi359] has 2 Lives -[@Holmishire] 10 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 Lost] -[@JulienJaden] 2 Lives -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -[@jumpadraw] 2 Lives -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -[@mdk] 11 Lives (4 Accolades) [1 Lost] -[@PlatinumSkink] 11 Lives (3 Accolades) [1 Lost] -[@Psyga315] 4 Lives -[@RomanAria] 2 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 Donated to shylarah] -[@Sen] 2 Lives -[@shylarah] 2 Lives [1 Donated from RomanAria] [1 donated to Cruallassar] -An Anonymous Poster has 4 Lives (1 Accolade) -[@WiseDragonGirl] 11 Lives[/hider][Hider=Character Template][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] [b][u]Entity:[/u][/b] What are they? [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] Arbitrary linear measurement of ontological inertia across a single temporal axis imposed over three spatial dimensions. In the eventuality of timeless beings, a coordinate representation of their initial intrusion into the Contextual Reality shall be sufficient. [b][u]Genre:[/u][/b] An inquiry only to be answered with the utmost caution. [b][u]Allineation:[/u][/b] All That Rises Must Converge. A Dream of Stars and Soft Rains that Scour Dawn From Living Memory. [hider=Description]Barring the provision of a visual reference, provide sufficient written detail to enable others to mentally visualize the entity in question.[/hider][hider=Biography]You want to write a character biography in a roleplay with a Contextual Reality involving other characters? Gutsy of you. The Contextual Reality will adapt to reconcile all relevant histories, which will always result in a stable Iteration but may create certain relative forms of weirdness for the characters involved. Creating a highly specific history might afford you the privilege to finely shape and control the setting the Iteration takes – as long as there are no inconsistent or conflicting histories. Needless to say, this section is optional and used at your own risk.[/hider][hider=Window Dressing]Include any description of your character’s personality, temperament, and behavior here. It is not mandatory and I will be proceeding largely on the assumption that your character’s personality will sufficiently establish itself over the course of the Iteration without you having to force-feed it to readers in advance.[/hider][hider=Attributes]I have provided some template fillers here for you, but feel free to organize and arrange this section as you see fit and is convenient. [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] What specific kinds of tasks does your character excel at doing? [b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b] What native capabilities does your character derive from their nature or form? Are they particularly strong, fast, resilient, etcetera. [b][u]Knowledge:[/u][/b] What forms of esoterica, arcane forces, forbidden secrets, or juicy gossip is your character aware of? A reference to any background of general study or education might be described here.[/hider][hider=Personal Effects] [b][u]A Hot Pink Frock:[/u][/b] Listed for the convenience of their next-of-kin, perhaps. Clothing, armor, equipment, weaponry, accessories, ornaments, etcetera.[/hider][/hider][center][h2][b]Current Setting:[/b][/h2][h3]Active Iteration[/h3]There is no end in sight... If You want to Participate in the Second Iteration, wait for the first one to end.[/center][/hider][hider=Roster & Lives]-An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. [1 Lost] -[@Cruallassar] 4 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 donated from shylarah] [1 Lost] -[@Dark Wind] 4 Lives (1 Accolade) -[@Doc Doctor] 1 Life [1 Lost] -[@Habibi359] has 2 Lives -[@Holmishire] 10 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 Lost] -[@JulienJaden] 2 Lives -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -[@jumpadraw] 2 Lives -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -[@mdk] 11 Lives (4 Accolades) [1 Lost] -[@PlatinumSkink] 11 Lives (3 Accolades) [1 Lost] -[@Psyga315] 4 Lives -[@RomanAria] 2 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 Donated to shylarah] -[@Sen] 2 Lives -[@shylarah] 2 Lives [1 Donated from RomanAria] [1 donated to Cruallassar] -An Anonymous Poster has 4 Lives (1 Accolade) -[@WiseDragonGirl] 11 Lives[/hider][Hider=Character Template][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] [b][u]Entity:[/u][/b] What are they? [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] Arbitrary linear measurement of ontological inertia across a single temporal axis imposed over three spatial dimensions. In the eventuality of timeless beings, a coordinate representation of their initial intrusion into the Contextual Reality shall be sufficient. [b][u]Genre:[/u][/b] An inquiry only to be answered with the utmost caution. [b][u]Allineation:[/u][/b] All That Rises Must Converge. A Dream of Stars and Soft Rains that Scour Dawn From Living Memory. [hider=Description]Barring the provision of a visual reference, provide sufficient written detail to enable others to mentally visualize the entity in question.[/hider][hider=Biography]You want to write a character biography in a roleplay with a Contextual Reality involving other characters? Gutsy of you. The Contextual Reality will adapt to reconcile all relevant histories, which will always result in a stable Iteration but may create certain relative forms of weirdness for the characters involved. Creating a highly specific history might afford you the privilege to finely shape and control the setting the Iteration takes – as long as there are no inconsistent or conflicting histories. Needless to say, this section is optional and used at your own risk.[/hider][hider=Window Dressing]Include any description of your character’s personality, temperament, and behavior here. It is not mandatory and I will be proceeding largely on the assumption that your character’s personality will sufficiently establish itself over the course of the Iteration without you having to force-feed it to readers in advance.[/hider][hider=Attributes]I have provided some template fillers here for you, but feel free to organize and arrange this section as you see fit and is convenient. [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] What specific kinds of tasks does your character excel at doing? [b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b] What native capabilities does your character derive from their nature or form? Are they particularly strong, fast, resilient, etcetera. [b][u]Knowledge:[/u][/b] What forms of esoterica, arcane forces, forbidden secrets, or juicy gossip is your character aware of? A reference to any background of general study or education might be described here.[/hider][hider=Personal Effects] [b][u]A Hot Pink Frock:[/u][/b] Listed for the convenience of their next-of-kin, perhaps. Clothing, armor, equipment, weaponry, accessories, ornaments, etcetera.[/hider][/hider][center][h2][b]Current Setting:[/b][/h2][h3]Active Iteration[/h3]There is no end in sight... If You want to Participate in the Second Iteration, wait for the first one to end.[/center][/hider][hider=Roster & Lives]-An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. [1 Lost] -[@Cruallassar] 4 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 donated from shylarah] [1 Lost] -[@Dark Wind] 4 Lives (1 Accolade) -[@Doc Doctor] 1 Life [1 Lost] -[@Habibi359] has 2 Lives -[@Holmishire] 10 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 Lost] -[@JulienJaden] 2 Lives -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -[@jumpadraw] 2 Lives -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -[@mdk] 11 Lives (4 Accolades) [1 Lost] -[@PlatinumSkink] 11 Lives (3 Accolades) [1 Lost] -[@Psyga315] 4 Lives -[@RomanAria] 2 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 Donated to shylarah] -[@Sen] 2 Lives -[@shylarah] 2 Lives [1 Donated from RomanAria] [1 donated to Cruallassar] -An Anonymous Poster has 4 Lives (1 Accolade) -[@WiseDragonGirl] 11 Lives[/hider][Hider=Character Template][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] [b][u]Entity:[/u][/b] What are they? [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] Arbitrary linear measurement of ontological inertia across a single temporal axis imposed over three spatial dimensions. In the eventuality of timeless beings, a coordinate representation of their initial intrusion into the Contextual Reality shall be sufficient. [b][u]Genre:[/u][/b] An inquiry only to be answered with the utmost caution. [b][u]Allineation:[/u][/b] All That Rises Must Converge. A Dream of Stars and Soft Rains that Scour Dawn From Living Memory. [hider=Description]Barring the provision of a visual reference, provide sufficient written detail to enable others to mentally visualize the entity in question.[/hider][hider=Biography]You want to write a character biography in a roleplay with a Contextual Reality involving other characters? Gutsy of you. The Contextual Reality will adapt to reconcile all relevant histories, which will always result in a stable Iteration but may create certain relative forms of weirdness for the characters involved. Creating a highly specific history might afford you the privilege to finely shape and control the setting the Iteration takes – as long as there are no inconsistent or conflicting histories. Needless to say, this section is optional and used at your own risk.[/hider][hider=Window Dressing]Include any description of your character’s personality, temperament, and behavior here. It is not mandatory and I will be proceeding largely on the assumption that your character’s personality will sufficiently establish itself over the course of the Iteration without you having to force-feed it to readers in advance.[/hider][hider=Attributes]I have provided some template fillers here for you, but feel free to organize and arrange this section as you see fit and is convenient. [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] What specific kinds of tasks does your character excel at doing? [b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b] What native capabilities does your character derive from their nature or form? Are they particularly strong, fast, resilient, etcetera. [b][u]Knowledge:[/u][/b] What forms of esoterica, arcane forces, forbidden secrets, or juicy gossip is your character aware of? A reference to any background of general study or education might be described here.[/hider][hider=Personal Effects] [b][u]A Hot Pink Frock:[/u][/b] Listed for the convenience of their next-of-kin, perhaps. Clothing, armor, equipment, weaponry, accessories, ornaments, etcetera.[/hider][/hider][center][h2][b]Current Setting:[/b][/h2][h3]Active Iteration[/h3]There is no end in sight... If You want to Participate in the Second Iteration, wait for the first one to end.[/center][/hider][hider=Roster & Lives]-An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. [1 Lost] -[@Cruallassar] 4 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 donated from shylarah] [1 Lost] -[@Dark Wind] 4 Lives (1 Accolade) -[@Doc Doctor] 1 Life [1 Lost] -[@Habibi359] has 2 Lives -[@Holmishire] 10 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 Lost] -[@JulienJaden] 2 Lives -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -[@jumpadraw] 2 Lives -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -[@mdk] 11 Lives (4 Accolades) [1 Lost] -[@PlatinumSkink] 11 Lives (3 Accolades) [1 Lost] -[@Psyga315] 4 Lives -[@RomanAria] 2 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 Donated to shylarah] -[@Sen] 2 Lives -[@shylarah] 2 Lives [1 Donated from RomanAria] [1 donated to Cruallassar] -An Anonymous Poster has 4 Lives (1 Accolade) -[@WiseDragonGirl] 11 Lives[/hider][Hider=Character Template][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] [b][u]Entity:[/u][/b] What are they? [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] Arbitrary linear measurement of ontological inertia across a single temporal axis imposed over three spatial dimensions. In the eventuality of timeless beings, a coordinate representation of their initial intrusion into the Contextual Reality shall be sufficient. [b][u]Genre:[/u][/b] An inquiry only to be answered with the utmost caution. [b][u]Allineation:[/u][/b] All That Rises Must Converge. A Dream of Stars and Soft Rains that Scour Dawn From Living Memory. [hider=Description]Barring the provision of a visual reference, provide sufficient written detail to enable others to mentally visualize the entity in question.[/hider][hider=Biography]You want to write a character biography in a roleplay with a Contextual Reality involving other characters? Gutsy of you. The Contextual Reality will adapt to reconcile all relevant histories, which will always result in a stable Iteration but may create certain relative forms of weirdness for the characters involved. Creating a highly specific history might afford you the privilege to finely shape and control the setting the Iteration takes – as long as there are no inconsistent or conflicting histories. Needless to say, this section is optional and used at your own risk.[/hider][hider=Window Dressing]Include any description of your character’s personality, temperament, and behavior here. It is not mandatory and I will be proceeding largely on the assumption that your character’s personality will sufficiently establish itself over the course of the Iteration without you having to force-feed it to readers in advance.[/hider][hider=Attributes]I have provided some template fillers here for you, but feel free to organize and arrange this section as you see fit and is convenient. [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] What specific kinds of tasks does your character excel at doing? [b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b] What native capabilities does your character derive from their nature or form? Are they particularly strong, fast, resilient, etcetera. [b][u]Knowledge:[/u][/b] What forms of esoterica, arcane forces, forbidden secrets, or juicy gossip is your character aware of? A reference to any background of general study or education might be described here.[/hider][hider=Personal Effects] [b][u]A Hot Pink Frock:[/u][/b] Listed for the convenience of their next-of-kin, perhaps. Clothing, armor, equipment, weaponry, accessories, ornaments, etcetera.[/hider][/hider][center][h2][b]Current Setting:[/b][/h2][h3]Active Iteration[/h3]There is no end in sight... If You want to Participate in the Second Iteration, wait for the first one to end.[/center][/hider][hider=Roster & Lives]-An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. [1 Lost] -[@Cruallassar] 4 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 donated from shylarah] [1 Lost] -[@Dark Wind] 4 Lives (1 Accolade) -[@Doc Doctor] 1 Life [1 Lost] -[@Habibi359] has 2 Lives -[@Holmishire] 10 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 Lost] -[@JulienJaden] 2 Lives -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -[@jumpadraw] 2 Lives -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -[@mdk] 11 Lives (4 Accolades) [1 Lost] -[@PlatinumSkink] 11 Lives (3 Accolades) [1 Lost] -[@Psyga315] 4 Lives -[@RomanAria] 2 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 Donated to shylarah] -[@Sen] 2 Lives -[@shylarah] 2 Lives [1 Donated from RomanAria] [1 donated to Cruallassar] -An Anonymous Poster has 4 Lives (1 Accolade) -[@WiseDragonGirl] 11 Lives[/hider][Hider=Character Template][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] [b][u]Entity:[/u][/b] What are they? [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] Arbitrary linear measurement of ontological inertia across a single temporal axis imposed over three spatial dimensions. In the eventuality of timeless beings, a coordinate representation of their initial intrusion into the Contextual Reality shall be sufficient. [b][u]Genre:[/u][/b] An inquiry only to be answered with the utmost caution. [b][u]Allineation:[/u][/b] All That Rises Must Converge. A Dream of Stars and Soft Rains that Scour Dawn From Living Memory. [hider=Description]Barring the provision of a visual reference, provide sufficient written detail to enable others to mentally visualize the entity in question.[/hider][hider=Biography]You want to write a character biography in a roleplay with a Contextual Reality involving other characters? Gutsy of you. The Contextual Reality will adapt to reconcile all relevant histories, which will always result in a stable Iteration but may create certain relative forms of weirdness for the characters involved. Creating a highly specific history might afford you the privilege to finely shape and control the setting the Iteration takes – as long as there are no inconsistent or conflicting histories. Needless to say, this section is optional and used at your own risk.[/hider][hider=Window Dressing]Include any description of your character’s personality, temperament, and behavior here. It is not mandatory and I will be proceeding largely on the assumption that your character’s personality will sufficiently establish itself over the course of the Iteration without you having to force-feed it to readers in advance.[/hider][hider=Attributes]I have provided some template fillers here for you, but feel free to organize and arrange this section as you see fit and is convenient. [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] What specific kinds of tasks does your character excel at doing? [b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b] What native capabilities does your character derive from their nature or form? Are they particularly strong, fast, resilient, etcetera. [b][u]Knowledge:[/u][/b] What forms of esoterica, arcane forces, forbidden secrets, or juicy gossip is your character aware of? A reference to any background of general study or education might be described here.[/hider][hider=Personal Effects] [b][u]A Hot Pink Frock:[/u][/b] Listed for the convenience of their next-of-kin, perhaps. Clothing, armor, equipment, weaponry, accessories, ornaments, etcetera.[/hider][/hider][center][h2][b]Current Setting:[/b][/h2][h3]Active Iteration[/h3]There is no end in sight... If You want to Participate in the Second Iteration, wait for the first one to end.[/center][/hider][hider=Roster & Lives]-An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. [1 Lost] -[@Cruallassar] 4 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 donated from shylarah] [1 Lost] -[@Dark Wind] 4 Lives (1 Accolade) -[@Doc Doctor] 1 Life [1 Lost] -[@Habibi359] has 2 Lives -[@Holmishire] 10 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 Lost] -[@JulienJaden] 2 Lives -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -[@jumpadraw] 2 Lives -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -[@mdk] 11 Lives (4 Accolades) [1 Lost] -[@PlatinumSkink] 11 Lives (3 Accolades) [1 Lost] -[@Psyga315] 4 Lives -[@RomanAria] 2 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 Donated to shylarah] -[@Sen] 2 Lives -[@shylarah] 2 Lives [1 Donated from RomanAria] [1 donated to Cruallassar] -An Anonymous Poster has 4 Lives (1 Accolade) -[@WiseDragonGirl] 11 Lives[/hider][Hider=Character Template][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] [b][u]Entity:[/u][/b] What are they? [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] Arbitrary linear measurement of ontological inertia across a single temporal axis imposed over three spatial dimensions. In the eventuality of timeless beings, a coordinate representation of their initial intrusion into the Contextual Reality shall be sufficient. [b][u]Genre:[/u][/b] An inquiry only to be answered with the utmost caution. [b][u]Allineation:[/u][/b] All That Rises Must Converge. A Dream of Stars and Soft Rains that Scour Dawn From Living Memory. [hider=Description]Barring the provision of a visual reference, provide sufficient written detail to enable others to mentally visualize the entity in question.[/hider][hider=Biography]You want to write a character biography in a roleplay with a Contextual Reality involving other characters? Gutsy of you. The Contextual Reality will adapt to reconcile all relevant histories, which will always result in a stable Iteration but may create certain relative forms of weirdness for the characters involved. Creating a highly specific history might afford you the privilege to finely shape and control the setting the Iteration takes – as long as there are no inconsistent or conflicting histories. Needless to say, this section is optional and used at your own risk.[/hider][hider=Window Dressing]Include any description of your character’s personality, temperament, and behavior here. It is not mandatory and I will be proceeding largely on the assumption that your character’s personality will sufficiently establish itself over the course of the Iteration without you having to force-feed it to readers in advance.[/hider][hider=Attributes]I have provided some template fillers here for you, but feel free to organize and arrange this section as you see fit and is convenient. [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] What specific kinds of tasks does your character excel at doing? [b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b] What native capabilities does your character derive from their nature or form? Are they particularly strong, fast, resilient, etcetera. [b][u]Knowledge:[/u][/b] What forms of esoterica, arcane forces, forbidden secrets, or juicy gossip is your character aware of? A reference to any background of general study or education might be described here.[/hider][hider=Personal Effects] [b][u]A Hot Pink Frock:[/u][/b] Listed for the convenience of their next-of-kin, perhaps. Clothing, armor, equipment, weaponry, accessories, ornaments, etcetera.[/hider][/hider][center][h2][b]Current Setting:[/b][/h2][h3]Active Iteration[/h3]There is no end in sight... If You want to Participate in the Second Iteration, wait for the first one to end.[/center][/hider][hider=Roster & Lives]-An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. [1 Lost] -[@Cruallassar] 4 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 donated from shylarah] [1 Lost] -[@Dark Wind] 4 Lives (1 Accolade) -[@Doc Doctor] 1 Life [1 Lost] -[@Habibi359] has 2 Lives -[@Holmishire] 10 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 Lost] -[@JulienJaden] 2 Lives -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -[@jumpadraw] 2 Lives -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -[@mdk] 11 Lives (4 Accolades) [1 Lost] -[@PlatinumSkink] 11 Lives (3 Accolades) [1 Lost] -[@Psyga315] 4 Lives -[@RomanAria] 2 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 Donated to shylarah] -[@Sen] 2 Lives -[@shylarah] 2 Lives [1 Donated from RomanAria] [1 donated to Cruallassar] -An Anonymous Poster has 4 Lives (1 Accolade) -[@WiseDragonGirl] 11 Lives[/hider][Hider=Character Template][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] [b][u]Entity:[/u][/b] What are they? [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] Arbitrary linear measurement of ontological inertia across a single temporal axis imposed over three spatial dimensions. In the eventuality of timeless beings, a coordinate representation of their initial intrusion into the Contextual Reality shall be sufficient. [b][u]Genre:[/u][/b] An inquiry only to be answered with the utmost caution. [b][u]Allineation:[/u][/b] All That Rises Must Converge. A Dream of Stars and Soft Rains that Scour Dawn From Living Memory. [hider=Description]Barring the provision of a visual reference, provide sufficient written detail to enable others to mentally visualize the entity in question.[/hider][hider=Biography]You want to write a character biography in a roleplay with a Contextual Reality involving other characters? Gutsy of you. The Contextual Reality will adapt to reconcile all relevant histories, which will always result in a stable Iteration but may create certain relative forms of weirdness for the characters involved. Creating a highly specific history might afford you the privilege to finely shape and control the setting the Iteration takes – as long as there are no inconsistent or conflicting histories. Needless to say, this section is optional and used at your own risk.[/hider][hider=Window Dressing]Include any description of your character’s personality, temperament, and behavior here. It is not mandatory and I will be proceeding largely on the assumption that your character’s personality will sufficiently establish itself over the course of the Iteration without you having to force-feed it to readers in advance.[/hider][hider=Attributes]I have provided some template fillers here for you, but feel free to organize and arrange this section as you see fit and is convenient. [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] What specific kinds of tasks does your character excel at doing? [b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b] What native capabilities does your character derive from their nature or form? Are they particularly strong, fast, resilient, etcetera. [b][u]Knowledge:[/u][/b] What forms of esoterica, arcane forces, forbidden secrets, or juicy gossip is your character aware of? A reference to any background of general study or education might be described here.[/hider][hider=Personal Effects] [b][u]A Hot Pink Frock:[/u][/b] Listed for the convenience of their next-of-kin, perhaps. Clothing, armor, equipment, weaponry, accessories, ornaments, etcetera.[/hider][/hider][center][h2][b]Current Setting:[/b][/h2][h3]Active Iteration[/h3]There is no end in sight... If You want to Participate in the Second Iteration, wait for the first one to end.[/center][/hider][hider=Roster & Lives]-An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. [1 Lost] -[@Cruallassar] 4 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 donated from shylarah] [1 Lost] -[@Dark Wind] 4 Lives (1 Accolade) -[@Doc Doctor] 1 Life [1 Lost] -[@Habibi359] has 2 Lives -[@Holmishire] 10 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 Lost] -[@JulienJaden] 2 Lives -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -[@jumpadraw] 2 Lives -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -[@mdk] 11 Lives (4 Accolades) [1 Lost] -[@PlatinumSkink] 11 Lives (3 Accolades) [1 Lost] -[@Psyga315] 4 Lives -[@RomanAria] 2 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 Donated to shylarah] -[@Sen] 2 Lives -[@shylarah] 2 Lives [1 Donated from RomanAria] [1 donated to Cruallassar] -An Anonymous Poster has 4 Lives (1 Accolade) -[@WiseDragonGirl] 11 Lives[/hider][Hider=Character Template][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] [b][u]Entity:[/u][/b] What are they? [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] Arbitrary linear measurement of ontological inertia across a single temporal axis imposed over three spatial dimensions. In the eventuality of timeless beings, a coordinate representation of their initial intrusion into the Contextual Reality shall be sufficient. [b][u]Genre:[/u][/b] An inquiry only to be answered with the utmost caution. [b][u]Allineation:[/u][/b] All That Rises Must Converge. A Dream of Stars and Soft Rains that Scour Dawn From Living Memory. [hider=Description]Barring the provision of a visual reference, provide sufficient written detail to enable others to mentally visualize the entity in question.[/hider][hider=Biography]You want to write a character biography in a roleplay with a Contextual Reality involving other characters? Gutsy of you. The Contextual Reality will adapt to reconcile all relevant histories, which will always result in a stable Iteration but may create certain relative forms of weirdness for the characters involved. Creating a highly specific history might afford you the privilege to finely shape and control the setting the Iteration takes – as long as there are no inconsistent or conflicting histories. Needless to say, this section is optional and used at your own risk.[/hider][hider=Window Dressing]Include any description of your character’s personality, temperament, and behavior here. It is not mandatory and I will be proceeding largely on the assumption that your character’s personality will sufficiently establish itself over the course of the Iteration without you having to force-feed it to readers in advance.[/hider][hider=Attributes]I have provided some template fillers here for you, but feel free to organize and arrange this section as you see fit and is convenient. [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] What specific kinds of tasks does your character excel at doing? [b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b] What native capabilities does your character derive from their nature or form? Are they particularly strong, fast, resilient, etcetera. [b][u]Knowledge:[/u][/b] What forms of esoterica, arcane forces, forbidden secrets, or juicy gossip is your character aware of? A reference to any background of general study or education might be described here.[/hider][hider=Personal Effects] [b][u]A Hot Pink Frock:[/u][/b] Listed for the convenience of their next-of-kin, perhaps. Clothing, armor, equipment, weaponry, accessories, ornaments, etcetera.[/hider][/hider][center][h2][b]Current Setting:[/b][/h2][h3]Active Iteration[/h3]There is no end in sight... If You want to Participate in the Second Iteration, wait for the first one to end.[/center][/hider][hider=Roster & Lives]-An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. [1 Lost] -[@Cruallassar] 4 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 donated from shylarah] [1 Lost] -[@Dark Wind] 4 Lives (1 Accolade) -[@Doc Doctor] 1 Life [1 Lost] -[@Habibi359] has 2 Lives -[@Holmishire] 10 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 Lost] -[@JulienJaden] 2 Lives -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -[@jumpadraw] 2 Lives -An Anonymous Poster has 2 Lives. -[@mdk] 11 Lives (4 Accolades) [1 Lost] -[@PlatinumSkink] 11 Lives (3 Accolades) [1 Lost] -[@Psyga315] 4 Lives -[@RomanAria] 2 Lives (1 Accolade) [1 Donated to shylarah] -[@Sen] 2 Lives -[@shylarah] 2 Lives [1 Donated from RomanAria] [1 donated to Cruallassar] -An Anonymous Poster has 4 Lives (1 Accolade) -[@WiseDragonGirl] 11 Livess[/hider][Hider=Character Template][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] [b][u]Entity:[/u][/b] What are they? [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] Arbitrary linear measurement of ontological inertia across a single temporal axis imposed over three spatial dimensions. In the eventuality of timeless beings, a coordinate representation of their initial intrusion into the Contextual Reality shall be sufficient. [b][u]Genre:[/u][/b] An inquiry only to be answered with the utmost caution. [b][u]Allineation:[/u][/b] All That Rises Must Converge. A Dream of Stars and Soft Rains that Scour Dawn From Living Memory. [hider=Description]Barring the provision of a visual reference, provide sufficient written detail to enable others to mentally visualize the entity in question.[/hider][hider=Biography]You want to write a character biography in a roleplay with a Contextual Reality involving other characters? Gutsy of you. The Contextual Reality will adapt to reconcile all relevant histories, which will always result in a stable Iteration but may create certain relative forms of weirdness for the characters involved. Creating a highly specific history might afford you the privilege to finely shape and control the setting the Iteration takes – as long as there are no inconsistent or conflicting histories. Needless to say, this section is optional and used at your own risk.[/hider][hider=Window Dressing]Include any description of your character’s personality, temperament, and behavior here. It is not mandatory and I will be proceeding largely on the assumption that your character’s personality will sufficiently establish itself over the course of the Iteration without you having to force-feed it to readers in advance.[/hider][hider=Attributes]I have provided some template fillers here for you, but feel free to organize and arrange this section as you see fit and is convenient. [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] What specific kinds of tasks does your character excel at doing? [b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b] What native capabilities does your character derive from their nature or form? Are they particularly strong, fast, resilient, etcetera. [b][u]Knowledge:[/u][/b] What forms of esoterica, arcane forces, forbidden secrets, or juicy gossip is your character aware of? A reference to any background of general study or education might be described here.[/hider][hider=Personal Effects] [b][u]A Hot Pink Frock:[/u][/b] Listed for the convenience of their next-of-kin, perhaps. Clothing, armor, equipment, weaponry, accessories, ornaments, etcetera.[/hider][/hider][center][h2][b]Current Setting:[/b][/h2][h3]Active Iteration[/h3]There is no end in sight... If You want to Participate in the Second Iteration, wait for the first one to end.[/center]