[i] "Morefindiel Vanarys. Call me Fin. You the leader or something? You carry yourself like one." Which was a much nicer way of putting it than what she really wanted to say.[/i] Tiberius stretched out his own hand and grasped the elf's hand gently, but not without giving a proper handshake. [color=gold]"It's a pleasure to meet you, Morefindiel Vanarys."[/color] He paused taken aback when he uttered her last name. He had almost forgotten about his mysterious elven figure, Druth Vanarys and now here was his name. He let his hand fall away slowly as he felt his heart skip a beat in mix of excitement and curiosity. This day was just getting stranger and stranger by the minute. He had so many questions for this woman now but a quick glance made him realize he must look like a fool, having completely dropped the conversation. He attempted to save himself from her stares as he fumbled over his words, [color=gold]"Moref- I mean Fin, I... I would say I'm the leader. No! I mean I'm not really in charge, that would be Xen but I uh. Posture. Yes, I'm a knight so its something I do. That was very vague, what I really meant to say was that I was raised to have perfect posture anything less would have been a disgrace. So, umm, how are you?"[/color] Tiberius felt flustered, why exactly was he so nervous? Here was a elf that could help him tie the gap between Druth and the Warlock but why was he so hesitant to actually say anything. His first impression upon her probably sealed the deal that he was an idiot. He tried to avoid her gaze for the moment, looking over at his companions, then the fire, then back to his companions. Gorman and Kaite had joined them at the fire, while the Storyteller and Vert looked like they were having a moment. The deer was still being prepared and Zenovia was still sleeping. Everyone still looked slightly dazed, maybe even shocked about what had just happened to them and the revelations that they had uncovered. Hopefully by the morning, they would be better, but for now, food and Fin had his attention.