[B]MY CHARACTERS[/B] [hider=LT Kenneth Braswell] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.crossfitstpaul.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/TomHidesite_Hero.jpeg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Kenneth S. Braswell [B]Nicknames:[/B] Ken[LIST] [*][B]Nickname Origin:[/B] Simply a play on his first name.[/*] [*][B]Do they like this nickname?[/B] He does not mind the use of the name “Ken”, though he is a stickler for using his REAL NAME.[/*][/LIST] [B]Birth Date:[/B] August 30, 1985 (Age 29) [B]Place of Birth:[/B] Purdy, Missouri [B]Ethnic Background:[/B] Caucasian. Kenneth’s family is English and Irish by descent. [B]Religion:[/B] Roman Catholic [B]Degree of Religious Belief:[/B] Kenneth is a Catholic only by title, as he reminds his Platoon, “There are no atheists in a foxhole.” [B]Role in the Platoon:[/B] Platoon Leader, 1ST PLATOON, BATTLE COMPANY, 2ND BATTALION, 75TH RANGER REGIMENT [B]Job Satisfaction:[/B] Joining the United States Army fresh out of High School, Lieutenant Braswell firmly insists, “There isn’t a job in the world that I’d rather do!” [B]Sexuality:[/B] Heterosexual [B]Marital Status:[/B] Married[LIST] [*]Kenneth has been married for six years now, to his wife, Pyeong Soo-Jyeong, whom he met during a deployment with his Infantry Battalion to Korea in 2007.[/*] [*]Children?[/*] Kenneth And Soo-Jyeong (English name is “Susan”) have one child, a boy named Daniel, whom is five years old.[/LIST] [B]Height:[/B] 6’2” [B]Weight:[/B] 185lbs [B]Body Type:[/B] Kenneth Braswell is a well-built and toned man. His body is strong and firm, honed from years of physical training and preparation for his role as a United States Army Ranger. [B]Eye Colour:[/B] A dark, ocean blue. [B]Needs Glasses?:[/B] No. His eyesight is a perfect 20/20. [B]Skin Tone:[/B] Kenneth has lightly tanned skin. [B]Face Shape:[/B] His jaw is rounded slightly, soft in complexion, like that of an Englishman. His cheekbones are low, smooth, and barely noticeable compared to his awkwardly-sized nose and strong eyes. [B]Prominent Features:[/B] His eyes stand-out above all else, but are normally hidden below his sunglasses. Above that, he is a tall man with a powerfully strong body. [B]Natural Hair Colour:[/B] Dark brown. [B]Pace of Speech:[/B] Kenneth is famous for speaking too fast. It is not uncommon for people to need him to repeat himself over the radio net, or even in person, due to the fact that he is speaking too fast. [B]Voice Tone:[/B] A deep voice, Kenneth commands respect with every word. [B]Accent/Dialect:[/B] Braswell, being from Missouri, has a very noticeable Missourian-accent and slurred “southern speech”. [B]Habitual Phrases/Words:[/B] Loves to say things like, “Back at the ranch” and “when I was a boy”; the stereotypical man’s man. [B]General Vocabulary Level:[/B] Educated, though not highly, even though he holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration. [B]Speech Pattern:[/B] Kenneth’s words are precise. Though he speaks quickly, he speaks fluidly. [B]Mannerisms:[/B] Always uses his hands when talking. Always. ALWAYS. [B]Postures:[/B] Back straight, eyes to the front. No exceptions. [B]Gestures:[/B] His middle finger is always a favourite. [B]Personal Habits:[/B] [B]Sleep Habits:[/B] [B]Special Skills/Talents:[/B] [B]Mother's Name:[/B] [B]Father's Name:[/B] [B]Siblings:[/B] [B]In-Laws:[/B] [B]Home Town:[/B] [B]Childhood:[/B] [B]Earliest Memory:[/B] [B]Happiest Memory:[/B] [B]Saddest Memory:[/B] [B]Schooling:[/B] [B]Significant Events:[/B] [B]Significant Past Jobs:[/B] [B]First Romantic Involvement:[/B] [B]Best Friend:[/B] [B]Most Likable Trait:[/B] [B]Biggest Flaw:[/B] [B]Monogamous or Uncommitted:[/B] [B]Sexual Behaviour:[/B] [B]Biggest Influence:[/B] [B]Biggest Emotional Support:[/B] [B]Psychological Issues:[/B] [B]Optimist or Pessimist:[/B] [B]Most Comfortable When:[/B] [B]Most Uncomfortable When:[/B] [B]Approach to Life:[/B] [B]Most Valued Aspects to Life:[/B] [B]Willing to die for...[/B] [B]Compassionate or Self-Involved:[/B] [B]Personal Philosophy:[/B] [B]Secret Wishes:[/B] [B]Biggest Fears:[/B] [B]Political Beliefs:[/B] [B]Greatest Strength:[/B] [B]Good Characteristics:[/B] [B]Greatest Flaws:[/B] [B]Other Flaws:[/B] [B]Biggest Regrets:[/B] [B]Quirks:[/B] [B]Short-Term Goals:[/B] [B]Long-Term Goals:[/B] [B]Brief Summary (100 words or so) of Character FROM CHARACTERS Point of View![/B] [/hider] [hider=SGT Ryan Clark] [CENTER][IMG]http://sofrep.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/kopp_0422E4AA.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Ryan Clark [B]Nicknames:[/B] RC[LIST] [*][B]Nickname Origin:[/B] Acknowledges to his initials, he identifies himself as “R.C.” more than he calls himself Clark, or Ryan.[/*] [*][B]Do they like this nickname?[/B] Emphatically insists that he started it.[/*][/LIST] [B]Birth Date:[/B] December 21, 1990 (Age 23) [B]Place of Birth:[/B] Miami, Florida [B]Ethnic Background:[/B] Caucasian, Clark’s family is almost completely ethnically German. [B]Religion:[/B] Atheist [B]Degree of Religious Belief:[/B] Complete opposite of the average soldier, he insists that there is no god, and he serves knowing that he could die. He loves his country, dammit. [B]Role in the Platoon:[/B] “Able” Team Leader, 2ND Squad, 1ST PLATOON, BATTLE COMPANY, 2ND BATTALION, 75TH RANGER REGIMENT [B]Job Satisfaction:[/B] Ryan enlisted while he was still in high school and left for basic the week after graduating. Going straight to Infantry School and then to Ranger School, he earned the rank of Sergeant after a tour in Afghanistan in 2010 and is returning with the 75th Rangers. He loves his job, in fact, he has “Lead the Way” tattooed on his forearm and a tattoo of the “Ranger Tab” on his chest. He’s a real Ranger’s Ranger. [B]Sexuality:[/B] Heterosexual [B]Marital Status:[/B] Single, not interested in settling down. [B]Height:[/B] 5’11” [B]Weight:[/B] 175lbs [B]Body Type:[/B] A massive, lurking hulk of a man, he has a powerful core and upper body and his legs give him perfect balance. He is built for raw power, though he isn’t “too large”, remaining just-above-average in size. [B]Eye Colour:[/B] A cool, metallic grey. [B]Needs Glasses?:[/B] No. His eyesight is a perfect 20/20, though he goes nowhere without his custom-made MULTICAM Oakley’s. [B]Skin Tone:[/B] A dark surfer’s tan. [B]Face Shape:[/B] Above his enlarged neck and shoulders, his jaw does not appear square at first glance, but it certainly is. His face is set and considerably handsome, though not exceptionally so, and his eyes are small. [B]Prominent Features:[/B] His “surfer’s body” as he describes it. [B]Natural Hair Colour:[/B] Dirty-blonde. [B]Pace of Speech:[/B] Ryan speaks at an average pace and very methodically. [B]Voice Tone:[/B] He’s got the voice of someone who smokes menthols like they’re going out of style. [B]Accent/Dialect:[/B] A “surfer’s accent”, for sure. [B]Habitual Phrases/Words:[/B] Habitual phrases include things such as: “Chill, brah,” and “Dude, that’s sick.” [B]General Vocabulary Level:[/B] Though he may not appear educated, Ryan is a very intelligent individual and graduated at the top of his class. [B]Speech Pattern:[/B] Very relaxed and deliberate, he never says anything unless he means to. [B]Mannerisms:[/B] Laid back, dude, just chill and go with the flow. [B]Postures:[/B] Slightly slouched, and loves to keep his hands either in his pockets or on his weapon. [B]Gestures:[/B] Casually, half-heartedly salutes everyone. [B]Personal Habits:[/B] [B]Sleep Habits:[/B] [B]Special Skills/Talents:[/B] [B]Mother's Name:[/B] [B]Father's Name:[/B] [B]Siblings:[/B] [B]In-Laws:[/B] [B]Home Town:[/B] [B]Childhood:[/B] [B]Earliest Memory:[/B] [B]Happiest Memory:[/B] [B]Saddest Memory:[/B] [B]Schooling:[/B] [B]Significant Events:[/B] [B]Significant Past Jobs:[/B] [B]First Romantic Involvement:[/B] [B]Best Friend:[/B] [B]Most Likable Trait:[/B] [B]Biggest Flaw:[/B] [B]Monogamous or Uncommitted:[/B] [B]Sexual Behaviour:[/B] [B]Biggest Influence:[/B] [B]Biggest Emotional Support:[/B] [B]Psychological Issues:[/B] [B]Optimist or Pessimist:[/B] [B]Most Comfortable When:[/B] [B]Most Uncomfortable When:[/B] [B]Approach to Life:[/B] [B]Most Valued Aspects to Life:[/B] [B]Willing to die for...[/B] [B]Compassionate or Self-Involved:[/B] [B]Personal Philosophy:[/B] [B]Secret Wishes:[/B] [B]Biggest Fears:[/B] [B]Political Beliefs:[/B] [B]Greatest Strength:[/B] [B]Good Characteristics:[/B] [B]Greatest Flaws:[/B] [B]Other Flaws:[/B] [B]Biggest Regrets:[/B] [B]Quirks:[/B] [B]Short-Term Goals:[/B] [B]Long-Term Goals:[/B] [B]Brief Summary (100 words or so) of Character FROM CHARACTERS Point of View![/B] [/hider]