[quote=@shylarah] Oh! Right. Since a character's believability and their suitability for the setting and so forth are dependent upon the setting itself, are we submitting characters before or after the reveal of the setting? When you say we must use our own characters, ones we created, I wish to make sure I understand the intent here. I have characters I've created that other people played and then returned to me. I have ones that I didn't technically conceptualize, but which I turned from concept to character, and which are entirely mine. I have characters that I was given permission to adopt for use from others, and ones I was given and then reworked a great deal (these I'm guessing are out). I also have characters that are entirely mine but were designed for use in a fandom, or in a world that was not entirely original. Which of these are and are not permitted.[/quote] Submit them now. Characters which you have made explicitly to participate in a certain fandom - such as Homestuck for example - are fine. Characters you have adopted from other people entirely are not, even if they have undergone substantial reinterpretation and development since then - if you identify them as being the same continuous entity, they are not really yours, are they? Characters you made using a concept as inspiration are fine, since the concept is not the character itself. [i]If you made it initially, it is probably ok to use.[/i] [quote=@shylarah]Additionally, given that we have 48 hours to reply, and that at times one person may be dependent upon another person's post before they may post themselves, and that will cut down the time from the full 48 to potentially far less, how do you plan to handle this so as to be fair to all participants? I have no problem with the 48 hour limit, but I do wish to have a full 48 or at least very close to post, and not merely a couple (and I've had this happen to me in other places for assorted reasons).[/quote] I intend to use the forum timestamps. The instant a post reads as "Two days ago," the deadline is reached. As for the consideration of needing to await another poster to respond - that is but another way in which the Contextual Reality is Not Your Friend. You may need to stretch some of your context muscles if you suspect you might not have the time to wait for the other party to post - perhaps their character got caught up in an awkward pause of some kind? Or perhaps you did not wait for them to finish what they were saying or doing? Reality does not hang up because of reliance on one person...unless you let it hang up and start to go skippy bonkers. I cannot promise that the circumstances will always be fair. I can promise that I will generally avoid placing you in layered circumstances of contingent behavior with other posters since I acknowledge the issue may be problematic. I will leave it to your interacting with other posters to create that complication. My simple advice to you otherwise is to not treat the roleplay as a baton-pass relay race. That sounds like a good way to get [i]all[/i] of your characters killed.