[h2]Yukimura Noriko[/h2] It was embarrassing that she had so nearly forgotten the fundamental issue of trying to make friends with other magical girls... the sheer difficulty of doing anything in public without being forced to reveal one's real identity. Taking someone home was obviously entirely out of the question and yet to pay for anything would require ceasing your transformation: one way or another, it was hard to find many ways to bond when it exposed something like that. So she had begged off of accompanying the Major at the last second, using her speed to get away... and staying at home for the rest of the evening just in case. Missing out on delicious yakitori in favour of nothing at all... she would have to be more careful before transforming the next time. But it lead her to today's enterprise: feed her hungry stomach by finding the yakitori stand (or [i]some[/i] yakitori) that had been mentioned. Step one: head to the nearby busy shopping district. Step two: try not to get distracted by the old shop that seemed to stack back-issues of every magical girl magazine to have ever been printed. Step two had been a failure and, after considerable internal wrangling over how much to get today, the white-haired girl left with only [i]one[/i] bag. She [i]was[/i] going to find the yakitori, though!